My cut up Journal


Senior Don Juan
Jun 9, 2003
Reaction score
A kiwi in a very bad disguise of a dutchman :P
well i finally got started, according to my weight i should have a calorie intake of 3300 but was only able to get 2300 calories in.
My carbs is abit higher than protein but i'll try & fix that tomorrow & i might decrease some food & put in another meal cause i accidently woke up a little late. :) Here's my weight, measurements, food intake & workout.

1/ Measurements
Weight: 244 lbs
Stomach: 116.03 cm
Chest: 114.06 cm
Neck: 37.0cm
Waist: 106 cm
l/r arm: 23/ 22.08 cm
l/r leg: 62.04/62.03 cm

2/ Calorie intake

Before Breakfast
Glutamine, Creatine & HMB with juice
Cal: 76
Pro: 1g
Carb: 17g
Fat: 0g

Whey Shake,Skim Milk,Porrige flakes, Hydroxycut & CLA
Cal: 642
P: 46g
C: 98g
F: 7g

Brown bread, Sandwich chicken, Egg white, Orange,CLA
Cal: 290g
P: 20g
C: 43g
F: 3g

Mid afternoon
Tuna,spring onion, cucumber & salade dressing, cottage cheese,
sandwich Chicken
Cal: 377g
P: 31g
C: 38g
F: 11g

Chicken, brocolli, green peper, mushrooms
protein shake, skim milk, Hydroxycut & CLA
Cal: 480
P: 89g
C: 16g
F: 8g

Pre gym
Glutamine, Creatine & HMB with juice
Cal: 102
P: 1g
C: 23g
F: 0g

Post gym
Glutamine, Creatine & HMB with juice
Cal: 76
P: 1g
C: 17g
F: 0g

Post Workout at home
Protein Shake, skim milk
Protein Shake with water (its digusting)
Cal: 280
P: 46g
C: 22g
F: 0g

Grand Total
Cal: 2325
P: 235g
C: 274g
F: 29g

3/ Workout

Week 1 Day 1
Chest/ Flat Barbell 5 sets, 8 reps, 44lbs
Chest/ Diagonal Barbell 5 sets, 8 reps, 44lbs
Upper abs 6 sets, 8 reps
Lower Abs 6 sets, 8 reps
Upper back 5 sets, 8 reps, 66lbs
Lower back 5 sets, 8 reps, 66lbs

Did extra with abs cause i didnt feel my lower abs working.

Feel free to give some advice & it would be cool if Diesel read this & advice from him would be great cause he's the cut up expert :D
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Master Don Juan
Jan 31, 2002
Reaction score
Way to keep track of everything... it's definitely a help. I posted a reply about your lean body mass and calories, and trust me, you're not supposed to be at 3300 calories.

Hmm... critiques. First, I think you might wanna cut down your sets a bit, and up the weight. Come on, 44lbs?? If that's 44lbs total, you def need to up the weight. If it's 44 on each side of the bar, That probably is an ok start for you, but if you can do 5 sets of 8 reps, up the weight. I'd say stick to 3 sets of 6-8 reps for failure on your chest. 3 exercises. That'll come out to about 9 worksets total. So do flat bench, incline bench, and some decline, or flys or dips.

As far as chest and back and lower back? You're a far greater man than I if you can do all that in one day. You're telling me bench, deads, rows, pullups (or lat pulldowns), and incline, all in the same day. on a REDUCED CALORIE DIET?

I think you're lacking in the intensity. Up the intensity a bit. Push yourself, Hard.

Also, I use this site to calculate calories:

(PS: DIESEL left the boards a while ago... so he's not gonna reply)


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2002
Reaction score
Littleton, Colorado, United States
3300 calories @ 167lbs lean body mass is too much. If you're trying to lose fat you need to create a mild caloric deficit. IMO you should be in the 2000 - 2500 calorie range.


Master Don Juan
Jan 31, 2002
Reaction score

I'd say start out at around 2300-2500 cals.

Cut a couple hundred a week, and I bet you can get yourself down to the 1600-1800 a day range. With your current bodyweight, I'd say it might be a little iffy to do it quickly... maybe take 5 weeks to go from 2500 Cals - 1800 cals, and then go from there to 1600 the next week. Keep at 1600 for like 8 weeks or so. That's what I'd do if I was obese.

Check this out, seriously. Read through this site, and examine a lot. This guy sounds about 95% like you, so it seems like you can pull off the same results pretty easily. He also did an awesome job of documenting everything and keeping records.

Good luck


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2002
Reaction score
Littleton, Colorado, United States
John Stone is a cool guy, and did one hell of a job shaping up! Although he doesn't seem to be making much progress now, not sure if he just wants to maintain his weight or get bigger.

