My Current LTR Dilemma


Don Juan
Apr 11, 2005
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Hey guys,
First, I apologize if this seems long winded. I've been seeing my girlfriend for about a year and everything has been great. We have both really enjoyed each other's company and done so many things together. We are both in high school and a while back my girlfriend got grounded by her parents for about 1 1/2 months. Ever since she has been grounded the only time we see each other is at school and talk on the phone every night so its hard to keep the flame going like that.

When she was first grounded she asked me "Are you going to stick around until I'm able to go out again" and I told her I would. Anyway, this week she asked me if I felt like we were growing apart, I told her that intimately, yes, because we haven't been able to go out but I felt like after she was able to go out again we would get back on track. I asked her if she felt like anything was contributing to it besides what we talked about and she said that I haven't been showing her as much attention. Which I haven't, because school isn't exactly a good place to show a lot of intimacy, especially with my friends trying to talk to me.

Today she tells me that she isn't feeling it anymore after I kissed her. We talked I just kept relaxed and said I'd love for our relationship to work out and I'm willing to do what we've got to do but I can't tell you how to feel and if have to move on, we have to move on. I could tell that she is frustrated because she wants to work.

I know that the pattern and predictabilty of school schedules has damaged our relationship as well as I felt the need to create intimacy with words more than I usually would in normal circumstances. My main question is, do you think our relationship is salvagable and what would you recommend doing? I'm really happy with this girl simply because she is the purest-caring girl I've been with. I thought about telling her we should take about two weeks and not really talk or see each other and then go out, but I'm not sure how that would work. Any advice would be appreciated.


Don Juan
Jul 18, 2005
Reaction score
girls in highschool are not yet ready or fully understand that a relationship chills after a year and things get more comfortable. She thinks she is falling out of love because she has no experience, but actually things may be gtting more chill between u 2.