My DJ story 2005 to 2011


Don Juan
Jul 8, 2007
Reaction score
In the Present
Hi guys,

It's been a long time since I visited the forums the last time, actually about 3 years. I was curious to see what has become of the DJ forums so I decided to post my story here, maybe it serves some of you as an inspiration.

So allow me to tell you a little bit about myself and where I'm coming from: I found out about the DJ forums in 2005 when I was still in my early twenties, however I did not register until a couple of years later and I've never been much of an active poster but I followed the discussions with lots of interest. If I remember correctly, in 2007 or 2008 Mistic invited me to Senor Fingers "exclusive" forum where I signed up and made a handful of posts. Then I stopped visiting the forums until today. Unfortunately I just found out, that the URL doesn't work anymore..if anyone knows if this place or a forum similar like this still exists, send me a PM please as I am curious to know what these guys are up to today.

In order to get back to my story: I found out about the PUA stuff in 2005 and it seemed to be the holy grail back then. It did work but unfortunately it just helped me to pull mostly superficial chicks with inferiority complexes from the clubs. Luckily I found out about the DJ forums just a couple of weeks later and forgot about the whole PUA tactics and philosophy, which I did not agree with anyway as I was never comfortable with pretending to be someone else or using strategy and tactics to make girls like me. So I read all of the famous old school guys' posts as well as the bible, which turned out to be just the beginning of my journey to transcendency ;)

So what happened in all these years and how did I change? I finished my masters, travelled several times for several months to Asia and Latin America and read a huge load of books (about buddhism, taoism, meditation techniques, philosophical stuff and classical literature) while trying my best to apply the knowledge I got from my readings. And I was amazed that all the knowledge, everything which is here on the forums, has been said already hundreds if not thousands of years ago...

As I continued on my path, everything around me just began to come to me naturally. I met the coolest and most inspirational people on my travels, an awesome and gorgeous woman who accompanied me for more than three years of my life and I found many new interests and hobbies.

Also my relation to women changed completely. While I was mostly afraid to approach women in the past, today I am the one who pulls the strings. My time is precious and although I have more than enough opportunities to get laid, I nowadays prefer to spent my free time rather on my hobbies and on myself than on dating or ****ing women. I am working during the day and training at night. Mind that I've spent the last months and still are in the country of the most beautiful women of the world (The one with the green, blue and yellow flag).

If someone would have told me this 8 years ago I would have probably thought that he's either gay or it's just an excuse because he gets no women at all (The old "I have no time for girls" excuse :D) I go out once or twice a week and I sometimes even make out with girls which I wouldn't have made out with in the past because I considered them not beautiful enough. Not because I lowered my standards (the very opposite is the case), but because I do not take myself and the whole situation that serious anymore.

In the past, every girl which I made out or had sex with had to be really beautiful as I was always thinking into the future like "Maybe she will become my girlfriend one day" or "What if my friends will make fun of me the next day" - what great opportunities of pleasure I missed! Today I just enjoy the moment. In general for a night out at the clubs, I now prefer a nice looking chick with a great personality over a bombshell with zero personality (typical hobbies: party and shopping). The second reason is, that I have become a little bit lazy: Getting a girl used to be special in my shy days, now that it has become easy, I do not want to waste hours of my life talking to a girl trying to get her interested in me. Of course, if I meet a really cool and very good looking girl who is worth spending time with, I choose a different approach - but these girls are rare not that easy to find these days, especially in bars or night clubs besides the fact that I'm not actively looking for them. And actually I still enjoy getting older as it's so much easier to get younger chicks just by being "old" (I will turn 30 soon), wise and still in good shape :up:

But the most important thing which I learned is: To appreciate life and every second of it. In the past I caught myself often in doubt, thinking too much about what might happen and how things could I'm just flowing through life and everything is better than ever before. I am happy and not worried about the future at all.

My formula for change was: Reading (not just the DJ stuff), absorbing and reflecting, acting. I know all of you guys have probably read this hundreds of times before but it's true. It's simple. Go out and become who you want to become. And if you fail, you will still feel better and be much wiser than if you would have stayed at home continuing to live your past every day again.

Don't let your friends, family or job hold you back. Grab your laptop, buy (e-)books, get a flight ticket to far, far away from home and go out there for some months to discover who you are and what you want - this worked for me and I'm sure that you will profit from such a experience as well.

May be the spirit be with you :up:


Don Juan
Feb 15, 2004
Reaction score
Scottsdale, AZ

Nice to hear your progress.

I guess I have two things to add.

One life is too short to be miserable. We are all six feet ABOVE the ground. Over the last couple of years I've had young friends die - lung cancer, motorcycle accident, etc

I recently got back from Costa Rica. Beautiful people beautiful women. Had unbelievable experiences with the women down there (paid and not paid haha)

Went to the Bahamas and just chilled.

