My 1st post ever, and also looking for some advice


Don Juan
May 13, 2007
Reaction score
Hey guys, first off I just want to introduce myself. I'm 20 years old (soon to be 21) and I'm on this site looking to improve myself and working towards becoming that guy I want to be. I've read some posts and skimmed through the "DJ Bible" and theres definitely some good information here, it's a lot to learn all at once though.

Here's my story: I was with a girl for 3 1/2 years and last fall she left me for some other guy and I later found out that she was also cheating on me :mad: needless to say, I was heartbroken, angry, and depressed for a long time. I would try to act like I was ok but people could still tell that I was down. I tried dating a couple girls right after her but it never worked out, mostly because I was still really depressed and I wasn't my normal self. I also think I was turning into one of those guys that hates women but I realized that that's not the way to be and I can't hate all of them just because of what one girl did to me.
But yeah, I also haven't had sex with a girl since her (which I think is kind of pathetic, I need to do something about that)
But that was almost a year ago (9 months to be exact) and I feel like I'm finally over her and ready to get out there and make up for all the fun I've been missing out on. Most girls tell me I'm a good looking guy, and I'm in pretty decent shape because I play hockey, I'm 5'9" and 170 lbs, I still feel like I'm kind of skinny though so I'm definitely going to be hitting those weights and bulking up a bit more. But it's not my looks thats holding me back at all it's just a matter of getting my confidence up...

I'm not the type of guy who picks up girls in public and get's their #. I want to work on that so that when I do see a hot girl I can just go talk to her and get her number no problem. Take yesterday for example, I was at the drug store getting a card for mothers day and there was a real hot blonde working in the photo department. I smiled at her and she smiled back and I wanted to go talk to her but for some reason I pussied out :cuss:
Trust me on the drive home I was kicking myself and really pissed off that I didn't do anything.

Fast forward to today though... this afternoon me and my friend were at this sub shop getting some lunch while his car was getting fixed. The girl making our subs was a hot blonde, she had that kind of cute innocent face, real nice smile, but still hot at the same time ;) I joked with her a little bit and we got our food and sat down at our table and ate but I was still glancing over and checking her out. I was thinking "Damn, I should get her number" Only problem was every time I looked over she was either busy with a customer or talking to someone she worked with. I was trying to wait until she was alone and not busy. That never happened though. So we were actually about to leave and walk out the door and then I remembered yesterday when I didn't do anything and I was like "fu*k it" and I just walked over there without thinking. I'm not gonna lie I was really nervous but once I actually started talking to her things went pretty smootly, here's how it went:

Me: Hey
Her: What can I get for you
Me: Oh, no I don't want any subs I just wanted to talk to you real quick
(she smiles)
Her: Yeah?
Me: Yeah, I was just wondering if you were single
(she pauses for a second and kind of stutters a little bit, it was cute haha)
Her: Y.... yes I am
Me: Oh, well we should talk sometime when you aren't busy working ;)
Her: ok! (she seemed happy)
then we just talked about basic stuff for a minute, we exchanged names and I got her number and left because there were people behind me in line.
I felt really good after that though and I thought to myself, "wow that wasnt THAT hard" My friend said he was proud of me and that it took a lot of balls. I know to some people its just like "wow, he got a girls number, big deal" but I guess to me it was kind of a big deal.

So anyway, now I have this girls number and I wanted some help on what to do next. I was going to call her in the next day or two and talk to her for like 5-10 mins and then ask her to do something later this week. Not sure what yet, I'm thinking maybe something fun like putt-putt golf, which is kind of cheesy (but its warm out so might as well enjoy the nice weather) I wanted to go ice skating but I can't seem to find anyplace that has ice skating at night, its all during the day. So I'm thinking putt putt and maybe getting some ice cream after, what would you guys suggest? Any ideas/input is appreciated. Thanks
and thanks for reading my long post :cool:

Gangster Of Love

Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2002
Reaction score
Los Angeles
Congrats. Go get more numbers asap, you are on a high, and need to stay busy so you don't start developing one-itis. And go read Rollo Tomasi's stuff on Plate Spinning.

Ok, I'm back, I can give you more insight. Do something very low key. Just ask her what time she takes her break, and suggest some starbucks or something fast and low key; you can even do the ice cream thing. Or better yet, tell her to join you to go look at something at a nearby store. There you get to display your fun and attractive personaltiy, and you get to talk to her more.

Once you do that, she will definitely be looking forward to your calls and getting together to go do something. The more low key and confortable you can make her, early on, the better your chances later on.

Call her in the middle of the week. Always best if she is actually happily surprised. For so many reasons.
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Master Don Juan
Jun 19, 2006
Reaction score
No, you don't want much on a 1st date. This girl is a still a stranger, right? Just get to know her for an hour, tops. Leave before you run out of things to talk about.

And for God's sake, don't mention your ex, or heartbreak, or any depressing BS like that, okay?
Mar 18, 2006
Reaction score
Bond007 said:
Here's my story: I was with a girl for 3 1/2 years and last fall she left me for some other guy and I later found out that she was also cheating on me :mad: needless to say, I was heartbroken, angry, and depressed for a long time.
How many freakin times have we heard this story?? Thousands of times on this site alone!!!!!! You boys are dealing with hors and not women!!!!! Quit falling in love and getting emotional with hors!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In fact, don't talk to anymore hors until you come to this understanding!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You pimp hors - you don't love or marry them!!!!!!!

Get your shyt together or die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2002
Reaction score
Land of the Ruins
Do something fun. Have fun.

Usually when I'm meeting up with someone for the 1st time I choose a venue and activity I would enjoy doing by myself anyway. The best sort of anti-flake and anti-expectation insurance.
