my problem and my solution.. life change


Master Don Juan
Jan 26, 2009
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Today is my rebirth.
This is my problem; I can't ever get the girl that I want. Let me rephrase that.. I'm not like the average sobber on this forum females are genuinely attracted to me.. just never the ones I want to be.. do you know why? Because I'm a procrastinater instead of handling my business I sit.. I complain.. no more.

Today and the rest of the days of my life I look in the mirror and I say my destiny is in my own hands.. I'm going to be the man. I'm going to be that guy people look at and say its something about him today I have this burning desire to become whatever I decide I want to be.

Can someone take this vow with me?


Don Juan
Nov 6, 2007
Reaction score
Denver, CO
If being a man is your vow, i'd sure like to partake.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 19, 2009
Reaction score
I want to but it seems like a big commitment and I always put it off. I'm a procrastinator too.

I need to quit smoking, start eating right, start exercising, do better with my finances, work harder, etc.

But for some reason, even though I know it will make me happier to do those things, I just keep floating along. WTF is my problem?

I actually did these things before for about 6 weeks, but then I fell back to my old habits. Now it's tough to start again.


Don Juan
Oct 29, 2007
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WhtRbt said:
I want to but it seems like a big commitment and I always put it off. I'm a procrastinator too.

I need to quit smoking, start eating right, start exercising, do better with my finances, work harder, etc.

But for some reason, even though I know it will make me happier to do those things, I just keep floating along. WTF is my problem?

I actually did these things before for about 6 weeks, but then I fell back to my old habits. Now it's tough to start again.
I know as sure as hell that I'm a procrastinator, but recently (since I decided to change) I've kept in mind that I procrastinate because I feel lazy, tired, unpassionate, or the whole trifecta of them. Now these 3 things are all FEELINGS. To prevent them I use my REASON. I know if I don't do things such as eating right, working out, or even shower, there will be bad consequences such as a ****ty feeling, an unhealthy body, and a depressing life.

So... feelings nurtures your procrastination and reason prevents it. I want to "egoly" say, DONT give into your FEELINGS (like a woman) and think of all the right REASONS!! LIKE A MAN SHOULD.

And cola... I will take your vow and keep it in mind :]


Master Don Juan
Jan 26, 2009
Reaction score
Bump don't feel this thread lived to its potential


Don Juan
Mar 18, 2009
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man, i took this vow a while ago so i can't retake it hahaa.... nice to have you onboard. all the work will be worth it, trust me.


Don Juan
Mar 19, 2009
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I take this vow with you.
I attract females but not the ones that i really want, so I am now going into the uncomfortable zone of "changing" for the best.

Now I am a man and I control my destiny, I will go to parties and use my good communication skills to meet people and use my magic skills to scare the crap out of them :p

I love myself and its time the world loves me too!
Mar 2, 2009
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cola said:
Today is my rebirth.
This is my problem; I can't ever get the girl that I want. Let me rephrase that.. I'm not like the average sobber on this forum females are genuinely attracted to me.. just never the ones I want to be.. do you know why? Because I'm a procrastinater instead of handling my business I sit.. I complain.. no more.

Today and the rest of the days of my life I look in the mirror and I say my destiny is in my own hands.. I'm going to be the man. I'm going to be that guy people look at and say its something about him today I have this burning desire to become whatever I decide I want to be.

Can someone take this vow with me?
I like you, because of your intentions on this forum, and you truly are looking to improve instead of being some nerd on the internet arguing with advice thats given to you

with that said, here is my advice to you my friend (i'll keep it short and to the point, because i could type alot):

you HAVE to start somewhere. Being picky is not an option until you are experienced. This is the same as sports - where you need to train, prepare for greatness. Like in basketball, take 100 shots 5 ft away from the basket, then take 100 shots 7 feet from the basket, and so on so forth, and eventually you get good enough to hit 1/2 of your shots from 20 ft (what happens if you take 100 shots from 20 ft away before training yourself from closer distances?? YOU MISS THEM ALL!!!). Same in baseball - take 100 swings at a 40mph pitch, then 100 swings at a 50mph pitch, and soon enough, you will easily be able to make contact on every 90mph pitch you see.

Same with women - you need to have p*ssy in your life to get p*ssy

you need to bang 2's in order to get 3's
you need to bang 3's in order to get 4's
you need to bang 4's in order to get 5's
you need to bang 5's in order to get 6's
you need to bang 6's in order to get 7's
you need to bang 7's in order to get 8's
you need to bang 8's in order to get 9's

you see my point?

building yourself up with women BUILDS the confidence that it takes to get better women.

LUCKY guys get a hottie their first time, LUCKY HOT LOOKING GUYS WITH NO GAME. If that does not apply to you, then please take my advice, and start with the girls that want you right now, and build your way up - leave your ego at the door for a while, and take what you can get to build up the EXPERIENCE necessary to easily game 8s and 9s

this is exactly how I went from sexing up 5s and 6s for the most part when I was 19 to sexing up 8s and 9s when i was 21+


Master Don Juan
Jan 26, 2009
Reaction score
The Logical Player said:
I like you, because of your intentions on this forum, and you truly are looking to improve instead of being some nerd on the internet arguing with advice thats given to you

with that said, here is my advice to you my friend (i'll keep it short and to the point, because i could type alot):

you HAVE to start somewhere. Being picky is not an option until you are experienced. This is the same as sports - where you need to train, prepare for greatness. Like in basketball, take 100 shots 5 ft away from the basket, then take 100 shots 7 feet from the basket, and so on so forth, and eventually you get good enough to hit 1/2 of your shots from 20 ft (what happens if you take 100 shots from 20 ft away before training yourself from closer distances?? YOU MISS THEM ALL!!!). Same in baseball - take 100 swings at a 40mph pitch, then 100 swings at a 50mph pitch, and soon enough, you will easily be able to make contact on every 90mph pitch you see.

