to each his own.
I'm 5'8 and at one point about a year ago I spent so much time focusing on my exercising I got up to about 190ish with about a 10-11% BF... but as my goals have changed.. i wouldn't mind trying a triathlon next year, and I like looking good in a suit (not that you don't if you are big) I go for what I call the "functional athletic" look.
I am now 5'8 (closer to 5'9), 170, about 9% BF, I work out 3 days a week, I do cardio 5-6 days a week, depends on how I feel, I normally watch what I eat but I'm not going to kill myself If I have a date and we go out for pizza or Italian.. I can take my shirt off and look GREAT and I'm not skinny. that's all I care about, besides my general health.
To me, my body is one faucet of my life. I understand some that do it for the sport, that's GREAT.. but I'm not going to kill myself getting to 140 (nor do I want to be that small) nor am I going to spend half my day revolving around my diet and my exercising. an hour, maybe an hour and 15 every morning and I'm done.