hooold it... I think all those forums would be waste of time and effort. I think the college things can be posted in the general disucssion (I have personally always thought the High School Forum as the most useless forum here)
And why two seperate forums for guys who want LTR's and guys who want sex? You think you don't need sex in an LTR?
I think everyone knows what they want and can see what advice is good for their purpose and what's not.
And a ladies forum... huh? First of all: There are only few ladies here. Second of all: No MAN would visit it, because it would just be full of feminazi propaganda. Do we really want to know what they want from men? I think we know that better than they do!
There are already too many forums here. I never have the time to visit the High School Forum, and often I only visit the general discussion & anything else, maybe tips if I have time. It's because I have only few hours per week time to surf in the web. Creating even more forums would be just stupid.