i made good gains in the last 4months, so normally i should feel better/more confident/horny than before, right! i work out only 2 times a week and each time i do only 3 compound exericeses with 3sets. so only 18sets per week. also im taking off a week every 6weeks or so. in the last 2weeks i felt depressed sometimes....and often very tired and low energetic. also not that horny. i did feel very tired sometimes before the last 2weeks....i thought it was the roaccutane(im off now). but now it has gotten only worse, i have so ****ing low energy. could it be anything other than overtraining? i mean most people would consider my program undertraining and now i haven't worked out for 6days and still feel so tired and not confident. what should i do now - stay away from weights till it has gotten better? can i do cardio in the meantime or is this also very bad?