I'm writing this following criticism for one of my posts from another board member. The criticism was at least partially valid, I guess, from a moral perspective and it doesn't bother me that much.
But, it got me thinking that there really does appear to be a moral majority on this board. And in a way it surprises me given that such a large majority of people here will have been hurt at one point or another. Often they will have been hurt with intent by a particular girl/woman. Now, the concensus here appears to be that you should act like a 'Good Guy', i.e not a jerk and not an AFC but something in between. The holy grail of the board also appears to be to find a 'Good Girl'. The thing is that my theory is that there is no such thing as a 'Good Girl'. Some girls are 'better' than others if you like but the most important determinant of their behaviour is the behaviour of US guys. What I am saying is that any given girl could act like a ***** or a sweetheart depending on how WE deal with her.
Now my point is, given that I think pretty much all girls are capable of being *****es, and have been *****es at some point, surely we should allow ourselves some scope in dealing with them? So what if we mistreat them a little bit, so what if we don't always play fair, so what if we cheat a bit, so what if we take more than we give. Its just evening up the score a little bit no? And I'm fed up of all this ****ing sanctimonious moralising that means we have to only be in 'healthy', 'balanced', 'wholesome' relationships. I think part of the fun of living is that not everything has to be perfect for us to want to be a part of it. Its our choice and nobody has the right to judge whether it is right or wrong.
But, it got me thinking that there really does appear to be a moral majority on this board. And in a way it surprises me given that such a large majority of people here will have been hurt at one point or another. Often they will have been hurt with intent by a particular girl/woman. Now, the concensus here appears to be that you should act like a 'Good Guy', i.e not a jerk and not an AFC but something in between. The holy grail of the board also appears to be to find a 'Good Girl'. The thing is that my theory is that there is no such thing as a 'Good Girl'. Some girls are 'better' than others if you like but the most important determinant of their behaviour is the behaviour of US guys. What I am saying is that any given girl could act like a ***** or a sweetheart depending on how WE deal with her.
Now my point is, given that I think pretty much all girls are capable of being *****es, and have been *****es at some point, surely we should allow ourselves some scope in dealing with them? So what if we mistreat them a little bit, so what if we don't always play fair, so what if we cheat a bit, so what if we take more than we give. Its just evening up the score a little bit no? And I'm fed up of all this ****ing sanctimonious moralising that means we have to only be in 'healthy', 'balanced', 'wholesome' relationships. I think part of the fun of living is that not everything has to be perfect for us to want to be a part of it. Its our choice and nobody has the right to judge whether it is right or wrong.