PairPlusRoyalFlush said:
I doubt people will be able to accomplish much in the gym if all their after is pvussy but hate lifting. For one thing they'll balk at bulking phases where you gain a lot of fat, nor will they commit to a diet. Personally I've had trouble forcing myself into cutting phases because I just want to keep growing!
I don't know. When I first picked up weights over 10 years ago I did it because I wanted to attract girls, and other (less important) reasons like being tough, not getting picked on anymore, etc. However, as I changed and began attracting said girls, I actually began to like it and it developed into a habit. I now know that I will do it for the rest of my life because of other benefits (besides just looking good naked).
Also, bulking phases where you 'gain a lot of fat' aren't necessary; that just seems to be a path that a lot of people take. I did bulk phases when I first got serious and I regret it. There is a cleaner way of doing it. I now roll with 7-9% bodyfat year round. Diet is another thing. Unless you're going to compete and need to be at unhealthy low levels (4-5%), you don't need a strict diet. Get enough protein, have some flexibility, and enjoy life. I have 3 protein shakes/day like clockwork (cookies & cream/banana cream), maybe an energy drink, bread for to carb load before a workout, and 1-2 meals of whatever I want. I drink 3-4 nights/week, though not heavily. I don't weigh my food or buy organic grass fed bs. I just watch the mirror and if I don't like what I see, I train more to compensate.
Who Dares Win said:
Its not about muscles, its mostly about your body shape.
Usually the benefit you get in the gym is looking more manly and less androgynous, guys get bigger arms and thinner asses while girls get a thinner belly and more curvaceous legs.
So I think what works more is not necessarily the bulk look but the masculine one, where you look attractive to see/touch and your body fat decrease showing many masculine attributes like your jaw line.
Most fitness models sure have muscles but what people like the most is the quality, the strong fat guy in your gym probably has plenty of muscles yet he is not attractive since he looks more like a choccolate egg than a sword.
Sure there are girls who go after size and the bigger the better but most would rather pick a runner type than a judo one.
By muscles it's assumed we're talking about a 'sword' as you put it, ie physique competition models vs. pro bodybuilding.