My experience today


Don Juan
Oct 5, 2007
Reaction score
Today was day one of the Dj boot camp, and i would have to say it was one of the best days of my life. it was all average until the football game. i was bored so i grabbed my friend and we walked over to the opponents side. i knew this would be a good chance to get my hellos in. i said a couple normal ones with replies, and then i saw this 70+ old man with his cane

ME: hi!
Old man: Hello, want a kiss?
Me: umm... ill get back to you on that one. i then started to crack up

after a couple more normal ones i see this women walk by and i said hi and she gave me this evil devil death stare of doom. oh my god that was so fun. i even started a convo with some random guy about the cheer leaders. feeling mentally confident i went to talk to some of my friends (yes i have trouble talking to my friends) after that i decided why not go takl to some of my old friends. after renuing some old friend ships i spot a pair of girls, so i went to talk to them. we talked for about 10 minutes and had a great time. we only stopped talking because the game ended. all together the night was awesome, and what i would call a social feast. Thank you Sosuave!


Don Juan
Oct 5, 2007
Reaction score
oldschooler said:
You have trouble talking to your friends... this sites just gone to hell over the years.
because i suck at keeping convo's. you have under 40 post so i doubt you have been here for years
