I think you guys are missing the purpose of the article. Every since you guys got REJECTED for what you BELIEVED AND PERCEIVED TO BE because you were "nice guys" you have been on this all and out rampage against doing anything considered NICE to women at all.
You never got rejected because you were NICE, you were rejected if anything (besides the woman just being crazy), was because you weren't being YOURSELF.
There's an ATTACK on anything NATURAL in the Seduction Community, however it's the NATURAL man that gets laid the MOST, the technique driven, line remembering, challenge doing, 3 second bursting idiot is the guy who is the one continually to POST ON SOSUAVE EVERY NIGHT and the one who IS HOLDING HIMSELF AT THE END OF THE DAY.
Natural means, knowing WHO you are and loving WHO you are. When you do this, you develop what's been formerly known as Inner Game, which includes having natural and unique confidence, style, originality, and comfortableness. When you have those internal qualities you also have peace and joy, these qualities also get you over ANY hardship in life as you become SELF-RELIANT on the powers within and KNOW that you will accomplish them. That too is attractive. But thennnn, becaue you have this internal love for yourself, you naturally want to LOOK YOUR BEST, Exercise more to look better, dress better, make more money, hang with more cooler people...all these things make you more and more and more ATTRACTIVE.
And guess what, you didn't have to remember Mystery's VH1 Method and pay for his $3,000 seminar to try and act like SOMEBODY ELSE to do it.
You get the girl, you get more girls, you have a better life, and you have peace and joy at the SAME TIME.
Try it Sosuave "scientists" you might sleep a little better tonight.