My friend Chris is very the romantic type. He looks foward marrying the perfect women loving her and sharing all his problems empotions completely opened. I have told him that the DJ way is the way to go in this life but he is a lost case romantic who now brings this ne point about life woment ect ..AFC orNOT?
Please vote and give him all the advice possible, i thing he really needs it?
Here is my friends philosophy " My New View on Life":
The new view on life is that all the stuff about women and using women, and putting yourself before others its bull****. Its the creation of a selfish generation of the world we leave in. That today we are all been driven to just push for ourself and promote ourself but you cant take anything with you. I'd prefer that when my obituary is written, that it reads that my heart was broken a thousand times, than that I lived my life sheltered and alone. I'd prefer to be remembered as a fool than a pimp.
My friend is 20 and he is single and has never had his heart broken he claims.. please help him ......especially with sheltered sttuff
Please vote and give him all the advice possible, i thing he really needs it?
Here is my friends philosophy " My New View on Life":
The new view on life is that all the stuff about women and using women, and putting yourself before others its bull****. Its the creation of a selfish generation of the world we leave in. That today we are all been driven to just push for ourself and promote ourself but you cant take anything with you. I'd prefer that when my obituary is written, that it reads that my heart was broken a thousand times, than that I lived my life sheltered and alone. I'd prefer to be remembered as a fool than a pimp.
My friend is 20 and he is single and has never had his heart broken he claims.. please help him ......especially with sheltered sttuff