the sick and twisted reality of the human experience is that first and foremost we are emotional beings. LOGIC is something we develop (or fail to develop as in many cases).
one of the hardest things to realize in life is that the bond between any 2 humans, whether they be familial or not is based on each getting something from the other.
mothers derive a large degree of their sense of 'self worth' from their children. they consider YOU to be the greatest accomplishment they ever acheived. then miss doolittle comes along and seeks to claim you as her greatest accomplishment.
now, most of the time this works out just fine because mothers see your woman as a means of attaining grand children - even further enhancing their sense of accomplishment, after all, if not for them there would be no YOU and hence the grandchildren wouldn't exist.
now, do people walk around in life realizing why they are attached to various things for various reasons? no! inexplicably they simply find themselves 'attached'.
and all mothers know the seductive power (and nag power) of a woman - and they KNOW that their sons may soon start listening to miss doolittle as opposed to them - that their VALUE in relation to the thing which they consider to be their greatest accomplishment will deminish greatly.
but all this is a ying and yang type of thing. its that same irrational attachment that mothers have that also accounts for the fact that for most men there is at least ONE person on this planet that would do just about anything for them.
does all this lead to AFC behavior? yes.
is it the only factor? no.
i argue that being an AFC is natural. any man, left to his own devices and inserted in our current social system will end up an AFC. just like any woman, left to her own devices will end up with low self esteem and be an attention wh*re.
YOU are in the matrix - AND - so they are they!
escaping the matrix really entails nothing more than realizing that the world around you is the sum accumulation of behavioral and social conditioning on a masse level - one that feeds back in to itself and constantly reinforces the ideas which lead you away from being a free confident individual and toward a hungry consumer who is constantly looking for external variables for a sense of self value.
being a man, in my opinion, merely entails at some point in life standing up for yourself and saying 'enough is enough. I no longer care what others thing and im going to start figuring out who i am, what i believe in, and live life according to ME - and anyone who ain't down with that, that's their problem." (this includes parents, friends, work colleagues, etc.)
that is what i call being a life DJ. its also what i call being a MAN.
and whether it leads to you banging more chics or not is secondary. its the first step towards happiness and living an authentic life.
so all that being said, yes mothers are a major psychological conditioner! as are fathers to their daughters. they are the entity of the opposite gender that you are most exposed to during the course of your life - how can they not mess up your head? hehe.
do they mean to? NO - i truly believe they don't. they don't even know what they are doing. their brains are conditioned just like the rest of society. they love you and this is how they express love - but you know what they say, 'the road to hell is paved with good intentions."
so be your own man and do what YOu want to do. let others worry about living with your choices. just do me one favor - DO NOT let women push you around because 1) they want you to give them the same kind of attention daddy did or 2) you would never tell your mom to go f*ck herself. hehe.
when you're getting treated wrongly by a woman, STAND UP for yourself.