Same with women - you need to have p*ssy in your life to get p*ssy

you need to bang 2's in order to get 3's
you need to bang 3's in order to get 4's
you need to bang 4's in order to get 5's
you need to bang 5's in order to get 6's
you need to bang 6's in order to get 7's
you need to bang 7's in order to get 8's
you need to bang 8's in order to get 9's

you see my point?

building yourself up with women BUILDS the confidence that it takes to get better women.

LUCKY guys get a hottie their first time, LUCKY HOT LOOKING GUYS WITH NO GAME. If that does not apply to you, then please take my advice, and start with the girls that want you right now, and build your way up - leave your ego at the door for a while, and take what you can get to build up the EXPERIENCE necessary to easily game 8s and 9s

this is exactly how I went from sexing up 5s and 6s for the most part when I was 19 to sexing up 8s and 9s when i was 21+
I like you too bro and trust me I've banged from a 3 to a 9.. don't think I've had a 10 yet but shell come one day.. I have no shame in leaving with a chick who isn't all that if the 9s and 10s aren't interested.. but I don't really have a problem like meeting women .. I don't have approach anxiety I mostly have inner game issues that's why I'm here and thanks for everyones supprt


Don Juan
Mar 18, 2009
Reaction score
Same with women - you need to have p*ssy in your life to get p*ssy

you need to bang 2's in order to get 3's
you need to bang 3's in order to get 4's
you need to bang 4's in order to get 5's
you need to bang 5's in order to get 6's
you need to bang 6's in order to get 7's
you need to bang 7's in order to get 8's
you need to bang 8's in order to get 9's
cola said:
I like you too bro and trust me I've banged from a 3 to a 9.. don't think I've had a 10 yet but shell come one day.. I have no shame in leaving with a chick who isn't all that if the 9s and 10s aren't interested..
sometimes i think that the main problem that virgins have is that they only want to sex the 8s and 9s, they don't bang the 4s and 5s that the rest of us have. they're too picky. good to know that you, The Logical Player, and I look at this the same way.


Don Juan
Mar 19, 2009
Reaction score
cola said:
I like you too bro and trust me I've banged from a 3 to a 9.. don't think I've had a 10 yet but shell come one day.. I have no shame in leaving with a chick who isn't all that if the 9s and 10s aren't interested.. but I don't really have a problem like meeting women .. I don't have approach anxiety I mostly have inner game issues that's why I'm here and thanks for everyones supprt
Dude you're like my freaking carbon copy :|:eek:


Master Don Juan
Jan 26, 2009
Reaction score
Glad people here relate to me heh but let's be real here.. anyone who only gioes for 8s and up is just a fool!! I have absoloutley no problem banging chubbies(rule of thumb is as long as they don't weight more than me) and anyone else who I can see myself bangin.. I mean are we here to get layed or for bragging rights?


Master Don Juan
Aug 16, 2007
Reaction score
cola said:
- I've banged from a 3 to a 9
- I don't really have a problem like meeting women
- I don't have approach anxiety
- I mostly have inner game issues
What does "inner game issues" mean?


Master Don Juan
Jan 26, 2009
Reaction score
DonJuan11 said:
What does "inner game issues" mean?
Well everyones inner game issues are different but ill share mine.
Ill give real life examples of recent things..

1. I'm a sayer not a doer:

Ill say things like yeah I'm going to wake up every other day at 6 am and go for a half hour run..

And then 11 a.m the next morning my ass is just rolling out of bed.

2. I am a jerk:

On this website being a jerk is a good thing but not the type of jerk I am.
I'm very blunt, most of my problem comes from not thinking before speaking
You know how your boss will be on a warpath somedays and in your mind you'll be thinking god shut the **** up.. ill really say it without a second thought.. lol. It works sometimes in my favor for females because of the whole shock and awe thing where as if she's acting like a ***** ill call her just that and it mesmorizes them but its not so good for opersonal affairs.. family work etc..

3. I'm sometimes arrogant:

Confident to the extreme.. I HAVE to be the smartest, wittiest and most charming person inn the room or I feel inferior.. maybe its a form of insecurity I dunno but when I actually am the smartest wittiest and most charming person in the room all is well

These are a few of my inner game issues.. but I'm conscious of my faults and trying to change.


Don Juan
Mar 18, 2009
Reaction score
the whole having to be the most charming in the room is an issue i face sometimes too... we really do have a lot in common.

and i don't care if i have sex with a girl that my friends won't consider cus she's too fat or too whatever. i just remind them of the fact that they are virgins and i haven't been one for years hah so who's advice should they be taking? mine or theirs?


Don Juan
May 2, 2005
Reaction score
Brother....what you have said astonishes me, "I Cant get the girl that I want"..... in essence this was your mistake, you should ]WANT THEM ALL, for they are all the same, yes some may look better than others, but in essence there should NEVER be only ONE that you pay "special" attention to, for they should all be the ones fighting for your attention.


Master Don Juan
Jan 26, 2009
Reaction score
Now that's not always true every once in a while and that's maybe 1 in 1000 therew is legitamately a girl worth taking seriously.. I mean you could certainly be a don juan for life but is that really fufilling?