My Complications

Slim Shady607

New Member
Dec 22, 2007
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Hey, I'm new here as you can tell by my post count. But I have been studying for a while now and I think it is now I come on here and ask questions. Because I feel now that I has a basic layer of Game to use, now I have to adapt and improve. So let me introduce myself and give you all the run-down of what I am facing.

I'm 16, I have never really had sucess with women. But I've gotten lucky a couple of times. All of my friends are 17-18, but my closest friends are naturally good with women. So that's were the very beginning of my "basic layer" came from. And recently I've been reading "The Game" and some David D. stuff. I just started reading "The Game" today and I'm on Step 4. And already I can feel a new life being breathed into me.

And now here's my situation. Me and my close friends(remember are older than me, and are a little more mature) chill with this 23 year old girl. Which is fun because us(3) guys and 1 girl. Perfect to experiment and test the things I have learned.

She does put out, but only if you can trigger her points. Which so far, I have not hit and everybody else has. (Hence they have atleast slept with her once, where I have nothing) And I need some ****in poon, or else I'm going to go insane. But yesterday, me and her went to our friends wrestling tournament for that went on for 5 hours. So this gave me a great opportunity to feel her out and see if I can trigger some of her points.

It went good, or atleast I think so. Because I have made some good progress and gained some ground. We would start chit-chatting, and then I would work my way to picking on her. Some kino was goin on, bumpin into each other, elbowing each other. But she kino'd me a couple times. She would rest her head on my shoulder for a minute and then take it off.

Now when she rested her head on my shoulder, I was dumb founded on what to do. I didn't know to wether put my arm around her or what. Maybe you guys can help me out here.

But yeah that is my story, I will give you updates as long as it progress'. We might be in the friend zone, but I think I'm at neutral. I'm not in the friend zone, but I'm not in the sexual zone. I've slowly been working(my game) on her because I'm an AFC and I'm just learning all these new things. But soon enough if I dont trigger her points, I'll fall into the abyss that is the friend zone.

She will say some things that I know there's a perfect comments to make, but I can't make them. Like, "You wanna go Slim? (playfully)", and "Nobody loves me, blah blah blah bull**** bull**** blah blah. (she'll do this for attention and for us to be "Oh we love you." Blah, I know why she's sayin that. But I dont know what to do)" But then there are times when its her, my friend, and me are chillin in her car. And then the other two will engage in some playful arguement for the longest ****in time and I'm left out just sitting there. I'm thinking about just giving up to tell the truth.... Any kind of feedback or advice is welcome.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 26, 2007
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Have you one-itis for her?

Sounds to me like shes spinning plates with all of you and you are all trying to get her and she can have her pick! It makes her feel great having ye all chasing her. Don't fall into the friends zone by acting all nice and doing everything she asks.

Best chance you have is to forget about her in a sexual way and concentrate on other girls and she'll wonder why you're the only one not under her control.

I might be wrong but thats how it looks.


Master Don Juan
Apr 25, 2007
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No dude. It's not about Oneitis or seh needs more 'game".

You are close, boy!

She's testing the waters with you.

The thing is that she's testing to see your Sexuality. Meaning , if she hasn't done anything physical with you yet, something's holding her back. (of course, but what??)

We need to pinpoint what it is.
My gut is telling me you may be too contained, or non sexual with her. You're NOT expressing COMFORT,as in you're not looking too comfortable, and relaxed and confident.
If you're holding back, she WILL NOT PROCEED.

Look up the Gunwitch Method right now. And absorb as much as you possibly can.

Let go of any anxiety you have with your sexuality, HER sexuality, and be aligned , and congruent with yourself, what you want, and your desires.

Do not be ashamed to be a man. Do not be ashamed for your sexual desires, and never apologize for them.

You are still pretty young , dude. You're freakin' 16, a kid basically.

She's testing you for MASCULINITY, CONFIDENCE, a Push Through Attitude, and how well connected you are to YOUR Sexuality, and how COMFORTABLE you are with SEX as well.

Guys, when a woman puts her head on your shoulder it is a HUGE GREEN NEON "GO" SIGN!!

Woman puts head on shoulder, I escalate. Why? It's her signal to ME.

Repeat this as a mantra.

Whenever a woman puts her head on your shoulder, it is HER SIGN to you.
She's is trying to 'feel' you, your body, your warmth, and how nervous or confident you are. She's testing your 'waters" so to speak.

Slim Shady607

New Member
Dec 22, 2007
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Alright well heres the low-down on this situation. It's not pretty...

I met up with her tonight and went over to a buddies house. And I guess she found her booty call, because when I arrived, one of my old friends had his arm wrapped around her. And they left together a couple times and came back wanting a cig. So that has to be a sign, I mean. I'm not stupid when it comes down to 'the game.'

So as of right now, I don't really care about her anymore. Because if she wants to go off and be *****-ish than fine. That's her choice. If she ever wants to **** me, then she's gonna have to prove herself and earn me. But she always says "I dont need you guys(me and my 2 other tight friends), blah blah." than fine. We've came to the conclusion that we dont need her, and lets see how she re-acts. But, another reason why I dont care is this...

Last night after I posted my 1st original post, and after I took a break from reading "The Game" by Neil Strauss, this one girl that I've been working on IMed me out of no-where. (You can see the convo in "The IM Log" that My Name is Nobody started.) I used some of the things I learned from the book and to find out. She's pretty interested in me. Which is perfect because now I can next this current chick and move on without any second thoughts.

I have to give thanks where thanks is due, to Interceptor and Answers. They both gave me an in-sight that helped a-lot. And I read up on the "Gunwitch Method" and found out more information that I should know. So it should help me when it's needed. But that's it for now...

-Slim Shady

P.S. - Slim Shady came from the girl this post was about. She used to call me Slim(Slim Shady) because I was tall and slim. In no way am I a white-boy gangster wanna-be. Just to clear that up. And 607 is my area code. So yeah, this is pretty much my "intro" thread. Thanks again guys.