Modern man is just a pvssy

( . )( . )

Dec 31, 2002
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Cobra Kai dojo
Dhoulmagus said:
Ad hominid tactics are for sixth graders without proper rebuttals. Last, call me a ***** all you want. I guarantee you that I am stronger than you, screw hotter girls than you, and have more money than you. I did not want to bring it to this level, but you could not hide your butthurtness.
Relax mate. Nobody's attacking you, I'm only saying it as I see it. You have made posts complaining about "white privilege" and many posts b!tching about white women and the lack thereof have you not? I'm simply suggesting you may have (understandable) ulterior motives for wanting Western men to stay exactly where they are. Am I wrong?


Sep 11, 2013
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( . )( . ) said:
Relax mate. Nobody's attacking you, I'm only saying it as I see it. You have made posts complaining about "white privilege" and many posts b!tching about white women and the lack thereof have you not? I'm simply suggesting you may have (understandable) ulterior motives for wanting Western men to stay exactly where they are. Am I wrong?
That's an entire different argument and I'm surprised the mods didn't lock up this topic after you posted white privilege lol. Yes feminism sucks, but the sites like ROK are the opposite spectrum of feminism and have just the same flaws. I do not desire to go back to WASP rule obviously because I am black lol.


Sep 11, 2013
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( . )( . ) said:
Relax mate. Nobody's attacking you, I'm only saying it as I see it. You have made posts complaining about "white privilege" and many posts b!tching about white women and the lack thereof have you not? I'm simply suggesting you may have (understandable) ulterior motives for wanting Western men to stay exactly where they are. Am I wrong?
That's an entire different argument and I'm surprised the mods didn't lock up this topic after you posted white privilege lol. Yes feminism sucks, but the sites like ROK are the opposite spectrum of feminism and have just the same flaws. I do not desire to go back to WASP rule obviously because I am black lol.


Master Don Juan
Feb 5, 2011
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Tits is right.

How can you, Dhoulmagus, say "Society does not need macho man willing to risk their lives on the field right now". What are you saying?

1. Let Society dictate how you act.
2. There is literally no need for macho-men, therefore everyone should be a pvssy.
3. Both 1 and 2.

Which is it?

And Tits' example of the Rotherham rapes is a perfect example of why we need macho men. If one macho man died to prevent the rape of those girls, that's one of the most noble deaths I can imagine.

I don't understand how you could denounce dying for the protection of your loved ones.


Sep 11, 2013
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Chamber36 said:
Tits is right.

How can you, Dhoulmagus, say "Society does not need macho man willing to risk their lives on the field right now". What are you saying?

1. Let Society dictate how you act.
2. There is literally no need for macho-men, therefore everyone should be a pvssy.
3. Both 1 and 2.

Which is it?

And Tits' example of the Rotherham rapes is a perfect example of why we need macho men. If one macho man died to prevent the rape of those girls, that's one of the most noble deaths I can imagine.

I don't understand how you could denounce dying for the protection of your loved ones.
Didn't say either. I stated that during peace time cycles with no major wars, the strong macho man isn't as needed. Women do not need a strong man right now and that is how it is. If you want to be strong and lift weights than fine with me. I work out for me, not for society. Let law enforcement deal with Rotherham cases because its their job. If you want to risk your life for something like that than be my guest.


Don Juan
Sep 15, 2014
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Dhoulmagus said:
Didn't say either. I stated that during peace time cycles with no major wars, the strong macho man isn't as needed. Women do not need a strong man right now and that is how it is. If you want to be strong and lift weights than fine with me. I work out for me, not for society. Let law enforcement deal with Rotherham cases because its their job. If you want to risk your life for something like that than be my guest.
Women will always need and require a strong man, its just the ***** and submissive guy all around nowadays makes the other ones look rare .. If they are placed easily on a pedestal without moving a finger,, why would they even think they want a strong man that would put them in their place whenever needed ? .. but deep down inside they really do and will always desire one.


