My first report back from the weekend, guys you gotta read!

One Day

New Member
Apr 16, 2005
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This is my first report on what’s happened since my last post, thanks to everyone who gave me advice before. nonstop and Avatar, I hope you’re reading this man. ;)

Well I just got back from raving and I gotta say it’s the first night I have ever enjoyed myself like that before.
For the past couple weeks, I’ve been clubbing both weekends, and well all the other nights, when it came to approaching girls, like all the times before I just froze like hell, didn’t even say hello to one girl. This happened throughout the weekend, as much as I remembered some of the valuable advice here, it was just so hard to act on it.

But for some reason last night was different. For some reason I can’t explain, last night I just didn’t care anymore. Usually just before the rave I’d be psyching myself up, and be telling the boys that “yeah, it’s gonna be a good night”. But, I wasn’t saying or doing none of that last night, I just didn’t care about doing anything anymore. I really can’t explain it much more than this, I just didn’t care about anything. As far as I was concerned I was just going to a club with friends and I wasn’t gonna expect a damn thing.

Well as we approached the club I noticed two girls and one guy coming out of a car.
I looked at the girl for a moment, then I looked away and was like “Oh **** that girl looks good!” Usually after this I carry on walking but for some reason I didn’t care and I looked again, this time I caught her eye for a couple seconds, then something came over me and I said “hello” (How the f**k did that happen?). She smiled and said hello back, then I noticed two other guys coming towards them but it seemed like they already knew her.

The girls didn't go to the same club me and my friends went to, I know other guys would probably have taken the opportunity, But damn I was taken back by the whole thing, I couldn't believe I just did that.

Once we were in the club, I walked by and said hello to around 5 girls throughout the night, (yeah I know it doesn’t sound like much, but for me it’s a godsend cos before I didn’t talk to any girl at all). These girls were just barely above average looking to me, but I didn’t care, because before last night I struggled to approach “any girl”, whether good-looking or not.

All but one of the girls responded, the one girl that didn’t just brushed passed me and went to talk to her friend. I’ll be honest, that didn’t feel nice at all, and for a while I was very uneasy, but you know what, for some twisted reason I still felt glad that I did say hello to her.

Towards the end of the night when everyone was leaving, I was just minding my own business talking on the phone, when one really cute girl who was with her friends tapped my shoulder from behind, when I turned around she gave me a really big smile as she walked out. Honestly guys I don’t know why this has all happened, it just happened man.

I feel a lot better about last night than any other night I’ve been out, but I still feel weak.
Why? Guys if only you knew how much mental strain and time it took before I even approached the first girl in the club. I stalled for sooooooo long, at one point a guy I didn’t even know, overheard me talking to my friend about approaching one girl. The guy just came out and said “Man, you’re thinking too much, just do it now while you can, cos there’s other guys here too.”

It took me ages before I talked to each girl, the ones I did talk to, I was giving small talk like Are you enjoying yourself? and who are you with?
Within less than two minutes I run out of things to say, and I pulled out before I could hear myself chat bulls**t.
Thing is I see guys that can talk to girls for like ages non-stop. I’m like what the hell are these guys saying man?

Anyway, I’m so happy that I’m AT LAST starting to change a little from the way I used to be, but man it looks like I gotta long way to go yet. My friends and cousins were happy for me, funny thing is this past weekend not even one of them came with results. They all said that the girls they approached had boyfriends already. I’ve seen some of these guys get girls like it’s nothing, so when I heard that It just sounded crazy.

I’m going clubbing again tonight, so I could really do with some new advice, and any help on the things I did wrong and things I should have done.
Any thoughts?

Don Corleone

Don Juan
Oct 15, 2004
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Sin Town
Read Clubbing tips, in the quick tips section. Theres some good advice in there. Try to dance with some girls. Only one song for each girl. After one song, unless you two are totally into eachother, it loses its excitement.


Apr 19, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by One Day
This is my first report on what’s happened since my last post, thanks to everyone who gave me advice before. nonstop and Avatar, I hope you’re reading this man. ;)

Well I just got back from raving and I gotta say it’s the first night I have ever enjoyed myself like that before.
For the past couple weeks, I’ve been clubbing both weekends, and well all the other nights, when it came to approaching girls, like all the times before I just froze like hell, didn’t even say hello to one girl. This happened throughout the weekend, as much as I remembered some of the valuable advice here, it was just so hard to act on it.

