There is only 1 thing worse then being i the "nice guy" zone. The one we avoid.
Thats a pedophile. From Heartiste on Game and i believe it true. There is the right kind of azzhole game
"the sexynlurvly hot babes is what you want, then you are far better off being deemed the opposite by the fairer sex. douchey>>> nice guy ******* >>> sweet jerk >>> cute bastard >>> good man pig >>> gentleman insane >>> dependable jerk > sexy > hot > cute > sweet > creep > nice guy creeper > creep > stalker > loser > nice guy serial killer
>>>>>>>>>>> nice guy mass murderer >>>>>>>>>>>>>> nice guy psychopathic hedge fund white collar criminal >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (*phew*) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> nice guy nice guy >pedophile (finally!)
Funny enough just read that page the other day.
As others said, its not necessarily a bad thing, heard plenty of women call men irl nice guys, who are far from 'nice guys' in general. Sometimes it can be a polite way of saying its someone you find hot, attractive but can't say that at that moment for various reasons - too crude, not socially acceptable,doesn't shine tge woman in best light etc or subtle ioi. Like said before, actions over words.
Depends how it's said, context etc.not necessarily the negative its made out to be in the 'manosphere'.