Sep 11, 2013
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Roni_88 said:
Women will always need and require a strong man, its just the ***** and submissive guy all around nowadays makes the other ones look rare .. If they are placed easily on a pedestal without moving a finger,, why would they even think they want a strong man that would put them in their place whenever needed ? .. but deep down inside they really do and will always desire one.
no they don't lol. They can go to Kroger for groceries and get defended from law enforcement. I am strong and muscular, but that's not enough to stop a bullet from a gun lol. Even if I do get in a fist fight, my ass ends up in jail.


Don Juan
Sep 15, 2014
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I'm not talking here pure physically,, Anyway,, if you get strong and muscular because of women you are doing it all wrong from the get go.. I'm saying in all ways from internally to externally. What really defines a man.. that no matter what time we are in or what obstacles come in our way we show who we are... I see that you keep putting women on a pedestal..


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2014
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Right behind you
Dhoulmagus said:
Lol so fair wages, equal representation, and civil rights are giving up power. In those terms than you should change men to rich elite men. Just because women didn't have basic rights did not mean they had no influence in a man's decisions. Did Henry VIII really separate from the catholic church because it was a manly decision? In addition, there have been many influential women in human history that you are completely ignoring. Last, you are ignoring economic common sense. Want to know one of the reasons why western countries are economically better off than other cultures. For one, they aren't marginalizing half of their workforce. If you want to live in the feudal ages than be my guest and move to Afghanistan or something. Take your butthurt return of kings nonsense elsewhere please.
The thing is Dhoulmagus, it isn't fair. Women have unwriteen double standards posed in their favor. This is only in western nations mind you. Go to Afghanistan or anywhere in the middle east for that matter and I can assure you that women actually do have the SAME rights as men. They just don't utilize it. The Ottoman Empire was actually the first empire with equal rights for men and women despite what you learn in this democracy of hypocrisy. Why are western nations thriving over others though? Its because in the west, we have destructive behaviors. We have a tendency to be fearful of anything that may get more powerful than us so we destroy anything we deem as a threat. An example of this is the example you posted above about Henry VIII. He was scared about church becoming more powerful than him.

The thing is, men and women will NEVER be equal. Genders are basically 2 different forms of the same species. Women are not meant to lead or be leaders. There is a reason why the vast majority of leaders, ideas, innovations, and improvements are all made by men. Women only nurture and maintain what men create.


Sep 11, 2013
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ImTheDoubleGreatest! said:
The thing is Dhoulmagus, it isn't fair. Women have unwriteen double standards posed in their favor. This is only in western nations mind you. Go to Afghanistan or anywhere in the middle east for that matter and I can assure you that women actually do have the SAME rights as men. They just don't utilize it. The Ottoman Empire was actually the first empire with equal rights for men and women despite what you learn in this democracy of hypocrisy. Why are western nations thriving over others though? Its because in the west, we have destructive behaviors. We have a tendency to be fearful of anything that may get more powerful than us so we destroy anything we deem as a threat. An example of this is the example you posted above about Henry VIII. He was scared about church becoming more powerful than him.

The thing is, men and women will NEVER be equal. Genders are basically 2 different forms of the same species. Women are not meant to lead or be leaders. There is a reason why the vast majority of leaders, ideas, innovations, and improvements are all made by men. Women only nurture and maintain what men create.
Lol wtf I can't even anymore


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2014
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Right behind you
I'm not misogynistic or anything. And I don't blame women, feminism, or complain as much as other people on here. But saying that men and women are exactly alike and should have the same roles in society is hogwash. Men and women have neurological differences. The males and females play different roles in nature. The males, no matter what kind of species, generally do have the same roles (eg. protecting, hunting, choosing whom to mate with, etc.) Females generally have the same role throughout nature as well (eg. nurturing, caring for, feeding, etc.). The ideal family is like this as well: men work to protect their family from uncle Sam, they generally choose whom to marry, and they bring money to buy groceries with; women try to keep a watchful eye on the kids, love and care for the child, and cooks dinner. As stupid as it sounds, it's science.
Because of our differences though, the world is a much more lively and colorful place. More entertaining I guess you could say because nothing is ever 100% certain. If we were all androgenous creatures, this life would be bleak.

