Moving from street into club


Don Juan
Sep 27, 2005
Reaction score
Most guys start in clubs & then progress to PU on the street. I have the opposite problem: never went to clubs (don't like them) but am OK at doing street PU.

Went to a club w/some buddies last night. Horrible environment, crowded shoulder-to-shoulder, you can shout yourself hoarse & still not be heard, etc. My game fell apart--none of my skills cross over. But 99% of America somehow gets laid in these godawful places.

Could you guys point me to some articles by trustworthy authors re. club PU basics? I feel like I should learn this.

Ironic side note: street PUs, hated & feared by most, are in many ways EASIER than club PUs! Most girls at Starbuck's, the supermarket, or the laundromat are bored & lonely & looking to talk to someone. Just say, "Hey I really like your jacket. Where did you get that?" & you're in. In the club, these azzoles all line up to say "Hey I really like your jacket" one by one until the poor girl is ready to take the jacket off & whip the next guy to death with it. Nobody holds EC. I am clueless about who's with whom. Ugh.


Don Juan
Sep 27, 2005
Reaction score
So what you're saying is, wait till last call & see who's drunk & horny?