i read the bible when i wuz 12, damn u should envy him u dumn azz, he will me a pure bread dj like me. the sooner you start reading the better.
i'll explain, u see because he is so young he hasnt got any afc ideas in his head he is free from thinking that u need poems and flowers to win girls. his mind is fully open to new ideas and he will learn easier, it will be the core of his knowledge f women, he wont have to stop doing stuff in afc ways because he hasnt started doing anything afc yet.
I agree he won't be able to use much of it, but he will have it for when he getz older. it will be in his head he will not dooth the dj way he will believe in it, because that is all he knows.
i dont know maybe he wont understand it, i have higher then average iq so i guess i saw how valuable this info was when i was 12 and didn't go to a pokemon.com instead.
if he wantz to learn let him, he will be a much better dj if he startz at a younger age.