First, remove the most important variable
We emphasize that our study is not intended to measure attributes like beauty or attraction,”
Another potential study error
Men tend to pick up matches slowly over time, while women gain matches quickly, achieving more than 200 matches in the first hour.
This is either due to the massive amount of thirsty dudes, OR tinder pushing females as soon as they create an account, to encourage them to keep feeding the thirsty dudes. Which means MIT is flying blind if they don't see the business angle driving the tinder algorithm.
Then there's this:
But curiously, the vast proportion of matches came from men, whether for the team’s male or female profiles. “Even though the male:female ratio in our dataset is roughly even, on average, 86% of all the matches our male profiles receive come from other men,” say Tyson and co.
This suggests that homosexual men play an important role on Tinder. “Homosexual men are far more active in liking than heterosexual women,” say the team.
The solution is obvious. If you want to clean up on tinder, switch teams.