^This. I have posted several other times articulating this fact. The short version is that men had power because of nature and evolution. Men like v@ginas. Somewhere along the way men were conned into believing that if they shared said power they would get rewarded with vagina. So they started to share it thinking it would be a real SHARE and men and women would live happily ever after 50/50. But to women, the taste of the power made them hungry for more. Like a shark getting that first taste of blood and wanting more. And sadly, either men haven't realized this collectively that they are loosing their status as dominant gender. Or if they have realized it but they continue to listen to too many women and other white night men who have conned them into thinking that things are OK they way they are now and where they are headed. Things are not OK. Any organization that employees any woman in any kind of managerial or administrative position is digging their own grave. All they do is take the place down. Women belong in kitchens as cooks, hospitals as nurses, an and maybe counselors for other women (but not men). That's pretty much it, IMO. Women don't have the mental capacity to be leaders, managers, administrators, etc.. They don't have the technical capacity to be skilled workers. They don't have the discipline to do anything that involves money. And they don't have the physical capacity to be laborers. But they sure do cook a great meal and kick azz at caring for wounded and sick men who have taxed their bodies making the world a better place for the women to live in.