You go to some of these smaller countries and you see how people do so much with so little. You see people so happy because they are alive, they have family and love their work.

Bravo man. Live each day to its fullest.


Don Juan
Nov 1, 2008
Reaction score
my man...thanks for posting this. i really liked the part where you said dont let your friends fam or job hold you back. so true.

personally, im happier than ive been in a while, but still searching. ive got the basics down, go to the gym, go to school, great job, and ive discovered a new hobby

but i feel like im stuck. i feel like i cant just pack up and leave because of said obligations. its a bad feeling. the greatest feeling to me is freedom. maybe im scared of what may happen if i just cut off all ties to my present situation, afraid of the unknown.

its almost like i must be forced to start something new. i need to be fired. i need to be shunned by friends/family. but since things are going well ive become complacent, comfortable

looks like im starting to get bored, and im rambling as well (i tend to do that) anyways, thanks for the post, i have learned something new about myself due to it.


Master Don Juan
May 11, 2006
Reaction score
I can absolutely support your view. Besides other things I was always hesitant to f@ck what I wouldn't date, heh.

Can you give us some good tips for good books with wisdom?

I work around people who traveled the world and most of them are so hopeless I often wonder what did they done there. I suppose everything besides meeting with locals. Which is number one reason I go abroad.

Fings is married I guess, not around so often. I miss him.

What a hell is Blue, Yellow and Green? Islamic republic of Sweden???


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2004
Reaction score
When you stop caring about what others think and do your own thing, that's when you can truly live your life.


Don Juan
Jul 8, 2007
Reaction score
In the Present
Life has always been a fight for me, everyday, and it still is. Not a fight for survival but a fight with my lazy self, paralyzing me for years in all areas of life and disabling me to follow my dreams.

I think everyone has spent at least some months, years, if not his whole life in this prison of imaginary obligations and fears. Fear is an ancient survival mechanism which is obsolete in 99% of today's situations. We do not have to deal anymore with the dangers of our ancestor's lives. I assume all of us (the people on this board or the western world in general) have enough to eat, shelter and an education which should be sufficient enough to find some kind of job to pay the bills. So there’s really nothing to be afraid of. We never know where we will be in one year from now, not even if we’ll still be alive. I also found myself in slickone’s situation when one of my good friends passed away due to sudden cardiac death in summer 2009 – these are the moments in life which make you really reflect. Life is short. Every new day is precious and every day which we do not use to improve ourselves or improve the lives of others is wasted.

Imarockstar, I totally feel what you’re saying. Freedom is the greatest gift we have. For me, freedom is defined through being able to live and work where I want, as one of my passions is travelling. I noticed that I need constant change and new experiences and impressions in life to be happy - in this phase of my life. But don’t wait until you get fired or until a miracle happens – it rarely is the case in our “golden cage” of old friends, old colleagues and habitual security. Then, on the other hand I could tell you dozens of stories of people and friends I’ve met along my way who relocated far away from home with nothing in their pockets except a handful of money to survive the first three months on a minimum level . And here I’m talking about people from all walks of life. In any case, even if you fail, you can only win as you will have learned so much more in comparison to another couple of months in ye olde home.

Life is a ripening process. We can’t change from clueless teenager to wise man in three years. We can't just throw old patterns and bad habits out of the window, we have to kick them down the stairs, step by step. And we need to make certain experiences. Flowing through good phases of life and – more important – also sustain the bad ones without losing hope. Being able to suffer, to sustain and to exercise patience, is an important part of our personal growth and journey to wisdom and happiness.

Here’s a list of authors which I like:
Hermann Hesse
Henry David Thoreau
Friedrich Nietzsche
Robert Bly

I will look up some of the specific titles, but as I’m running out of time right now, I’ll leave this for next time. :)

Oh and Captain Napalm was right about his guess.


Master Don Juan
May 11, 2006
Reaction score
cosmopolit said:
I go out once or twice a week and I sometimes even make out with girls which I wouldn't have made out with in the past because I considered them not beautiful enough. Not because I lowered my standards (the very opposite is the case), but because I do not take myself and the whole situation that serious anymore.

In the past, every girl which I made out or had sex with had to be really beautiful as I was always thinking into the future like "Maybe she will become my girlfriend one day" - what great opportunities of pleasure I missed! Today I just enjoy the moment.
This in bold I can not overcome. I have some mental block. I tried to overcome it but in the process I start to feel like scumbag, because even if I tell her "nothing serious" gonna happen, I can see (in most cases) she wants something more. And I hate rejecting girls. Can you give me more clues what you meant?