Dear El Choclo,
Jophil has it right"Fanciful nonsense from yet another social "scientist" who is desperate to be published."actually I would go further I would suggest that the the whole article is a beat up and that the journalist responsible cannot Dance and understands nothing of the Dancing Scene...Research is Quoted,What research?....Most of the middle aged guys I see at Dance classes have a previous Dancing background,usually it gradually comes back,giving them an advantage over younger guys,if they haven't had that background then they will be at a disadvantage,having said that the latter group often have time to practise and MONEY to throw at the learning process...The quickest way to fast track dancing is to take private lessons,it clears the log jams and gives you confidence.But don't skip the public lessons,they are advance organisers,like the picture of the jigsaw on the box.....but just as learning another language,facilitates the learning of a third,then as you develop more Dancing skills,the ability to pick up one more becomes easier....Maybe there is a sense that you learn how to learn...For me I carry a notebook,write the steps down and keep a file of Dances at home,I practise for half an hour every morning...An example,I pulled a Brazilian Chick some years ago,she was crazy about Mambo.....Panic,Panic,no worries I went to my local Studio,in three lessons,having the background of Rhumba and Cha-Cha I had it under my belt...The only exception to this philosophy has been Argentine Tango,that was a tough slog...As for Womens undoubtedly greater aptitude,yes It could come from some Predeluvian role as a multi tasked food forager,but they have the undoubted opportunity,to get private lessons at every social dance from the very middle aged lurkers this article talks of....they hover like Vultures ready to snap up the tasty morsals,and awe them with their skills...Makes it even harder for the young beginner,even the "Newbies" wont want to dance with them....Private lessons are the way to go,a great investment,learn to Dance well and you will never be short of Ladies.