I would think 1600-1800 might even be too low, if you drop your caloric intake too drastically you will lose muscle. 12-15 X Lean Body Mass in calories is a good formula to stick with IMO, but then again I've always been a skinny guy. Maybe its different for endomorphs. Definitely don't drop below 1600 though!


Senior Don Juan
Jun 9, 2003
Reaction score
A kiwi in a very bad disguise of a dutchman :P
Week 1 Day 2
I workedout my body mass & calorie intake stuff & its 36% fat & 35 BMI, my height is 1,79m & according to my lean body mass i should be eating 2407 calories.
No train day today as im fresh to training & my arms & abs hurt.

Supplements: Creatine & Glutamine mixed in juice, Hydroxycut & CLA.
Breakfast: Whey shake mixed with skim milk, porrige flakes.
Cal: 481
Pro: 41g
Carb: 70g
Fat: 4g

Mid morning
Brown bread sandwich with cheese & chicken, a orange.
Cal: 249
Pro: 14g
Carb: 27g
Fat: 9g

Supplements: Creatine & Glutamine mixed in juice, CLA.
Lunch: Tuna salade (Tuna, cottage cheese, spring onion, cucumber & fat free dressing).
Cal: 354
Carb: 23g
Fat: 6g

Mid afternoon
Protein shake mixed with skim milk.
Cal: 140
Pro: 23g
Carb: 11g
Fat: 0g

Supplements: Creatine & Glutamine mixed in juice, Hydroxycut & CLA.
Dinner: Stir fry(cellery, green beans & mushrooms), spinach with cottage cheese, 2 pieces of steamed fish, a egg.
Cal: 442
Pro: 76g
Carb: 29g
Fat: 9g

Later in the evening i got a little hungry :)
Skim yogurt.
Cal: 65
Pro: 8g
Carb: 8g
Fat: 0g

Grand total
Cal: 1731
Pro: 214g
Carb: 168g
Fat: 28g

The strange thing is my calorie intake is way way too low but after every meal i was full:confused: (well except for the midafternoon meal).:)

Are orange's bad for me while im cutting cause dont they have a high sugar content?
A staff member at the gym said to me, that i shouldnt take too much protein on a no train day, cause if u have to much protein & dont train u gain fat thats why i didnt take another protein/whey shake, is this true?
Anyone have any idea's how i can up my intake some more, cause i dont wanna lose any muscle?

I got cravings for something sweet so i made a sugar free lemonade & the cravings were gone :D

P.S. im not obese im skinny fat & my eating habits werent bad as that guy from


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2002
Reaction score
Littleton, Colorado, United States
Take the advice you get from gym trainers with a grain of salt. Some of them are very knowledgable but I have also heard some of the worst mis-information from PT's at the gym. I've never heard of too much protien being bad for you, other than it puts more stress on your kidneys (one more reason to drink tons of water). In fact, a high protien diet combined with exercise increases your metabolism. A good nutrient ratio for fat loss is 40% protien, 30% carbs, 30% fat (EFA's, not saturated fat).

Oranges are fine, as long as you eat them in the first half of the day. They are simple carbs so they will spike your blood sugar and insulin level, but if you take them early in the day you have a good chance of burning off the energy.

Are you adding cardio into your routine or only doing weight training? While you are cutting, weight training should be used more as a way to prevent muscle loss and cardio should be used to increase your metabolism and provide an extra caloric deficit. I would suggest you try a routine more like this:

Sunday - rest
Monday - lift weights, work on chest, triceps, shoulders, abs
Tuesday - cardio
Wednesday - lift weights, work on legs
Thursday - cardio
Friday - Lift, work on back and biceps, abs
Saturday - cardio


Senior Don Juan
Jun 9, 2003
Reaction score
A kiwi in a very bad disguise of a dutchman :P

U say that a good fat loss nutrient is 40% protein, 30% carbs & 30% fat but, on the cut up guide is says, protein: 2g x body weight, carbs: 1.2g x body weight & fat: as little as possible, take one tablespoon of flaxseed oil with protein and no carbs before bed. So far i dont have much fat in my diet so i think ur nutrient is better if i need to start at 2400cal cause of the fat 1carb/protein is 4cal & 1fat is 9cal so i'll change my diet & put more fat in it to get to 2400cal intake. Just say i take off 150 cal per week would that then be 50cal protein, 50cal carb & 50cal fat???


