Most women don't have the character to handle being treated nice.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 3, 2005
Reaction score
As I mentioned in a previous thread, do you ever notice that the more kind and generous you are with some women, the more they tend to resent you?

I hear all day long from women talking about how guys are jerks and cheapskates, yet when they find a kind, generous man, they end up treating him like shyt.

I thought to myself.....self....why is that? And the answer I came up with might surprise you. Most women don't have enough character to handle being treated good. What do I mean by this? It's pretty simple. People who are mature, and possess common sense tend to reciprocate kindness. Those who are immature, or whose character is flawed in some way tend to take kindness for weakness.

It's really a huge "catch-22". Women will always whine about how bad men are, but some of them truly can't handle a good man. It's just another one of the many hypocrisies women impart on men. Treat me bad, and I'll whine...BUT i'll secretely be attracted to you. Treat me good, and I'll still whine, BUT I'll be attracted to the jerk who shyts all over me.

It's excitement and intrigue that keep women around...not money


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
atl, GA
Everyone wants to be treated with respect, but no one wants to be smothered with excessive flattery. There's a difference here.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 3, 2005
Reaction score
sstype said:
Everyone wants to be treated with respect, but no one wants to be smothered with excessive flattery. There's a difference here.
I'm not even talking about "excessive flattery". I'm talking about being a decent guy who pays for dinner, or helps her out when she needs it. I honestly question whether all women want to be treated well. I think a mix of hot and cold probably works the best. I definitely don't reccomend spending money to gain acceptance though. You'll be looked at more as a "provider" than a potential love interest. For some reason that provider schtick seems to turn women off.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
atl, GA
Mr_knowit_all said:
I'm not even talking about "excessive flattery". I'm talking about being a decent guy who pays for dinner, or helps her out when she needs it. I honestly question whether all women want to be treated well. I think a mix of hot and cold probably works the best. I definitely don't reccomend spending money to gain acceptance though. You'll be looked at more as a "provider" than a potential love interest. For some reason that provider schtick seems to turn women off.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2002
Reaction score
Are you actually a nice guy, or are you just pretending to be nice so you can get laid? Why not be honest with your intentions?

Frankly, most "nice guys" aren't nice at all. I've seen guys act like d!ckheads towards other men, then suddenly become all sugary sweet towards a hot woman.
Mar 25, 2006
Reaction score
I don't know I just made a thread on this, as I believe we all have the "attraction" philosphy down, but I believe there's more to the picture than we think.

We all started out by not getting laid, then we learned how to become attractive so we could get laid. But now, I am starting to see, at least just with my current views, I could be wrong, but I am seeing this whole women thing as some sort of scam or a something.

I mean, I read some of Pook's posts and if you guys have not read his Romanticism one or the Salute for the Fallen one, if you read it, you'll know more about what I am talking about.

Not saying all women are bad, but the ones that aren't, are not exactly the easiest ones to locate.

I don't know, I could be wrong though.

Mar 25, 2006
Reaction score
What I mean by scam is, for the simple fact, have you ever really thought about this question. Why are you here? Why do you alll want to please women and want them sooo badly?

Could we all have just been programmed by family and the media to BEHAVE this way and THINK we allll need women and that we just really must have them, in order for us to go out and get them and thus, THEY (as this site even says) THEY get to ride in on our world and our social circle, and eventually our success, etc.

I mean, I am not trying to sound hateful or bitter, its just that I am just starting to see different things. Am I the only one who sees this?


Master Don Juan
May 29, 2006
Reaction score
Yeah I came to the same conclusion as you did. In my teen years I thought girls like being all cutesy and lovesy dovesy. I learned quick that would be a good route if you were... RICH/FAMOUS. If you're neither and they know it, I think the best route is to treat them like a male friends. You shouldn't have to worry if you want to signal any interest to the girl, body language usually will reflect whether the woman is receptive or not.


Don Juan
Jan 15, 2006
Reaction score
Mr_knowit_all said:
I'm not even talking about "excessive flattery". I'm talking about being a decent guy who pays for dinner, or helps her out when she needs it. I honestly question whether all women want to be treated well. I think a mix of hot and cold probably works the best. I definitely don't reccomend spending money to gain acceptance though. You'll be looked at more as a "provider" than a potential love interest. For some reason that provider schtick seems to turn women off.

Of course it turns them off, but why? It's not excitement and intrigue. What's so exciting and interesting about being treated like **** by a bad boy. That's masochism not intrigue. Would you repeatedly stick your hand into a fire? Well that's basically what women do.


Don Juan
Jul 14, 2006
Reaction score
82nd Airborne Division, Fort Bragg, North Carolina

haha i like the fire analogy.. so true..

i think it ultimately boils down to them being intrigued and liking the excitement of drama.. i live for speed, good workouts, adrenaline, surfing, and things like that.. younger girls live for drama and going through sh1t..its how they are man.. even the good ones need drama in their lives from time to time..once they are about 24-27 depending on the girl, they start to seek out a life partner, and then the drama is just stupid to them..but at the same time.. u always gotta make sure she knows U are the PRIZE, and she is lucky to be with u and u could be with any other woman u want..then she will view u as the prize and naturally want to keep u..

its all relative to ur place in life, mostly as far as age goes.. i personally throw a huge red flag when i meet chicks who live for the drama and sh1t..i avoid them like the plague when it comes to relationships, but as fvcks its not bad..i can play ******* from time to time and play the game..u gotta play the game