But for some reason last night was different. For some reason I can’t explain, last night I just didn’t care anymore. Usually just before the rave I’d be psyching myself up, and be telling the boys that “yeah, it’s gonna be a good night”. But, I wasn’t saying or doing none of that last night, I just didn’t care about doing anything anymore. I really can’t explain it much more than this, I just didn’t care about anything. As far as I was concerned I was just going to a club with friends and I wasn’t gonna expect a damn thing.

Well as we approached the club I noticed two girls and one guy coming out of a car.
I looked at the girl for a moment, then I looked away and was like “Oh **** that girl looks good!” Usually after this I carry on walking but for some reason I didn’t care and I looked again, this time I caught her eye for a couple seconds, then something came over me and I said “hello” (How the f**k did that happen?). She smiled and said hello back, then I noticed two other guys coming towards them but it seemed like they already knew her.

The girls didn't go to the same club me and my friends went to, I know other guys would probably have taken the opportunity, But damn I was taken back by the whole thing, I couldn't believe I just did that.

Once we were in the club, I walked by and said hello to around 5 girls throughout the night, (yeah I know it doesn’t sound like much, but for me it’s a godsend cos before I didn’t talk to any girl at all). These girls were just barely above average looking to me, but I didn’t care, because before last night I struggled to approach “any girl”, whether good-looking or not.

All but one of the girls responded, the one girl that didn’t just brushed passed me and went to talk to her friend. I’ll be honest, that didn’t feel nice at all, and for a while I was very uneasy, but you know what, for some twisted reason I still felt glad that I did say hello to her.

Towards the end of the night when everyone was leaving, I was just minding my own business talking on the phone, when one really cute girl who was with her friends tapped my shoulder from behind, when I turned around she gave me a really big smile as she walked out. Honestly guys I don’t know why this has all happened, it just happened man.

I feel a lot better about last night than any other night I’ve been out, but I still feel weak.
Why? Guys if only you knew how much mental strain and time it took before I even approached the first girl in the club. I stalled for sooooooo long, at one point a guy I didn’t even know, overheard me talking to my friend about approaching one girl. The guy just came out and said “Man, you’re thinking too much, just do it now while you can, cos there’s other guys here too.”

It took me ages before I talked to each girl, the ones I did talk to, I was giving small talk like Are you enjoying yourself? and who are you with?
Within less than two minutes I run out of things to say, and I pulled out before I could hear myself chat bulls**t.
Thing is I see guys that can talk to girls for like ages non-stop. I’m like what the hell are these guys saying man?

Anyway, I’m so happy that I’m AT LAST starting to change a little from the way I used to be, but man it looks like I gotta long way to go yet. My friends and cousins were happy for me, funny thing is this past weekend not even one of them came with results. They all said that the girls they approached had boyfriends already. I’ve seen some of these guys get girls like it’s nothing, so when I heard that It just sounded crazy.

I’m going clubbing again tonight, so I could really do with some new advice, and any help on the things I did wrong and things I should have done.
Any thoughts?
And here is the sad, pathetic part. If you were a gay man, and went 'clubbin at a Gay Bar, you would have spent the night with someone, but as a single man, trying to score a woman, you and your friends all went home alone, slept alone and mastrubated. Does anyone else find this odd and strange?


Don Juan
Apr 6, 2005
Reaction score
JackPrescott, why are you talking about gay bars and masturbation? lol

I remember learning to drive, there was **** loads I needed
to think about...

changing gears (manual)
the clutch
biting point
watching the road
etc.. etc..

and this was in the UK where the roads are small, fast and congested as hell.

but now driving is a breeze and I don't even have to think about most of that stuff, it just happens naturally so I can use what's left of my brain to think about other things or have a conversation with the passenger.

well done dude!


Sep 3, 2004
Reaction score
welcome to my world
Re: Re: My first report back from the weekend, guys you gotta read!

Originally posted by JackPrescott
And here is the sad, pathetic part. If you were a gay man, and went 'clubbin at a Gay Bar, you would have spent the night with someone, but as a single man, trying to score a woman, you and your friends all went home alone, slept alone and mastrubated. Does anyone else find this odd and strange?
actually, what's odd and strange are your posts, and quite frankly, all of them have been quite disturbing. what exactly are you saying here? are you suggesting that we all become gay because getting women is difficult? :rolleyes: