What he says about vulnerability could really be a breakthrough for me.
I remember that I used to open up to girls when I was 15. I was simply honest because I wasn't highly invested. And I was young and we basically trusted each other more easily.
I used to, for example, give girls all the compliments I wanted to, when I was 15. I tried pick-up-artistry from the nice-guy angle. Sometimes it worked. I couldn't comprehend how seemingly "AFC" statements could work well sometimes, and not at all other times. While pondering the successes I realised it was the honesty and vulnerability that attracted the girl. These girls probably either genuinely liked me or thought I was cute and decided to give me a break.
So I'm thinking there might have been a neo-AFC that arose in me lately, withholding me from expressing myself freely. Making me act in the opposite way of a textbook AFC, but at the same time just acting like an insecure macho-man, who's afraid to express his feelings. Trying to act strong and aloof might just make you come off macho.
Whether you're afraid to tell a girl something about yourself, or whether you're afraid to escalate kino, it's all AFC.
The PUA industry is really expanding. I'm glad they're getting more into the emotional and spiritual connecting that's going on throughout the sub-context of the seduction.