Part One can be found under "Don Juan Tips"
In part one I discussed how you must prepare yourself for meeting women, and some inner game elements associated with it. In this post I will go more into detail about the inner game that you will need to develop to give off good vibes around women, and to eventually have girls eyeing you all day long.
To sum up what my inner game is, what I believe is the single most important element to being successful with women, IS TO NOT BE A WOMAN. Quite the opposite, YOU NEED TO BE A MAN. Some of you might ask "but what does it mean to be a man?" Well lets think about it, what are some qualities that you believe make a true man? For those that do not know I am going to outline them: loyalty, honesty, leadership, commands respect from peers, does not gossip, can justify his actions, acts decisevely,spontaneous, optimistic, follows his dreams, and does not accept disrespect from anyone.
Those are alot of qualities, they are things that have been preached to you since you were a child, but as we all grew older we may have found ourselves bending the rules in favor of popularity, acceptance, or simple because you suffered low self esteem. For some of you it may be extremely difficult to get the confidence to start exerting all of the "manly" qualities I have outlined, so try to learn one at a time until you have mastered them all. One of the hardest to get is honesty, this is because often we will sugar coat the truth or lie to save others feelings. Part of being a man is understanding that there are people who will disagree with you, you cannot always have everyone on your side no matter how influencial you are. Think about a successful president or leader such as Napoleon, as successful as he was, and even with all his supporters, there was still those who did not agree with his actions. Such as the rest of Europe. However no matter what Napoleon could still justify his action, he was following his dream of making France the most powerful European nation, he acted decisevely in battle, and he did not accept disrespect from his men. Napoleon Bonaparte was one of the most influencial figures in European history, and his conquests will be in history books for the ages.
As men of the 21st century we often forget our role in society as men. We are here to make decisions and shape our world. We often forget the lives of our ancestors, our male ancestors were masters of their own domain, they had mistresses, they fought in epic battles and had to learn how to tough it out. Most of us have never been subjected to anything much worse than a bad breakup, but I can tell you after talking to war veterans, and my own parents, that their are much worse things in the world than a breakup, and their is more to life that getting girls.
To start developing your deep inner game, which as I said simply comes down to being a man. Start taking up some hobbies, start following your dreams, and remember the few key elements to being a man and try implementing them in day to day life. So start standing up straight, looking deep into people's eyes and really paying attention to what they have to say, and thinking about it before you answer. Do not think about the next thing you want to say, absorb what they say and answer appropriatly. Speak slowly and thoughtfully. Don't get overly emotionally wrapped up in things that happen with girls, if you make your own life awesome you will not worry about it. Be a man, girls will more naturally be attracted to you if you do, and you will never be viewed as a player or a pimp, because people will respect you, and girls will clamor to be with you.
Good luck, and more to come later.
In part one I discussed how you must prepare yourself for meeting women, and some inner game elements associated with it. In this post I will go more into detail about the inner game that you will need to develop to give off good vibes around women, and to eventually have girls eyeing you all day long.
To sum up what my inner game is, what I believe is the single most important element to being successful with women, IS TO NOT BE A WOMAN. Quite the opposite, YOU NEED TO BE A MAN. Some of you might ask "but what does it mean to be a man?" Well lets think about it, what are some qualities that you believe make a true man? For those that do not know I am going to outline them: loyalty, honesty, leadership, commands respect from peers, does not gossip, can justify his actions, acts decisevely,spontaneous, optimistic, follows his dreams, and does not accept disrespect from anyone.
Those are alot of qualities, they are things that have been preached to you since you were a child, but as we all grew older we may have found ourselves bending the rules in favor of popularity, acceptance, or simple because you suffered low self esteem. For some of you it may be extremely difficult to get the confidence to start exerting all of the "manly" qualities I have outlined, so try to learn one at a time until you have mastered them all. One of the hardest to get is honesty, this is because often we will sugar coat the truth or lie to save others feelings. Part of being a man is understanding that there are people who will disagree with you, you cannot always have everyone on your side no matter how influencial you are. Think about a successful president or leader such as Napoleon, as successful as he was, and even with all his supporters, there was still those who did not agree with his actions. Such as the rest of Europe. However no matter what Napoleon could still justify his action, he was following his dream of making France the most powerful European nation, he acted decisevely in battle, and he did not accept disrespect from his men. Napoleon Bonaparte was one of the most influencial figures in European history, and his conquests will be in history books for the ages.
As men of the 21st century we often forget our role in society as men. We are here to make decisions and shape our world. We often forget the lives of our ancestors, our male ancestors were masters of their own domain, they had mistresses, they fought in epic battles and had to learn how to tough it out. Most of us have never been subjected to anything much worse than a bad breakup, but I can tell you after talking to war veterans, and my own parents, that their are much worse things in the world than a breakup, and their is more to life that getting girls.
To start developing your deep inner game, which as I said simply comes down to being a man. Start taking up some hobbies, start following your dreams, and remember the few key elements to being a man and try implementing them in day to day life. So start standing up straight, looking deep into people's eyes and really paying attention to what they have to say, and thinking about it before you answer. Do not think about the next thing you want to say, absorb what they say and answer appropriatly. Speak slowly and thoughtfully. Don't get overly emotionally wrapped up in things that happen with girls, if you make your own life awesome you will not worry about it. Be a man, girls will more naturally be attracted to you if you do, and you will never be viewed as a player or a pimp, because people will respect you, and girls will clamor to be with you.
Good luck, and more to come later.