My life is being destroyed.


New Member
Apr 3, 2009
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My life during the recent years has been a total disaster. People consider me weird. Have no idea why. My social skills suck. Not much friends. Last year I fell in love for the 1st time. And blew it up, as you can probably expect. That girl basically laughed over me. I was just so stupid. 1st she was too good for me then, 2nd my game was tooo weak. Even did not existed. Then I found this site, it has helped me a lot. Things have gotten better, but now this all ends, unless I do something.

This summer I duked out with one of my best friends. I had only a few good friends and he was one of them. He just went crazy. Just added some girls on MSN and let his friend,whose kinda player. talk with them. He is just so loser, he goes to clubs just sitting around. And then his ego grew. He started to just pick on me when we were out with our group. I basically just laughed over that. Ignored that. Why should I care what such guy thinks of me. Then he got angry. And the "war" began :

First of all he added her on MSN.He decided to dig out the old thing with that girl. He let his friend add her and basically told her all kinds of bull**** about me, just made up things. They both just laughed over me. And what really pisses me off, he doesn't care of that girl at all. He just bullies her in front of his friends, that she is such a *****, so easy to get. After that I decided to end our friendship. I just told him that. And he got even more angry. He just starts to tell eveyrbody what a loser I am. I am not, but he just makes things up and everybody believe him instead of me. He tells them how pathetic my life is in his opinion. Btw he doesn't tell it himself, he lets his friend talk. Yesterday when I was coming back from training he just came with a few friends and beat me up. That was more of a joke for me. Nothing special. But he tells everyone how he just really beat me up. Lucky not to have to go to hospital. Everybody is just laughing over me at the moment. It is not a big town, so if I go out, then I usually see someone I know. So I can't just ignore him. And there is only six weeks, then the school begins, my last year. I don't want this to be hardest for me. I want something good from it, but this is hard. Really hard to clean my name in front of everybody.

Any suggestins from you guys? I am planning to have him beaten up first for waht he did to me. But what next, when no one believes me? I am not such a real popular guy or something. He is not either, but he talked first so eveyrone are believing him. He is trying to win all my friends to his side, so I had no one to talk to. I have only 1 friend whom I can trust. Others would probably just tell him these things. I know a lot about him. Things that would not like to come out. He is such a geek. Was. I have some tapes of what he has told. Even what he has told about that girl. How easy she is. But what should I do witht them, when she even does not believe me. Eveyrbody are at his side so I have no idea on what should I do. Could someone here please give me some advice please. Thank you.


Don Juan
Jun 5, 2009
Reaction score
birmingham, UK
here's what you do my friend
A: buy a cricket bat, this is optional but they are useful for defending yourself and beating people up
B:do you have facebook? either way, tapes meet internet, internet meet tapes.
C:if no one belives you, when you beat him up, tape it, you must have some means of doing that. I don't useually advise violence but if you can't ignore him.....
D: start some form of blog or tell people in person about what a loser and a geek he was and publicice it until it hurts.
E: finaly, don't let peole's comments about you affect you i know that seems like bull**** bu oh well, keep your head down and don't acosiate with people who will put your down and laugh at you. choose your friends wisely

Desert Fox

Master Don Juan
Feb 16, 2008
Reaction score
WTF you want him to assault someone and talk VIDEO EVIDENCE and POST IT FOR ALL TO SEE???


Destroy your ****ty "friend" MENTALLY. Mind**** with him. Start small, get your own group, and make peace with those in his team and show then you are a decent guy, not a dbag like your true dbag friend is.

Just approach them individually 1 on 1 and be like "yo man, I'm cool with you, we don't have any problems, it's just that 1 guy talking ****. There's no reason you and me can't get along."

Just keep doign this 1 on 1, but don't sound like a b1tch. GROW A PAIR OF BALLS and be a ****IN MAN. LIVE FOR YOURSELF. If some ***** is too BRAINWASHED by your **** head friend then SHE IS NOT GOOD ENOUGH FOR YOU.

Drop that b1tch and other people that do not think for themselves and just be happy with who you are man. I know at this age you want SOCIAL ACCEPTANCE. But why do you want the approval of these low quality bully fvckheads? Think about it.


Master Don Juan
Jun 23, 2008
Reaction score
ok..the advice is slowly getting here's the climax

don't fight him...don't mind**** him

...violence solves ****...he'll just come back with even more people and **** you up...until finally someone pulls a gun and bang bang boogie over

you want to spend your time...rpobably about a year on this guy?

here's what you should do...make new's really not that hard...and if people don't want to because of things he dont want them as friends...and i doubt he has control over everyone...and get over that girl...if she believes him, she has to learn somehow...

make new friends...focus on school, sports, hobbies, and the ladies
gossip gets old...he can keep making up new ****...but eventually people will question his credibility...and eventually just be annoyed...

and if you can't ignore him and focus on your life...then you're mentally weak...and if everyone is under his only serves to show how pathetic American society has become...


Senior Don Juan
Sep 7, 2004
Reaction score
That is ****ed up what he is doing.

Yes I know it is unfair that he is such a douche and gets away with it. But guess what, life is unfair. So you must stop thinking about the unfairness of it all.

Sounds like he is treating you like his little b1tch. He has already shown everyone that he can whoop your ass at any given moment and is even taking away your girl just to mess with you.

Despite your desire to kick his ass and regain your honor, you must play this game smart if you are to win.

You must learn to use deception.

First and foremost, stop hanging out with this guy. From the group of friends that you were hanging out with, you must seek out those who are still loyal to you, if there are any. Seek out those who think this guy is a douche and get them on your side. You mentioned you still had one friend who was on your side? Make sure he is.

Second, you must become the lone wolf for a while. Don't pay attention to the bull**** rumors he is spreading. Just live in such a way which shows the truth. While you are the lone wolf, you must get stronger, physically and mentally. You must build yourself up. Start hitting up the gym if you aren't doing it already, get on a strength training program and bulk yourself up. Also, start building up your new social circle, preferrably including the friends who are still on your side. Start gaming other girls. Basically, you must improve and build up your life. This will in term show that you are doing better off, and that you don't let bvll**** slow down your progress. Step out of your comfort zone and do things you've never done before, you MUST grow.

All the while, do not pay any attention to this guy. UNLESS however, he bullies you again. In which case, do whatever is necessary to defend yourself and your honor.