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2002
Reaction score
Littleton, Colorado, United States
Well, I'm not giving advice based on Diesel's guide to cutting up (although there is some good info there). I'm basing it on information on this site:

Its the same principles used in the program I'm using. I gotta say it works great, I've dropped my bodyfat percentage from 22.25% down to 15.5% in one month (lost 11lbs fat) and I gained 5 pounds of muscle at the same time.

I'll post more later if you want.

Peace and Quiet

If you currently have too many women chasing you, calling you, harassing you, knocking on your door at 2 o'clock in the morning... then I have the simple solution for you.

Just read my free ebook 22 Rules for Massive Success With Women and do the opposite of what I recommend.

This will quickly drive all women away from you.

And you will be able to relax and to live your life in peace and quiet.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2002
Reaction score
Littleton, Colorado, United States
Yeah not too bad for a month, hopefully I'll be done cutting by the end of this month and I can start putting on mass! The fatloss diet is making me hungry! I wanna get down to 9% bodyfat first.

The reason Anthony E. (the guy on the website) advocates adding 30% fat is for several reasons. Bottom line is that your body NEEDS certain types of fat to function and to build muscle. Not just any fat, but EFA's (Essential Fatty Acids) basically omega-3 and omega-6. Fish has a lot of EFAs in it already so if you eat a lot of fish you don't need to supplement a lot.

Anyway I don't want to confuse you with contradicting advice (to Diesel's cutting guide) and I also don't want to give away all the info in Anthony E.'s program for free. But I'll help you with some of the basic concepts if you want my advice.

The diet is the most important thing when cutting (and arguably, when bulking as well!). You've got the right idea in keeping track of the calories and macronutrients in your diet. What you might want to do in the beginning is to plan out an entire day's worth of meals around the calories and nutrients that you need, then eat the same things every day for a week or two before switching things up.

Sound like a lot of work? It is. Sound like its difficult, and boring to eat the same things all week? It is! But it will really help get quick results.

PLANNING and SIMPLICITY ARE YOUR FRIEND if you want to stay consistent. If you just try to wing it every day and eat different things in the beginning, you are setting yourself up for inconsistent dieting. Your body will respond best to consistency.

So for example, say you want to eat 15x your lean body mass in calories to start with.

15 x 167 = approx. 2500 calories

so then say you want 40% protein

.4 x 2500 = 1000 calories

4 calories per gram of protein so

1000 / 4 = 250g of protein every day.

Do the same with carbs and fat:

.3 x 2500 = 750

750 / 4 = 187g carbs
750 / 9 = 83g fat

Then plan your daily meals around meeting those nutrient requirements. I would suggest you keep using Flaxseed oil in your protein drinks for your fat source to keep things simple.

As you know, your good sources of protein are:
lean beef
lowfat cottage cheese

Seems like you already know how to get the nutrient info for foods so I'll leave it at that. Use a spreadsheet program like Excel to plan your diet and make it easier to calculate the totals.

Drink at least .66oz x your weight of water every day, and on the days that you do cardio take a few aspirin (be careful as lots of aspirin can irritate some people's stomach)

No carbs before bed is good advice as well, so make your last meal high in protein and moderate in fat.

You don't HAVE to take things to this extreme, but its like anything in life. Half ass effort = half ass results. Also, there is more than one path to any given goal. This is just some friendly advice, take it or leave it :)

Edit: Also, there is not much use for taking creatine while on a cutting cycle.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 9, 2003
Reaction score
A kiwi in a very bad disguise of a dutchman :P
Well, i think today i'll stay with day 2 intake & then i'll modify my diet to 40%/30%/30% protein/carbs/fat for tomorrow. Before i forget the health shops here suck they dont have flaxseed oil but in europe we call it linseed oil.
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Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2002
Reaction score
Littleton, Colorado, United States
Cool, good luck to you whatever you decide. Also you might look for an oil blend called Udo's oil. It has a great ratio of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 9, 2003
Reaction score
A kiwi in a very bad disguise of a dutchman :P
Week 1 Day 3
Well i finally got my hands on linseed oil so i added that to my diet right away. :)
I got up alittle late today but didnt know how to add missed out meal to the other meals. :(

Calorie Intake

Juice with glutamine & HMB (for the people that dont know it yet, HMB is for prevention of muscle tissue loss), Whey shake, Porrige.
Cal: 667 (a little too much i think)
Pro: 48g
Carb: 96g (Gotta cut some off of this)
Fat: 7g

2 brown sandwichs with cheese & ham (i might change to chicken breast cause sandwich chicken is processed), a glass of milk.
Cal: 304
Pro: 19g
Carb: 41g
Fat: 4g

Mid afternoon
Protein shake with linseed oil (i hardly taste the oil), a whole egg.
Cal: 339
Pro: 34g
Carb: 16g
Fat: 16g

