My friend and me.


New Member
May 30, 2011
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Hey guys im completely new to this type of pick up game what got me intrigued in it though is my friend.

He's never been on anything like this but he can get pretty much any girl he wants with no effort what so ever if a minimum amount of contact is made hes a good lucking guy but when speaking to girl hes horrible to them in a jokey way, with put downs etc on facebook all he ever is doing is moaning about something on his status and if a girl says something on a status he'll shoot her down and some how end up nailing her? whats that about.

for example, we was in a pub the other week and there was a girl whos a 10/10 (im not use to the phrases you guys use yet) who we didnt know he went and stood next to her at the bar and started chatting "hi, you alrite?" made a comment about getitng served asked her where she was going tonight then i belive he "Negged"? her with a jokey insult about her being a fake blonde, then walked away. we seen her in a club and she come up and spoke to him im not sure what was said but he managed to get her number and not give her his, hes left it about 5days before he text her because he "cudnt be arsed" and she was instant replying when he did. is that really how it works :S

Im a decent looking guy but im shy so completely get overshowed by him when there is a group of girl his presence is overpowering compared to myne. why do you think he can get girls and whats the best way i should do about going about getting them? thanks!


Senior Don Juan
May 7, 2011
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dont try and copy him because it will be fake

BUT - at the same time - you've got a friend who does well, just get a feel for what he's doing (hint: he doesn't stress about any of this). Its a bad idea to flat out copy someone elses behavior but you can learn from others behavior and see what might work for you


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
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Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
cosmofc said:
Hey guys im completely new to this type of pick up game what got me intrigued in it though is my friend.

He's never been on anything like this but he can get pretty much any girl he wants with no effort what so ever if a minimum amount of contact is made hes a good lucking guy but when speaking to girl hes horrible to them in a jokey way, with put downs etc on facebook all he ever is doing is moaning about something on his status and if a girl says something on a status he'll shoot her down and some how end up nailing her? whats that about.

for example, we was in a pub the other week and there was a girl whos a 10/10 (im not use to the phrases you guys use yet) who we didnt know he went and stood next to her at the bar and started chatting "hi, you alrite?" made a comment about getitng served asked her where she was going tonight then i belive he "Negged"? her with a jokey insult about her being a fake blonde, then walked away. we seen her in a club and she come up and spoke to him im not sure what was said but he managed to get her number and not give her his, hes left it about 5days before he text her because he "cudnt be arsed" and she was instant replying when he did. is that really how it works :S

Im a decent looking guy but im shy so completely get overshowed by him when there is a group of girl his presence is overpowering compared to myne. why do you think he can get girls and whats the best way i should do about going about getting them? thanks!
He gets girls because he's good looking, outgoing, and plays the jerk/a*shole card. You are the decent looking shy guy. There is nothing wrong with you per se, but trying to wing with a guy like that will NOT work.

I recommend that introverts work alone. I didn't get any results until I dropped the wingman thing and ran game alone.

As I mentioned in other posts, I don't care if your wingman is your best buddy who swears up and down that it's not a competition between both of you. It will ALWAYS be a competition because women are comparing BOTH of you. If he has the looks and the game, sadly, he will steal the attention of the females. It isn't even his fault. It's just the reality of the situation.

I agree with mahoney. Don't try to copy him either, because it WILL be fake. A lot of nicer guys observe a$shole game and try to copy it. It doesn't work.

You gotta go it alone and find girls that are into YOU.

An outgoing guy winging with a shy guy doesn't work out well for the shy guy. You'll be occupying the fattie while he pulls the hottie.


Senior Don Juan
May 7, 2011
Reaction score
Mike32ct said:

An outgoing guy winging with a shy guy doesn't work out well for the shy guy. You'll be occupying the fattie while he pulls the hottie.
Not necessarily true. Its not good to copy the outgoing friend but it doesn't mean you can't learn from "some of" his behavior - our personalities are not static, you can grow and change as a person, it just has to be natural and work for you (and copying wholesale will be fake)

If you have a good rapport with the outgoing guy this can work to your advantage, just because he is louder than you doesn't necessarily make you look poor in comparison, it all depends if you have a good rapport which allows your own qualities to emerge, you can use this to your advantage, and it can also be good for confidence as it can be kind of a platform for you to use. Lots of people are funnier and wittier when they are in a small group, as they kind of riff off each other whereas alone they wouldn't necessarily be able to do that