My HR Head Looks Interested-Should I Approach?


Don Juan
Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score

I'm a 45 year old mature man, an image consultant and work in an IT company. I joined in an individual role in a small company a year back and three months later a lady 40 yr old joined as head of HR. I look 10 year younger and am very fit. I'm smart and I dress well and I have been reading sosuave for last 8 years. The lady is also a 7 or 8. Until three months ago, there was nothing. Since a couple months whenever she sees me she waves her hand at me very enthusiastically and smiles. This afternoon, she was on the phone and as she was talking she just saw me and instantly smiled and waved her hand. The situation is tricky. About three months back she did not even accept my invitation on LinkedIn. Now, she gets excited to see me. One day there was a meeting and we were all sitting. She just came and saw me and suddenly she waved and smiled at me although there were about 100 people sitting in the hall. I'm **** scared because she is our HR head. Dear fellow DJs. Advise me on two things. First tell me is she interested? Second should I approach? If yes, tell me how?

In the same company there is a young girl 22 year old. She used to smile at me showing teeth earlier. Of late she stopped smiling at me. Some times she does and sometimes she does not smile. We never talked though and we can see each other directly sitting on our seats. She seems upset with me. A week back I locked my eyes with her and smiled but she smiled at me half-hearted. She keeps looking at me though. Can someone throw light?

Your fellow DJ:confused:


Senior Don Juan
Oct 1, 2011
Reaction score
First rule - Don't **** at the same place you eat, which means keep relationships out of work

If you are still interested - You need to do some observation. Trying to run into her outside of work place ( aka gorcery shopping, Sabzi mandi, any store) this is where you ask her for coffee or for chat. if she is with some family member (usually indian women are). do little escalation by asking her a doubt.
If she is alone and agrees for coffee or bite, you can take it from there.

If you have trouble running into her outside, the best bet is to catchup with her when she is leaving work.


Master Don Juan
Jun 25, 2014
Reaction score
ariffmd said:

I'm a 45 year old mature man, an image consultant and work in an IT company. I joined in an individual role in a small company a year back and three months later a lady 40 yr old joined as head of HR. I look 10 year younger and am very fit. I'm smart and I dress well and I have been reading sosuave for last 8 years. The lady is also a 7 or 8. Until three months ago, there was nothing. Since a couple months whenever she sees me she waves her hand at me very enthusiastically and smiles. This afternoon, she was on the phone and as she was talking she just saw me and instantly smiled and waved her hand. The situation is tricky. About three months back she did not even accept my invitation on LinkedIn. Now, she gets excited to see me. One day there was a meeting and we were all sitting. She just came and saw me and suddenly she waved and smiled at me although there were about 100 people sitting in the hall. I'm **** scared because she is our HR head. Dear fellow DJs. Advise me on two things. First tell me is she interested? Second should I approach? If yes, tell me how?

In the same company there is a young girl 22 year old. She used to smile at me showing teeth earlier. Of late she stopped smiling at me. Some times she does and sometimes she does not smile. We never talked though and we can see each other directly sitting on our seats. She seems upset with me. A week back I locked my eyes with her and smiled but she smiled at me half-hearted. She keeps looking at me though. Can someone throw light?

Your fellow DJ:confused:
Dear god this reeks of troll post.

Let's glean a few facts from your own post here.

  • You're 45 years old

    -You claim to be a DJ

    -Women smile and wave at you. Could they be interested in more or not? You post no further detailed information about investigating these possibilities.

    -Both of these women work at the same company you do, which you've stated is a small company. Small companies tend to have less than 100-200 employees.

    -One of these women you might be interested in is the head of HR.

    -Again, you're 45 years old.

Can you really not figure this out on your own?


Master Don Juan
Jan 30, 2015
Reaction score
Shall I date the head of HR at my job? Hmm, let me think about it.... HELL NO!

1. You become involved.

2. Things go south.

3. She comes up with an elaborate revenge plan revolving around making sure everyone knows your junk is soft and small and will get you fired or force you to leave.

Why have I come to this conclusion?

First I started a LTR with a coworker (for a time), 3 years ago, and well... This ultimately led me to this place so imagine how it went, big pile of dysfunctionality and abuse, and I gave my heart to a bish who recently admitted that when I left her couse I knew shes looking around for a new fool she "WAS LOOKING FOR OPTIONS". Yes, very warm, very nice, at least say that you started liking somebody else, "looking for options"... (and it was "all my fault" ofc)... SO MAJOR FAIL NUMERO UNO

I also fuked my bosses daughter on the nightshift at a gas station I was working, on the desk, on the cameras, pulling up my pants everytime a client comes, **** she even pressed the emergency button at one point and the guard came like "Oh no biggie have fun kids" :D

I still fail to comprehend how I got away so lightly, needless to say, after a couple of months I was replaced with her boyfriend whod lost his job :D Idk, probably they were all like: "The boy is crazy, better not deal with him"


So, dont do it. I know youll do it, but dont do it :D


Don Juan
Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score
Hello, DJs,

Thanks for your posts. I'm grateful for your advice. A few clarifications: This is not a troll post. It's quite obvious why I was confused being a DJ. It's an HR head and obviously I'd want to take expert opinion. I could figure out, yes. Looking at her enthusiastic waving, it's obvious she's attracted to me coz I'm good looking as well. Thanks for all your advice, I'd try my best to keep away.