My family is seriously f*cked up


Master Don Juan
Feb 12, 2003
Reaction score
Melbourne, Australia
I almost feel in shock right now.

My dad is a complete AFC. He and my mum have a bad relationship. There is no emotional or physical abuse but you tell there is no real loving connection between them. A few years ago my Dad was considering a divorce but then nothing was ever heard again.

Quite some months ago I was leaving the hospital drugged up on anaesthetics when we bumped into my doctor and his assistant. After leaving them my dad said:

Dad: "Maybe it's just me but I think they're having an affair"
Me: "Impossible he's just being friendly, I thought she was a lesbian anyway"
Dad: "You know sometimes I feel I'm bisexual..."
Me: "Ohhhh just don't even talk!!!"

Well fast forward to today.

My sister had some awkward news for me. She had found some pornographic photos on my dad's computer profile. No problem you say? Sh1t I have plenty of porno material in my profile. But the difference here is the photos were taken with our digital camera. Last week my dad had asked me how to password protect his profile.

So I realised what was always a possibility was true. My dad has been cheating on his wife. No hooker would let you take photos.

But here's where it gets worse. My sister tried to search again for the photos to make sure she wasn't imagining things. This is what she told me:

Sister: "He's removed the photos but there are some others of the same female in the same hotel room with George (my dad's friend). Maybe he was involved too *shudder noise*"

She doesn't know about the "I think I'm bisexual bit" and I don't plan on telling her.

:eek: :eek: :eek: :confused: :confused:

Sh1t what do I do? SOmetimes it's better to be ignorant.


Master Don Juan
Sep 23, 2004
Reaction score
Inyurvij Eina
Dad: "Maybe it's just me but I think they're having an affair"
Me: "Impossible he's just being friendly, I thought she was a lesbian anyway"
Dad: "You know sometimes I feel I'm bisexual..."
Me: "Ohhhh just don't even talk!!!"
That is the oddest father-son conversation I've ever seen.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 18, 2005
Reaction score
LOL Thats the most hilarious shyt Ive read in a long time... your family should get a sit com on Fox :p .

That father son convo is worthy to be put on a signature. defnetly saving that.:cool:

Microphone Fiend

Master Don Juan
May 30, 2003
Reaction score
Where I be at
Originally posted by Mojo604
LOL Thats the most hilarious shyt Ive read in a long time... your family should get a sit com on Fox :p .

That father son convo is worthy to be put on a signature. defnetly saving that.:cool:
word..i started reading this and immediately thought "Arrested Development" lol...

Woww..I don't know what to say or do in that situation...Stick by your dad even if he is bi cuz he loves you and all that good stuff... Maybe he wasn't doin the hippitty dippitty with George...some guys like 2 fvck gurls together...kinda...sorta...alright i dunno


Master Don Juan
Oct 28, 2004
Reaction score
Wow... and I thought my olds were a bit (way) left of center...

I couldn't live in the same house knowing that.

Joe The Homophobe

Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2004
Reaction score
You have 2 options

1. Confront him about it: If you are for sure that he is cheating you just can't let him cheat on your mom. Tell him to cut it out and face his behavior and put an end to it. This is better than your mom finding out by herself and the hell that will be unleashed because of that. All those problems can be avoided if you tell him you know what's going on and that makes him stop whatever he is doing before your mom finds out.
2. Don't do anything about it: If you are willing to live with your conscience that your dad is cheating on your mom.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
Reaction score
Confront him about it: If you are for sure that he is cheating you just can't let him cheat on your mom.
This 5hit isn't really his place to say anything. Duke has his own life to deal with. Also, if his father is gay, there's nothing Duke can say that will make his dad suddenly become attracted to his wife.

It's really weird when you discover what your parents are REALLY like, and it can be one hell of a shock when you learn about some of the things they do. This happens ESPECIALLY after you move out. If anything, Duke's dad has been like this or even doing it for a long time. You can't change the past.

Blue Phoenix

Master Don Juan
Jul 23, 2004
Reaction score
Another Dimension
Sh1t happens!

No family is perfect. The only thing you can do is not to make the mistakes you're father does.

Sometimes there're struggles between family members, fathers and daughters, mothers and sons, etc.

I gotta tell you I also had some problems with a family member. I had to stand up to him, something I had never done before, because of some things I heavily disagreed with.

Bear in mind that you're already a man and now you have to live your own life, to build your future and your own family.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 30, 2004
Reaction score
the Netherlands
Duke, my family is just as ****ed up as yours.

Move out, asap. Honest to god, no matter how strong you are, if you start to fight it, it will eat your energy. If you try to fix it, it will eat your energy. If you try to keep on living in that same house, it will eat your energy.

The best advice I can possibly give you is to MOVE OUT! Get away from them! You didn't ask to be put up with their problems, that was their choice. It shouldn't have to weigh on your shoulders, like it's doing right now.


Master Don Juan
Feb 12, 2003
Reaction score
Melbourne, Australia
Thanks for the advice all.

This morning I did a bit of detective work. I found photos in my dad's profile of two different women in a hotel room on different occasions. One is fat and ugly and old looking, the other is a skinny drugged-looking slvt. I hope to god it's the slut! :) Her name was attached to the photo.

I then found a word document called "Dear *name*". It looks like an AFC love letter. Now my dad does say stupid things to female friends and acts like a sop when he gets to know people so I'm not sure how I should take this letter.