Men and women are not the same and never will be. Men are drawn towards women just as women are towards men. All I'm saying is to learn how to play your role.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2013
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The fact that this website exists alone shows the true pussification of men.

Some guys think that they can go to the gym in order to get laid. But the gym these days are just full of AFC who have no game and are out of shape.

I partially blame computers and cell phones. Led to a very superficial, me-first society. These days the real alphas are the Mark Cubans and Warren Buffets because they were able to dominate people with money, not with brawn.

Women are still driven to mate with dominant muscular men, but they also want equal rights and pay. If that's not a messed up dichotomy, I don't know what is.


Jun 6, 2009
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skinnyguy said:
The fact that this website exists alone shows the true pussification of men.

Some guys think that they can go to the gym in order to get laid. But the gym these days are just full of AFC who have no game and are out of shape.

I partially blame computers and cell phones. Led to a very superficial, me-first society. These days the real alphas are the Mark Cubans and Warren Buffets because they were able to dominate people with money, not with brawn.

Women are still driven to mate with dominant muscular men, but they also want equal rights and pay. If that's not a messed up dichotomy, I don't know what is.
Women will mate with any fuker that will give them free reign at the mall with their credit card.

3agle 3yes

Master Don Juan
Aug 22, 2012
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( . )( . ) said:
No they weren't. We are literally the first ever to have roughly half the testosterone levels of our forefathers.
Can you prove that?

Remember history is written by the victors, also these victors would want to portray themselves in the best light as possible.

Also, the little (average) man has always had little depth on the pages of history...It's great to read the stories of Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar and Napoleon Bonaparte...but what about the average man.

Also, I believe great men CAUSE other (other-wise average) men to do great things, that wouldn't have been done. So, where are these great men now? I think they're still around, but the media doesn't want to give them attention because our (societies) views on these people and admiration of these archetypes have changed. And as a result so has their influence.


Don Juan
Oct 25, 2014
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Lame thread.

JohnyTheArrow said:
Do you imagine these men counting days they dont contact their ex ?
Do you imagine them crying and being depressed some female left them ?
Do you imagine them begging to take him back ?
Do you imagine them having aproach anxiety ?
Do you imagine them spend days talking about relationship problems ?

Modern men are mentally and physically weak, they wouldnt last a week of brute life we used to have.That's why most men are betas - they forgot what it means to be a man.
How do you know men didn't do that then? There wasn't any internet back then to discuss what they did.

Men used to bow in the presence of a woman, kiss her hand, tip their hat, open doors, show total respect no matter what, address her formally, not swear in her presence. Doesn't that sound like being a pvssy to you? Would you do any of that? Sounds very weak and beta to me.

( . )( . )

Dec 31, 2002
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Cobra Kai dojo
3agle 3yes said:
Can you prove that?

Remember history is written by the victors, also these victors would want to portray themselves in the best light as possible.

Also, the little (average) man has always had little depth on the pages of history...It's great to read the stories of Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar and Napoleon Bonaparte...but what about the average man.

Also, I believe great men CAUSE other (other-wise average) men to do great things, that wouldn't have been done. So, where are these great men now? I think they're still around, but the media doesn't want to give them attention because our (societies) views on these people and admiration of these archetypes have changed. And as a result so has their influence.

Start here. This documentary is fairly old now but it's a must watch. Then on top of that there's the damage the electric boogajoo is causing and an obesity epidemic unique to us.

Even if you take away the glaringly obvious fact Western males have now gone beyond just mimicking the female id but actually internalized it apparent to anyone with a set of eyes. There's no getting around the environmental factors at play. Modern day Western men are literally the faggiest men to ever walk this earth no matter which way you slice it.


Master Don Juan
Apr 18, 2014
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So what is the remedy? Stop watching TV and exercise more?

Seems like a good start for 'murrica. Though id imagine computer/phone has the same effect. Fvck.