my new opener


Don Juan
Sep 30, 2007
Reaction score
Hey guys
I would like to share this with you. 1 day I was talking to friends and we were wondering if walking up to a girl and tell her she has nice boobs would be a good pick up line. We were just joking and a girl in thee group said that it wouldn't work but we decided to give it a try.
Last saturday, we went to a party and the thought cam in my mind. I told my friend to show me a girl and I'd say it to her. He showed me an HB 8.5/9, I walked up 2 her, grabbed her hand and said(w/ eye contact):
"Hey, slap me if u want but I have to say that u have the sexiest boobs I've seen 2night". she smiled n said thank u and squeezed my hand which I saw as an IOI , introduced herself, n told me she was goin 2 the bathroom n that we'll dance when she comes back. When she left, the cops broke the party n since there were a lot of ppl, I lost her. When I was going back to the car she saw me n introduced me 2 her friends, I had 2 go, so we xchanged numbers n I left.
I did it again yesterday. We went to a party( which sucked), and when I was living, I saw 2 HBs walking back 2 the party, the hot one was behind. I stopped her n used the same line. She gave me the same look as the 1st girl n I could tell she loved it. we exchanged names n numbers. It took me less than 1mn 2 number close her.
I also said it 2 another girl last saturday but she walked away.
It worked 2 out of 3 times. So guys that's it. tell me what u think.

Daddy The Pimp

Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2007
Reaction score
I dont know man . Maybe they loved it because it takes lot of balls to say that . But personally , i wouldnt expect results . Maybe ill try it because i like experimenting but ill not expect anything .
I think you were lucky and you opened some girls that really wanna hookup at party or were a bit drunk . Anyway thanks for sharing :D . Peace


Senior Don Juan
Mar 23, 2008
Reaction score
Not to pee in your cornflakes, but aggressive openers are what they are.

Here's what I see as being the real problem in knowing how effective your approach was.

You got a number. That's it. You have no rapport with the woman, except that she was intrigued enough to give her number (which a lot of girls will do fairly easily these days), and you only got the reaction from her when she was out having a good time, in state, and possibly drunk.

There's a very good chance that you'll call her and she will not remember who you are. You'll end up phoning her just as she's leaving church and say "Oh, I was the guy who told you that you had a nice rack." :)

Not being negative-it took some balls to do it. But I'd be more interested in hearing how the follow up goes before it can be decided whether this works or not.


Feb 16, 2008
Reaction score
you did the MODE ONE style.

MODE one is a book that tells you to be very bold with chicks, like hey i wanna ****. and stuff like that.

it has worked with me. i asked once a girl to dance with me and she said why, and i said because i had a huge lol