My plan for senior year of college...


Senior Don Juan
Jan 13, 2005
Reaction score
Charlotte, North Carolina
Hey everyone,

I've been really trying to improve myself for the longest time. But we all know that "self-improvement" itself is a subjective term. One person may think I am improving and someone else may think that I am not. But anyway, I haven't had much success with girls in my life, but that's cool. Happens to a lot of people. I'm only 21 anyway. Still tons of time. I'll admit it, I really haven't been with them very much. I got laid one time back in my sophomore year (and for the virgins out there ... it does not change you as much as you think it would!), but other than that I have maybe had 5 nights of making out/oral sex/whatever in my entire life so far. It's really time to improve that! But first, I have done a lot of analyzing my situation this summer and I've concluded that I really need to get out a lot more and get more of a social life first.

I have some friends but I rarely get to hang out with them. So I am going to find some new friends at school. But I also thought about how in the past I would always end up finding the wrong people to hang out with. Well last semester I found some cool people to hang with. But I still need to expand my friend-base. I find myself still sitting at home/the apartment too much and it's time to change. You know what, **** all this technique crap. I want to be me. What's so wrong with being who I really am? So I am going to join some new clubs this semester that I am actually interested in. One of which will be yoga, another for eastern religion (if there is one), one for philosophy (already in it), continue to go to the gym frequently but talk to more people in there this time, and maybe something else.

I am really going to start working on letting my true self blossom and **** always holding back too much stuff when I talk to people. I need to just let go and stop being so reserved around people. **** their opinions of me. I don't care. I just have to be myself if I want to enjoy life. I need to start loving people more as in the past I have had a natural dislike for people. But I need to make sure that I am meeting the right kinds of people for me. Seems to rarely happen for me though. And in the meantime, I will meet whatever girls come my way! I don't expect to get a girlfriend by the end of the school year, but I want to at least really improve my confidence and social life. Problem is, I might be moving to another city after graduation as I got a good job offer there waiting for me (so getting a girlfriend might not be a good idea as it would become a long distance relationship later on). I realize this stuff takes lots of time and I will do whatever it takes to improve my quality of life. And my quality of life does not only constitute of how many times I'm getting laid or whether I have a girlfriend (I've only had one girlfriend but it was a long distance relationship which I will never do again).

I thought about how I usually attracted women in the past and it was usually when I teased them a lot in some way. So I am going to try that in the future when trying to attract women.

Not sure why I'm really posting this but thanks for reading this anyway!


Senior Don Juan
Jan 13, 2005
Reaction score
Charlotte, North Carolina
Oh, and I'm also taking this medicine called Paxol CR to help improve my social anxiety problem.

And, to give this thread a purpose ... it occurred to me that I really need to assess my personality and figure out what it really is. It sounds weird, but I feel like I almost have no personality, yet my friends and other people tell me that I have a "wonderful personality". I think it's just that I don't know how to describe my personality. I want to be able to do though. In other words, how do I really go about doing some "soul-searching" (that's what you would call it right?).


Apr 27, 2006
Reaction score
You don't need medicine. Just concentrate on helping others. I am sure there is someplace on this earth where the girls are beautiful and really need you. Your anxiety will melt away once you understand that it is your God given duty to help them.

I am going to be honest with you...The chubsters in the West don't need guys. Thus, the ball is in their court. Lets just hope that the court is big enough to fit their big patriotic behinds.


Don Juan
Mar 29, 2005
Reaction score
Are we the same person, man I thought I was the only one having a hard time getting girls but everything you mention I'm also going through right now, I'm also taking Paxol CR and the I really haven't notice any difference. I also stutter so the drug isn't doing anything to improve my speech. Man we should become messeage buddies and encrouage each other when and something like that.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 13, 2005
Reaction score
Charlotte, North Carolina
Sure, sounds like a good idea blankman.

I figure that the medicine could assist me in overcoming social anxiety (which is very tough for people to do).

One of my passions in life is computers but we all know chicks don't usually dig the computers. So I am going to really have to broaden my interests.


Don Juan
Sep 26, 2004
Reaction score
you need to come with more solid concrete goals instead of vague ones.

For ex. I will approach 3 girls a day who are checking me out every week in september.

This way you can keep track of your progress better.