Mixed Signals...what do you think?


Don Juan
Sep 9, 2009
Reaction score
I haven't even approached this girl yet. I have something in mind, but she's giving mixed signals. Here goes my mind overanalyzing things again, but I just can't help it.

She's interested:
- She glances over at me sometimes in class (she sits far away from me)
- One time I looked up at her while she was looking at me, she jumps (like when you're surprised), then she looks away
- I passed her in the halls once and she looked at me then quickly looked away when she saw I was looking at her

She's not interested:
- One day, right before class is over she walks right by me without looking at me with her arms crossed
- Whenever I'm near her, she doesn't even look at me
- She speeds off after class

What do you think? Is she interested?

I'm thinking of approaching no matter what, but I just want to know if she's interested. I'll probably say something about the class (like "Did you get any of what the teacher said?" or "How'd you do on that test?"), but who knows. I'm trying to work on telling my mind to stfu. I'm trying to be like Nike and just do it.
Jan 13, 2009
Reaction score
New York
Aldo said:
I haven't even approached this girl yet. I have something in mind, but she's giving mixed signals. Here goes my mind overanalyzing things again, but I just can't help it.

She's interested:
- She glances over at me sometimes in class (she sits far away from me)
- One time I looked up at her while she was looking at me, she jumps (like when you're surprised), then she looks away
- I passed her in the halls once and she looked at me then quickly looked away when she saw I was looking at her

She's not interested:
- One day, right before class is over she walks right by me without looking at me with her arms crossed
- Whenever I'm near her, she doesn't even look at me
- She speeds off after class

What do you think? Is she interested?

I'm thinking of approaching no matter what, but I just want to know if she's interested. I'll probably say something about the class (like "Did you get any of what the teacher said?" or "How'd you do on that test?"), but who knows. I'm trying to work on telling my mind to stfu. I'm trying to be like Nike and just do it.
I hate to say it dude, but overall she sounds creeped out. Initially she may have been interested, but most of what you've written shows that she's purposely avoiding you. While women usually don't blatantly approach men, they usually show signs of interest, i.e. getting in your proximity, brushing by you, mirroring your stance and, of course, alluring eye contact. (keyword, "alluring").

This girl seems to be very creeped out so my best advice is to avoid her and get at other females. #1 it will help increase your confidence and focus on other females and #2 she MAY notice and show signs of interest again. (Women are funny like that).

Good luck


Aug 31, 2009
Reaction score
Aldo said:
I haven't even approached this girl yet.

Aldo said:
What do you think? Is she interested?
I think not. :whistle:

No one here is psychic, you're gonna have to AT LEAST talk to the girl before we can tell you anything.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 12, 2009
Reaction score
Auckland, New Zeland
For christ sake bro, i swear you new guys are getting worse lol

You can't tell if she likes you by how she looks at you...

You know what of course she doesn't "LIKE" you but she might be "INTERESTED" so talk to her, if she act's interested in you (like that she seems to act like your interesting) while she's talking to you after you have started talking to her... Use tips in the bible which you better read or i'ma find you and slap you.

Fact is you can't tell by a few looks, if she looks at you though go talk to her, no harm can be done by this.


Master Don Juan
Feb 24, 2008
Reaction score
You'll never know till you approach her. Grow a pair and start up a conversation, stop thinking about if she likes you or not.


Don Juan
Sep 9, 2009
Reaction score
eaglez1177 said:
You'll never know till you approach her. Grow a pair and start up a conversation, stop thinking about if she likes you or not.
I got that covered. It's just that she's never in class. She missed like 17 out of the 21 school days so far lol


Master Don Juan
Feb 24, 2008
Reaction score
Lol well shes gonna have to come eventually...trust me eventually she wont be able to miss that much schoool....and dont make excuses.


Don Juan
Sep 9, 2009
Reaction score
Well I've got bad news. The girl switched out of the class, and as big as my school is, I'll probably never see her long enough to start up a conversation.

And now that makes me more aware of my chances I had with her before. Like when there was an open seat next to her all class a couple of weeks back.

F*** me. I guess I have to learn from this. I hate regret though. I hate it 10 times more than rejection...