more approaches!! woohoo


New Member
Jun 12, 2005
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thanks a lot for all the advise and sugestions in the other thread i decided to put them to good use and make more approaches yesterday! I had more success today and even got numbers! read on to see how it all went down

approach #1 (practice)

ok so i started off by going to barnes & nobles to buy some books on real estate investing b/c i don't want to be a vcr repairman anymore. i saw some HBs their and decided to approach with the David Angelo "who lies more" opener. i was feelng a little nervous and i didnt want my voice to crack again so i decided to make me less nervous i would approach a guy first (I'M NOT GAY I SWEAR IT WAS JUST PRACTICE TO BE LESS NERVOUS) so i walk up to this guy in the cafe area and say "excuse me sir, i was wondering who you think lies more, men or women"
he looked angry and said "what??"
and i started to say it again but he said "what the hell? who are you?"
so i just said sorry and walked away, that was a stupid idea anyway, enough practice on to the HBs!!!!!!!!

aproach #2

i saw a cute HB sitting in a chair reading a book so i decided to go open on her. i said "hello, who do you think lies more, men or women"
she looked a little confusled and said "why does it matter"
i had to think quick so i said "i'm doing a survey for the news"
she said "oh" and went back to reading her book
i waited about 30 secs and said "so do you want to get together sometime?"
she said "what? i'm trying to read, could you go somewhere else"
i walked away and said "nice meeting you" and she made a grunting kind of noise, NEXT!!

approach # 3

well like i said b4 my favorite poster is PVSSY-EATER but my 2nd fav was pugsleyF-6 if you guys remember him so i decided to use his techneque for this approach. i saw an HB6.34 looking at a shelf so i approached form behind and said "excuse me, can i ask you something?" she kind of jumped back and said "uhhh ok" so i asked "are you single?" and she said "yeah i guess"
and i said "great, let me write down your number so i can call you sometime"
she said it and i wrote it down on my hand (remember to bring paper next time)
i called her last night and the number was disconnected, i guess she forgot to pay her phone bill, i'll call again next month

approach #4

this was on the way back home, i stopped at a 7-11 to buy some marshmalows and camel lights. when i walked in this HBblond in the back made EC with me so i decidied to aproach. i walked towards her and i was concentrating so hard on the aproach i accidentley tripped and knocked over a whole rack of twinkies. i was realy embarassed now and the indian owner guy was yelling stuff at me so i just got up and ran out of the store b4 he made me pay 4 them or soemthing , man i really have bad luck sometimes

ok, those were all the approaches ysterday, please comment and give more advice. i have to go fix some people VCRs now, hopefully some of them will be HBs and maybe i can approach


Triple X

Senior Don Juan
May 12, 2005
Reaction score



Sorry man nothing personal but cold approaches in general make me laugh. Why go through the indignity?? There are literally hundreds of better ways to meet women.

My advice? Stop doing cold approaches.. go and meet women in other ways. You will keep your dignity and self-confidence intact that way.


Don Juan
May 2, 2005
Reaction score
Your approchs were terrible :p but you've got the balls man. Just
work on it... I'm not sure I'd use that whole men and woman lie
question to open a convo, it sounds kinda cheesy or line your
taking the mic. Just my opinion. But good work man!!


Master Don Juan
Feb 29, 2004
Reaction score
Boston, MA
You would've been better off with contextual questions. That "who lies more" question would be of better use when you've already established minimal rapport with a person.

I think you were too direct and misguided. Start with simple HIs and move up to smalltalk and further. You may successfully open some people some of the time but not everyone all the time, it's just not possible.

Don of Truth

Don Juan
Mar 31, 2004
Reaction score
Try the SEXUAL STARE again ! I thought that was pretty good. This time you need to really BELIEVE and know you are the top dawg and that the woman is yours man! Really believe it and the magic will happen !!!


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
Reaction score
A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
Originally posted by Ron_Mexico

thanks a lot for all the advise and sugestions in the other thread i decided to put them to good use and make more approaches yesterday! I had more success today and even got numbers! read on to see how it all went down

approach #1 (practice)

ok so i started off by going to barnes & nobles to buy some books on real estate investing b/c i don't want to be a vcr repairman anymore. i saw some HBs their and decided to approach with the David Angelo "who lies more" opener. i was feelng a little nervous and i didnt want my voice to crack again so i decided to make me less nervous i would approach a guy first (I'M NOT GAY I SWEAR IT WAS JUST PRACTICE TO BE LESS NERVOUS) so i walk up to this guy in the cafe area and say "excuse me sir, i was wondering who you think lies more, men or women"
he looked angry and said "what??"
and i started to say it again but he said "what the hell? who are you?"
so i just said sorry and walked away, that was a stupid idea anyway, enough practice on to the HBs!!!!!!!!

aproach #2

i saw a cute HB sitting in a chair reading a book so i decided to go open on her. i said "hello, who do you think lies more, men or women"
she looked a little confusled and said "why does it matter"
i had to think quick so i said "i'm doing a survey for the news"
she said "oh" and went back to reading her book
i waited about 30 secs and said "so do you want to get together sometime?"
she said "what? i'm trying to read, could you go somewhere else"
i walked away and said "nice meeting you" and she made a grunting kind of noise, NEXT!!

approach # 3

well like i said b4 my favorite poster is PVSSY-EATER but my 2nd fav was pugsleyF-6 if you guys remember him so i decided to use his techneque for this approach. i saw an HB6.34 looking at a shelf so i approached form behind and said "excuse me, can i ask you something?" she kind of jumped back and said "uhhh ok" so i asked "are you single?" and she said "yeah i guess"
and i said "great, let me write down your number so i can call you sometime"
she said it and i wrote it down on my hand (remember to bring paper next time)
i called her last night and the number was disconnected, i guess she forgot to pay her phone bill, i'll call again next month

approach #4

this was on the way back home, i stopped at a 7-11 to buy some marshmalows and camel lights. when i walked in this HBblond in the back made EC with me so i decidied to aproach. i walked towards her and i was concentrating so hard on the aproach i accidentley tripped and knocked over a whole rack of twinkies. i was realy embarassed now and the indian owner guy was yelling stuff at me so i just got up and ran out of the store b4 he made me pay 4 them or soemthing , man i really have bad luck sometimes

ok, those were all the approaches ysterday, please comment and give more advice. i have to go fix some people VCRs now, hopefully some of them will be HBs and maybe i can approach

Hahaha twinkies!! Priceless! :crackup: :crackup:

Assuming this isn't a joke, and if it is it's a good one, but assuming it ISN'T, the first thing you need to do is learn how to talk to people. Get some basic social skills...this is something most of the dating gurus and PUAs assume you have.


Master Don Juan
May 21, 2004
Reaction score
lol, even tho it's obvious that this is Pvssy eater under a new name (would be nice if mods checked IPs), at least he's finally doing some field work.

Ever onward

Master Don Juan
Jul 11, 2004
Reaction score
Ron Mexico = pvssy-eater = joecollapoppa

Any more girl fights joe?


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2005
Reaction score
I think the approach on the guy failed because you weren't in a sexual state... did you flash him the bedroom eyes? He didn't seem to be aroused. :crackup:


Don Juan
May 26, 2005
Reaction score
Dude.. no Kino?