Moving out

Mage Xtil

Don Juan
Jun 3, 2007
Reaction score
Hi Guys,

I'm getting at the point in life where I want to move out of my parents house. I want to know how much you guys pay for rent and what you get for that amount. I always think about moving out but even with a full time job I can't bring myself to spending close to $650 approx for a months rent in Canada. How do you get ahead in life and save and buy something big, like a house of car?



Don Juan
Aug 5, 2008
Reaction score
Sitting rinside @ the AFC Lightweight Championship
I moved out a month ago. No regrets about the transition, just a personal justified sense of liberation. It costs $430/mo. 1 bedroom efficiency, all utilities included, has a bathroom a mini kitchen area. No roommates because I actually take up the entire space. I just go to school across the street for classes and to use the internet.

To get ahead in life, you must save via a crafty personal budget. Maybe try going no-frills for a little, see how it pans out. A bigger investment like a house is great, make payments on it, get married later on or never. My older brother bought a new car back in '05, a house in '07, and is getting married late this year. He's got the full-time job and is making payments on the 1st 2 things. The wedding won't be huge, remember play it step by step now, the marginal benefits are > then the marginal costs.

Mage Xtil

Don Juan
Jun 3, 2007
Reaction score
Yes that is my worry if I do move out, I won't be able to save for a house later in life, I don't really understand stock or investing. Currently I'm living at home, working full time taking home $910 every two weeks paying $200 rent every month.

I have been looking at places closer to work but I don't know what the difference between a bachelor apartment and a single bedroom apartment?

How much do you guys spend on food for yourselves?