My opinion on the importance of looks


Senior Don Juan
Sep 9, 2004
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There's been a lot said on here about this recently, more prominently coming from a few idiots who seem to think they the personifaction of Brad Pitt.

Of course the question being that if these guys are such all star players then why are they on a dating advice website?

They're certainly not here to spread the wealth of their knowledge.

Anyway, I disgress.

In a nutshell, a girl won't go out with someone that they consider "ugly".

However, what a man considers ugly differs entirely to what a girl see's as ugly.

When we assess a girl we immediately go on what they look like when we decide whether or not we consider them attractive.

It's probably fair to say that whilst dressing well, gleaming with confidence and smelling of expensive perfume all help, as long as they have a pretty face, nice hair and a nice ass we'll consider them fit.

Girls however, take the whole package into account before they decide if you're good looking.

You could have a six-pack, a pretty face and the works but if you're hair is crap and you're wearing charity shop clothes and are completely un-confident it's unlikely that a girl would consider them attractive.

We, as men, are lucky that we can make ourselves good-looking to a large extent. Whilst, obviously, some people are just born with brilliant looks, there's very few people that can't make themselves nice looking and attractive to most girls if they're willing to make some alterations.

For example, before I found this site I didn't wash myself a lot, never really used much aftershave, didn't put a lot of effort into my clothes and looking good and certainly lacked confidence around women. As a result I rarely got any compliments from girls.

Since then I've started working out, although I'm still more chubby than I like, but now I take a lot of pride in my appearence, spend ages on my hair and a lot of money and time picking out clothes and have the confidence to talk to any girl I want. Now I openly admit I'm vain which I never used to be, but I get quite a lot of compliments now, girls telling me I have a nice smile etc and catching girls looking at me.

I don't *look* that different but my entire image as a woman see's it has changed.

To have a vain characteristic is the sort of things that girls tell nice guys that they hate, but they secretely love the idea of a guy putting so much effort into his appearence in order to win her affections.

At the end of the day would you prefer to be with a vain person who looked after herself or a fat, sweaty badly dressed girl who didn't give a **** about her appearence?


I'm now seen as the guy who loves himself a little bit, is a little bit ****y but is also fun to be around and is a good bloke (not a nice bloke ;)).

I know a girl who went out with a bloke who had eye cancer, now I'm not being harsh here but inevitably that totaly disorted his face so he'd probably be considered to "disfigured". And the girl that went out with him is quite hot, about a 7 I'd say, she could have her pick of a lot of men. Yet she chose this guy, who when I met him was confident and a pleasure to speak to. I wouldn't say his dress sense was the same as mine but the pair of them are a bit gothic, so she obviously liked it, but he was always well turned out and never scruffy etc.

Not only did this girl go out with him, but she stayed with him after he cheated on her *twice*.

Obviously one example dosen't prove anything but I don't doubt that a lot of you reading this will have similar stories that back my point up.

There will always be good looking people and not so good looking people, no matter how well you look after yourself or how confident you are, but the factors just mentioned can make a massive difference to how well girls percieve you in terms of looks.


Master Don Juan
Nov 7, 2002
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The World In My Eyes
Thats why body language (sp) is important...I know dudes who look good, have the best clothes and whatnot, but their body language is so bad that it doesnt work, you can look at these dudes and look down on them, cause they look weak...I know some other dudes, they wear a hanes white tee and jeans you can buy at Target, and they have multiple girls, cause the presentation is good and they look strong...The key is to build sex appeal by using body language, belive me, girls pay attention to it and they eat that sh1t up...Thats why you see so called "ugly" guys with banging girls, its because of the way they carry themselves...Clothes and all this other sh1t doesnt really mean anything unless you have good presentation, unless you are messing witha golddigger or something, lol...

What guys find attractive = Phyiscal features
What girls find attractivre = Overall presentation

Even if you think that you might be outclassed or whatever, dont ever let them see you sweat...Keep up the good body language anyway, it really makes that much of a difference...


Don Juan
Mar 26, 2005
Reaction score
> I don't *look* that different but my entire image as a woman see's it has changed.

That's the point! It is actually not that you look (and smell, haha) better that makes you more successful with women. It is the confidence you gain by improving yourself that makes you more successul.

Not: better looks -> more success

But: better looks -> more confidence -> more success.

Keep at it.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 9, 2004
Reaction score

What a woman see's as "hot" is a package as apose to just the physical attributes which a bloke sees.