"When we met, I couldn’t help but see you’re inner beauty, so precious and unique."

"I hope you like the necklace enclosed. It has a healing crystal to fill your heart with positive energy."

"Remember our favorite fragrance, “Sandalwood “."

And he wrote some pathetic poem! Then he finished the letter with, "I will write soon, Love *stupid cheating homo*"

While looking on his profile I found a few website links for porno sites. Not just any sites though....the first one had all categories like, "Mother and young boy pics" "Father and daughter pics" All that kind of weird ****. Luckily nothing gay though.

The other links were all bestiality sites.................:eek: :confused:

This isn't the first crazy event to happen to my family. My friends used to actually look forward to hearing about the latest adventures of my zany, disfunctional family.

My dad used to grow pot in our attic and I distinctly remember us "running errands" on the way to the football every week. He'd leave me in the car with a burger in the "drug precinct" of the city and rush back awkwardly after 10-15 minutes with a dodgy blue bag. I was seven years old and even then I could guess what was in the bag!

He has deep seated emotional problems brought about by his childhood so any confrontation would not be pretty at all. He already has a complex where he thinks nobody appreciates him. My mother is very emotionally fragile and socially anxious. They've turned my older brother into a depressed, socially stunted wreck.

Luckily my sister and I have largely managed to rise above it. But we were both headed down that path before we realised we're in charge of our own destiny's.

I think my mum has some inkling but she is too timid and lacking in confidence to do something about it.

I-am-someone: Your advice is excellent. Whenever I come home after a good day, my family usually manage to bring me down somehow. It's an extrememly negative environment. I know what you mean about eating energy, that has definitely been happening in the last few years.

If only I had enough money to move out and really accelerate my life progress.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 27, 2005
Reaction score
man I feel your pain, and it takes a real man to come out and admit things like this. geez your sound so much like me and my family with just a much more serious and worse side. My dad isnt cheating on my mom, and is not gay, but he has hit my mom before in fights, not like beating her but, she yells and he shoves her on the couch really hard or something, or just pushes her by the throat which I once stood up to and beat his ass a little, but that was a long time ago, and things are quieting down now, but I felt the same way you do as you just want to move out. The thing I have done is looking forward to moving out in 18 months after high school, and going to college, and I just have resorted to just saying **** it and not caring about any of it and just getting through my day and acting as if I dont live with them anymore. I also have a sister who is older and came out alright, and my mom also doesnt have the courage or confidence to do anything about this either, and my parents have been on the verge of divorce for about 5 years, off and on at about 6-12 month intervals. Good luck with it, but it does drain your energy, so you just have to say **** it and get through your own life when people around you are bringing you down.


Master Don Juan
Oct 28, 2004
Reaction score
Yeah, dont dwell on it dude.

The vibes in my house are **** also, I just have to make a point of doing my own thing to the extent of barely lookin or talking to em!

I love em as you do, but that doesn't change the fact that I think they'd be happier without kids.


Master Don Juan
Dec 2, 2004
Reaction score

duke007: Sympathy's man.... Why don’t you try get a room with a few of your friends? I think that it would be a really good idea for you.

Otherwise... about your dad... well... if I were in your position, I would approach him and DEMAND that he tells your mom about all of his "cheating" and bullsh!t that he does (make sure that u save the p0rn, the letters, etc onto a disk incase he decides to delete it and deny everything) and if he refuses to tell your mom, then YOU tell her! This whole situation just isn’t fair on your mom, and I’m sure that she would trust her own son to tell her about something like this. By your father saying that he might be a h0mo, he is just covering up about him cheating, him trying to confuse you, or maybe even make an excuse to leave your mom for this other woman. Don’t give in to that bullsh!t, he is NOT gay, he is just confusing you and making excuses!

Anyways... I hope that you are able to kope with all the bs of your family, and be strong... by the way... does your sister also live at home? cause if she does, then leaving home would be a bad option seeing that your sister needs you (maybe you and her can rent out a room and each pay half even?), and if u are not going to be there anymore, she will go mad. if she is living OUT of home, then by all means, MOVE OUT!;)



Master Don Juan
Jan 30, 2003
Reaction score
At home
What is fvcked up is you looking on his personal stuff. It's personal. Stop doing it. Don't do it ever again.

BUT, don't let him shove negative things on to you directly on your face. Let him do all he wants in private, but don't demand respect when you are around.


Senior Don Juan
May 11, 2004
Reaction score
Somewhere in Europe
I agree. Don't look at your parents stuff. It WILL traumatize you.

One time I found a picture of my father's wang. :(

And you could tell he was holding the camera... and it was like in the middle of the street.


Master Don Juan
Dec 2, 2004
Reaction score

Originally posted by SamePendo
What is fvcked up is you looking on his personal stuff. It's personal. Stop doing it. Don't do it ever again.

BUT, don't let him shove negative things on to you directly on your face. Let him do all he wants in private, but don't demand respect when you are around.
ok well he DID look through his dads stuff, and he DID find all that ****... and if my dad gave me reason to be suspicious of him, then i would ALSO look throughbhis stuff, because if my dad was doing something as bad as cheat on my mom, then i would tell him to ****off and i would tell my mom, and if he refused, i would make sure his life would be a misery... how could a dad trully love and care for his family if he cheats on his family (wife) .. he cares about nothing else buy himself... did he think even oncce how the diccorce would affect the children? NO.. he cared about himself and his d!ck, end of story!
