So here is my story that makes me crazy now... I met this girl at work, same age as me (26), she was the one flirting with me for a couple of weeks and then i realize she had a boyfriend back home (she moved to my city for a contract), i did not care or maybe that attracted me more towards her, we have been going out but nothing serious, after a month she breaks up with her bf but told me she felt a lot still for him, our thing started to get more serious but always telling me that i should wait for her, after 3 months dating she start calling me her bf (but all the time she was sometimes very distant or sometimes very close). we continue for 2 more months, we started to make plans together because she was moving away, and we said i was gonna visit her a lot since my job was more flexible, thats what we agreed (although i was never very convinced). so when she moved away i went for holidays for 2 weeks and we kept talking. now that i came back home she said she wanted me to buy my ticket to go and see her because she missed me a lot. The day after she skyped and says she wants to break up because the long distance will be hard and that she sees me more as a friend, just after the day she tells me to go there. (btw she is not going back with her her because he already moved on with a girl) i was shocked, tried to use logic on her to try to make it work, although i did not begged. the day after i called and said i agree with the break up if she is not interest and told her to have a good life and hope she finds someone that care as much as i did, she said she wanted to stay friends because she wanted me in her life and i said no. (i still have everything she left me that she couldn't carry to bring her when i was gonna visit her) i am on the day 4th of no contact, still did not contact me but im going crazy, thinking about it all day and with pain, im checking my phone all the time, im just wishing her to contact me so i can ignore her, i care way more now about her than before. before i was even considering what i was doing with her but now i just want her.. what do you guys think???