More than one girl


Don Juan
Mar 18, 2004
Reaction score
Hi, I don't post often on here, I can usually handle my own problems. I have improved greatly since 1-2 years back, when I was totally AFC. I would just like some advice on how to handle my current situatuion!

There's this girl "A" who iv been on a few dates with, she's really into me, i think she's ok but nothin special. We speak quite a lot and have gotten to kno each other quite well. Recently, we have both been on holiday, seperately, with our friends. She told me she pulled a few guys, I told her about a few girls I pulled. None of us had sex (we havnt had sex with each other yet also). Whilst on hliday, we exchanged a few txts, she told me that she was missing me.

She did tell me that she pulled a guy on holiday she would have probably seen again, but then found out he was younger than her. This doesn't really bother me. I told her that I went out the other nite, just before she got back from holiday. Asking if I pulled that nite, I said "yes". She asked if I got her number. I told her that I had, and she's been txtin me loads, but I'm not that bothered. Now, girl "A" seemed to get upset at this. I asked her if she was still wantin to do somethin with me 2moro - to which she replied "you're probably seein her"!

This girl knows that I don't really want a girlfriend right now, and we have only been out a few times. I enjoy hanging out with her. We havn't even done anything sexually yet, and she got quite pissed off and jealous of me with other girls, despite tellin me of other guys she pulled.

Anyone have any advice on how to handle this?


Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2003
Reaction score
WTF does "pull" mean?

I'm not sure why you are having discussions about what girls you are "pulling". Nothing good can come from you two having discussions about other people. Don't kiss and tell.

Next time this discussion comes up ..."I don't kiss and tell". This will make you more attractive to her as well because now you are a mystery. And why would you want to know what guys this girl is with - it only makes you look insecure.


Don Juan
Jul 24, 2005
Reaction score
Between your girl
your kidding me right? PULLED means the people you have picked up or hooked up with:crackup: Dayum we say that in the midwest you guys need to be updated on your slang knowledge