Stir fry (green beans & brocolli with a little soy sauce), to pieces of fish, a whole egg.
Cal: 318
Pro: 51g
Carb: 10g
Fat: 8g ( most from egg & a little from fish spices)

Preworkout & Postworkout
Sugar free orange lemonade with Glutamine & HMB
Cal: 12
Pro: 0g
Carb: 0g
Fat: 0g

Post postworkput
Protein shake with linseed oil
Cal: 263
Pro: 27g
Carb: 16g
Fat: 10g

Grand Total
Cal: 1903
Pro: 179g
Carb: 179g
Fat: 45g

I still need to up the cals, protein & fat (well if i took my tuna salade for mid morning & extra scoop protein post post workout then i would of had a grand total of
Cal: 2203 cal
Pro: 248g
Carbs: 181g
Fat: 51g,
i was thinking about putting linseed oil in all my meals with
dairy products is this a good idea?
Every serving of 10g linseed oil is(& i put 10gr in each shake after breakfast cause i bought the oil at lunch time),
Cal: 90
Pro/Carb: 0g
Fat: 10g
Im not gonna use fruit juice anymore cause it contains too much sugar & carbs per glass so i'll use the sugar free orange lemonade instead.
Next week i might change to half full milk that way i wont have to try & find a new way to fill in my fat deficit.

In europe we work in kilo but i'll put them into lbs.

Squats: 3x8
Leg press: 1x8x132, 2x8x154
Leg curl: 1x8x44, 2x8x66

Rotary Calf: 3x8x66
Calf step ups: 3x8

Triceps extensions: 3x8x13 (each arm, yes i know its not very heavy but my tris are very weak)
Tricep kickback: 3x8x13 (same as above)

Well thats my report for day 3, i'll just have to say that the 1st week is very screwy cause i dont really have a good cal intake set up & im at the gym longer cause i need to learn how to proform exercises well.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 9, 2003
Reaction score
A kiwi in a very bad disguise of a dutchman :P
Week 1 Day 4
Well day was basically the same as day 3 except some more linseed oil in my diet couldnt really post everything cause im quiet busy.

Week 1 Day 5
Well again im still very busy but when i get time i'll modify this abit more, today is also train day, im also making a new diet for next week of 2350cal.:)
Just a quick question about sunday, diesel says take a rest day but what can i eat then do i have to still watch out for cal,pro,carbs & fats or can i eat what i want?(but no chocolate or sugars:))

Another question b4 i forget does it have to be a strict diet or can the be a few cal/gr difference with protein & carbs, cause i cant really get it exact???
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What happens, IN HER MIND, is that she comes to see you as WORTHLESS simply because she hasn't had to INVEST anything in you in order to get you or to keep you.

You were an interesting diversion while she had nothing else to do. But now that someone a little more valuable has come along, someone who expects her to treat him very well, she'll have no problem at all dropping you or demoting you to lowly "friendship" status.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2002
Reaction score
Littleton, Colorado, United States
Another question b4 i forget does it have to be a strict diet or can the be a few cal/gr difference with protein & carbs, cause i cant really get it exact???
It doesn't have to be exact, the nutrient ratios are more important than the calories so pay more attention to that.

i was thinking about putting linseed oil in all my meals with dairy products is this a good idea?
It doesn't matter what you mix it with, but I recommend adding it to your protein shakes along with the glutamine. Try to have some fat in the morning, mid-day, and before bed. Mixing fat with the protein will increase the time it takes for your stomach to digest and provide a steady stream of nutrients.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2002
Reaction score
Littleton, Colorado, United States
Something else I'd recommend is to add some carbs to your post-workout meal, in fact you should try to eat your biggest meal of the day within 1 hour of lifting weights. Also make sure you eat some carbs before the workout, at least 1 hour before.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 9, 2003
Reaction score
A kiwi in a very bad disguise of a dutchman :P
Dont worry, i will.:D

Just a quick edit.
This is my food intake for the week.

Whey yogurt & oatmeal muffins

Quiche(tuna,spinach & cottage cheese)

Tuna Steak & protein shake

Cheese burger & glass of milk

Chicken stirfry & rice

Before Bed
Protein shake

It might seem bad with the cheese burger but im grilling the patty, using a brown bun & using low fat cheese.

9 sets on back 3 different exercises
9 sets on chest 3 different exercises


For those of u craving sweets or the soda drinkers try pepsi max, it has no sugar & 0,5 cal per glass, its bloody awesome :D

P.S. thanks to the loss of 3lbs fat in the 1st week it has pumped me up so much there is no way in hell that im gonna quit. :D
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