People worry about being friend zoned. They worry too much. I don't know if I got friend zoned these last several years or what. What I mean is, shooting my shot sometimes asking someone out, but not having long or deep conversations, only making eye contact briefly and having brief passing conversations, I don't know if we knew each other enough to be truly friend zoned. I mean I see the friend zone at least here for this distinction's sake as being when she's really gotten to know you-you've put in lots of time- otherwise it's just rejection. I'm fine saying I've been rejected. I just want to be nuanced with terms.
Conversation brings connection, and connection brings women and attachment, in general. Not always but they are linearly dependent stages, usually. Sometimes good interesting conversation is all you need, and your innate traits- your natural inner masculinity, and eye contact ability, and your irrepressible sexual energy, is all you need- but you need conversation to hold it together. Other times maybe you can use game tricks. I'm not against them but I'm against putting the cart before the horse, which is what I did for so many years. In these years I was busy in monk mode pursuing my think, and funnily years before, when I didn't have anything, around my college years, I was enjoying conversations with people, but I was a much younger and more naive man about life. Maybe I was wiser with women and people than I became in subsequent years but now I have more life wisdom and people wisdom. In conversation, I think willingness trumps ability or at least is right up there with it, but why not have both? It doesn't matter what you can do if you're not willing to do it for someone. How will that make them feel?
So we try learn all this stuff- and it's great. It works, to the extent it's true but it's true for a subset of the people who read the things- that subset is those who can have conversation. This is for people who may not prioritize conversation, or people who want to put things in context and consider the ideas I'm presenting as part of that context. I look forward to the days when I can converse with anyone, and am so good and confident from past experience, that I can take new game ideas to accelerate my success, to steer the conversation in directions I want it to go, to really do magic, but first things first. It is like math in that you need the foundations and I find in life it often pays to never be in too much of a hurry, that you miss your lessons.
In terms of confidence, I can say something about that. Some women and men make me shy for sure, but what I am finding is as I realize the rules of good conversation and am dedicated to following them, I find most people are interested in talking to me. They say don't mind if a woman doesn't want to talk to you, move on. I agree, but it used to hurt still or I took it as an L. We all do on some level. Now I know or believe from experience that every woman would want to talk to me, if they had time, if I follow the rules and am consequently interesting. BTW this applies to all people but I found I was naturally good at talking to most guys- talking about logical stuff- engineering, success, business, politics- and girls. I never got into sports. The rules give me confidence. I don't think confidence is the energy or hype you build in yourself to do something crazy like talk to a really hot girl or dive off a cliff. That's boldness or a state of adrenaline or something. I don't know if that's the type of confidence we need with women. I'm thinking more like the confidence one has of one's driving ability. I just know I'm not going to crash my truck under normal circumstances - in decent weather with normal drivers, because I know what I'm doing. I think it's like that with women and I think conversation is the missing key and the rulebook - your own personal rulebook for good conversation is the key to that. It no longer becomes about change.
Nothing else is taken away. Your stature in terms of your business and life success still matter, the image you put out, your other positive traits- keep them and work conversation in but I Think it's a game changer for those missing it. You can control how you dress in the morning, and you can clarify what you believe is ethical and right. If you believe might is right and there are no rules, fine as long as you affirm that in your most private moment. You've clarified that and if you follow that to a T, and you follow rules of good conversation- these three things all feed into confidence- a kind of relaxed confidence- at least I think they do.
Conversation is a skill. There's how you converse with men, with women, with children, with engineers and with salesmen and with employees and any type of person under the sun, with the cute introvert, with the hot instagram model etc. If you could speak or converse with all of them, who are willing, great. If they are not willing or in the mood, that's on them. It is a skill. This is a game of skill and universal or general insight. It is an art and science and some people suck and will always suck. This, I think can be objectively measured and ranked, and a pareto distribution can probably be made and there will be winners and losers but ironically and not as a value judgement, what I think people need most is not game tips, alpha mentality or lairs and meetup groups but learning mainstream old fashioned art of conversation.
I don't care if anyone agrees with me or not. I might not get around to replying but feel free to carry on a discussion. This btw was a communique not a conversation. About me, on reddit or anywhere, I hardly ever have conversations online. I know people do. I might over sms, messenger or facebook but I mostly use the internet to read and to communicate, not to converse, unlike others. That's why people judge me wrongly. I'm here to get the information out, or put some in, not to make friends or impress people I'll never see in real life. I'm too busy for that, so we're clear. I think people live so much online. I do not. I am online a lot, but mostly quick connecting or consuming a lot of information, not building deep connections through back and forth and trying to put my best foot foward.
Humbly and respectfully-