Met a new girl.. can't really understand her

cobra commander

Don Juan
Nov 29, 2005
Reaction score
At first I just sent her some messages online messing around and it totally wasn't how I act and was being kind of goofy.. but I could tell she would also iniate conversation with me so I wasn't the only one the whole time. Neither of us were talking just now so I signed off but in the future.. what are some other signs I can look for in her?

cobra commander

Don Juan
Nov 29, 2005
Reaction score
should i send her this message:

me said:
Before I go to sleep I'd like to comment on a couple things on your profile that I'm going to comment on:

1. What are the black marks around the proximity of your eye? I'm thinking eyeliner but it's not in any of the other pictures? What's up with that?

2. My friend has the same bathing suit you have on in your picture... thought I'd let ya know.


Don Juan
Feb 18, 2006
Reaction score
Those lines crack me up.

You're not supposed to be too goofy with women nor to come off as too arrogant. Either read the Dj bible or get a book. I learned from both.

But I wont even get into the trouble of typing explanations, because you have so much to learn that wont be learnt in one forum post. So start reading.

And DO NOT send those lines. That isn't funny to me, but more of a meaningless desperate attempt to get the girl's attention. You're supposed to be ****y AND funny. Neither too ****y neither to goofy. Those two lines are just arrogant, and she will probably think that you're a jerk.

After you do a little reading you will probably also develop a better sense of humor. :up: