My first post, and help with a sort of problem

Learn 2 Be Pimp

New Member
Jan 2, 2004
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Hello everyone, this is my first post, and I'll give you a quick introduction and then I ask for some advice with a dilemme I'm facing. I've been browsing this site with various accounts on/off for about a year now. I'm 17 years old, and I've been in a LTR for almost two years now. Before I started dating my girlfriend, I had the DJ traits down naturally. I was in my first year of high school scoring ass left and right. I began to go out with my g/f the end of that year, and I've been with her since.

For the first few months, I still had quite an interest in other girls, and hooked up with two other chicks without anyone else even having a clue. However, as time went on and more time was spent with the g/f, I started to realize what kind of girl she is. She's a dropdead HB9.5 or 10, she has her head on straight, doesn't drink or do drugs, she's loyal to staying committed knows what she wants to do in life and LOVES to f*ck. As much as I know women aren't everything, and as much as I keep busy with my own life most of the time still, I can't help thinking she's the perfect girl for me, after all the other sluts I've hooked up with. I truly do love this girl.

However, here's my problem. I'm also only 17. And after this year ends, she's off to university and I have a year left in HS. And my last year of HS? Come on now, I want to have some fun. I'm still only young, I had the perfect "high school sweetheart" the past couple years, but I have sooo many more experiences to have these next several years. But, I know breaking up with her will hurt A LOT. I've never met a girl like her, and compared to the other chicks I know, she blows them all away. Yes they're hot. But not hot with a MINDBLOWING personality like my current girl.

Any ideas on how I can still maintain a great LTR for the time being, yet get over thise slight case of one-itus I have been developing?

Craig Reeves

Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2003
Reaction score
Texas, USA
OK, I'll help you out in a sec....

But this post goes FINELY with what I have been preaching about for a LOOOOONG time.


You mentioned that the other girls that you dated were hot, but they WEREN'T ATTRACTIVE TO YOU. You liked the girl that you were with because she TREATED YOU IN A MANNER THAT MADE YOU FEEL ATTRACTION.

Those other girls, as hot as they are, didn't mean JACK**** to you because they did not make you feel attraction. Sure they looked good, but they're personalities just DIDN'T CUT IT. Bottom line.

As far as what to do....I wouldn't worry about it at this point. Don't let these people teach you that being in love with a girl is wrong or "one-itis". You do what YOU want and not worry about what these people on this board think. Just pray about it and follow your heart and you will be fine.

You cannot have one-itis when you are in a LTR or exclusive relationship unless you are trying to pursue another woman. Just to let you's what "One-itis" is...

ONE-Itis (wun-Y-tis) - n. - A condition to where a person pursues another person in the hopes of a romantic relationship, although there is little to no hope of it getting off the ground. It is called "one-itis" because usually it is only one person that is being pursued. This is not always the case, however.


Don Juan
Jun 17, 2003
Reaction score
I agree with Craig on this one, except for one minor technicality. Oneitis is called oneitis from where a guy says "she is THE ONE". A guy will put one "special" girl on a pedestal and think that she is the ultimate end-all, be-all of his life and all of his life and activities will revolve around her. Almost like an infactuation/obsession.

Learn 2 Be Pimp

New Member
Jan 2, 2004
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Well I don't let my life revolve around her, at all. I see her like once or twice a week, and that is that. However, I do feel like I have her on some sort of pedestal. I mean, I know that I AM the goods. However, I have those feelings that she is the be-all, end-all special girl after all the tramps I've had to wade through. I need a way to get over THIS feeling, erase it completely.


Don Juan
Jun 17, 2003
Reaction score
I understand what you mean. My friends have always said that I'm picky or whatever. I have hung out with lots of (very hot) girls and only a couple of them have ever turned me on. I currently am seeing a few girls, and one of them is like this. She is very cute, perfect personality for me, perfect sense of humour, etc, and the vast majority of the other girls that I am with just dont ignite the spark the way she does for me. I dont know how to help you forget about her, except to say that you need to keep seeing other girls. Even if they are not up to the par of your girl, they will still help you forget about her to at least some extent.