I am a younger guy (20) so my opinion on this may be biased and not based on experience, but from what I have seen in day to day life, and learned about through studying great men, I believe this to be a fact. Human's by nature are not monogaumous, men or women, All the great men that have accomplished goal's that I envy were for the most part chauvanistic and had many affairs with many women......so why is the world raised to believe we will get married and be content with one women for the rest of our live's? Besides from fvcking , most women are just a plain waste of time.....If the average male spent the time that he spends with his GF or chasing women , working on himself and his accomplishments.....well then he wouldnt have to chase shiit.....the lady's would be lining up. The reason I bring this up is because, looking back on my childhood and what I was taught, I see myself being brainfvcked into believing I should cherish a woman, when doing exactly the opposite is what make's a women cherish me, SO WHY do you think we are raised to believe these things? Is the country run by feminists? It's something ive been thinking about, Kid's are being raised to think that there testosterone and urges and pretty much everything that really define's men is bad? WTF is going on?