About my routine(s):
hey what's up guys.
I change my routine every 8 weeks or so, I have 3-4 routines that I randomize/cycle all the time. The reason for this is two fold. One, I like to surprise my muscles so that they never get used to the physical stressors, and two, I get bored of my routines really easily and need to change them so I don't lose the desire to work out lol.
I generally cycle between 3day and 5day splits.
one example is:
mon: arms
tue: legs
wed: chest
thur: back
fri: shoulders + traps
abs every 2nd day.
another is:
mon: chest / biceps
tue: rest or cardio
wed: back / tris
thu: rest or cardio
fri: shoulders + legs
sat: rest or cardio
sun: rest
every once in a while, I will do a 3 day split with just the basic heavy compounds (bench press, millitary press, deadlifts, squats, barbell rows, weighted chins) and it on mon/wed/fri.
So it will be:
mon: squat, deadlift, MP, BP, Rows, Chins
tue: rest
wed: mon: squat, deadlift, MP, BP, Rows, Chins
thur: rest
fri: mon: squat, deadlift, MP, BP, Rows, Chins
sometimes I like to do an 8 week HST cycle too:
HST gets me pretty good results, but I generally dislike doing it because i feel that it's a weak way to train
but it works.
On exercises:
Generally, I like to do 1-2 warm up sets for the muscle I'm working out (1 set of 20 reps to get the blood flowing, and 1 weigth acclimation set near my max of 3-4 reps for me to get used to the weight).
After that, I do 2-3 exercises per muscle group, and 2 sets per exercise. So if I was doing chest for example, I'd do a warm up set of 20 reps, one of 3 reps, and then I'd move on to my routine which for example would be:
2 sets flat bench with barbell
2 sets dumbell incline
2 sets of weighted chest dips or decline.
I do each set with perfect form, I focus on the contraction during each rep, and I do them in a slow controlled manner. At the peak of muscle contraction, I squeze the muscle and hold it like that for 4-5 seconds, then I lower the weight (without letting go off the squeze).
For example, say I'm doing bicep curls, when I lift my arm up and curl the weight, at the top of the moment I will squeze my bicep, hold it for 4-5 secs, then slowly lower it while still squezing it the entire time.
I do each set to failure.
My diet is very random, but I eat a lot. I don't keep track of my meals, I basically guesstimate it. I take 3-4 protein shakes a day:
-one when I wake up before breakfast (1 scoop mixed with water)
-one before a workout (1 scoop mixed with milk 250ML)
-one after a workout (2 scoops, blended with 500ml milk, honey, and bananas)
-one before bed (1 scoop with like 1L of milk)
I eat clean, very few cheat meals. To get an example of my grocery list, check out this article:
Generally, I'd describe my diet to be in the middleground between the bulking and cutting guidelines Diesel uses.