meanest thing u did to ur date , crush or SO


Senior Don Juan
Feb 13, 2005
Reaction score
whats the meanest thing-meaning u dated this person , or maybe haven't dated her before, so what would have been the meanest thing u done to ur crush or to a date.
i guess the guy leaving his wallet in the car-yea classic one. i knew a freind who flirted chatted with girls he wasn't attacted to at all-but was just using em for attention-they would call him-he loved it -attention kind of guy, go out with em but never spend too much-very little -just get em to tag along-to the malls or what not. all and all he was never interested in her -then lets her go lightly.
or dated em for a month and later kiss and this and that and later on out of nowhwere never called or went out with her anymore-or started making her pay.

so whats the meanest thing u have ever done to ur crush, date, bf/gf .stories please

Dr. Jim

Don Juan
Dec 29, 2005
Reaction score
Well today for example, I said something along the lines of women should know how to cook/be experets in cooking because it's in their DNA. Jokingly of course to a group of females ranged hb 6.58 - 9. They knew it was joke because I was a little buzzed but I did it in a c+f kindof way/neg-hiting etc. Though, one time I did say it in a more meaningful tone and of course it elevates one fo to jerk status almost///uber confident/egotistical/arrogants... etc.


Don Juan
Dec 21, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Dr. Jim
Well today for example, I said something along the lines of women should know how to cook/be experets in cooking because it's in their DNA. Jokingly of course to a group of females ranged hb 6.58 - 9. They knew it was joke because I was a little buzzed but I did it in a c+f kindof way/neg-hiting etc. Though, one time I did say it in a more meaningful tone and of course it elevates one fo to jerk status almost///uber confident/egotistical/arrogants... etc.

you sound like a real bastard........

meanest thing I've ever done was take her home to mine, bang the living **** out of her, then call her a cab so I could have the whole bed to myself...!

Big Eee Zee

Master Don Juan
Mar 14, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by The Knew Guy
me talking to a girl who was INFATUATED with me.

her: wait a second.... *look of excitement*.... did you get jealous when i went out with that guy??!??! *eyes lighting up*
her: okay, fine, i got it

well played


Master Don Juan
Nov 9, 2005
Reaction score
Once back in the days, some girl wanted to loose viriginity with me. But i thought i better go drink with guys and didnt come. She stopped speaking to me for 3 years, then we got back in touch but didnt see eachother from thgat time.
Now i think we may ****, i already set stuff up, but dont wanna date her, just wanna meet for ****in so it takes some time.
Funny thing she says she still feels for me.. But im not the 1st guy whio had sex with her.. Im just st she wanted. And we have o add. It was never my girl.


Oct 13, 2005
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Padron Reserve maduro in hand while finishing my b
In my youth (Early 20's) I had a GF whom I allowed to move in with me. It was understood that it would be temporary, only a month or so. Three months later I'm getting really agitated with her excuses and throw my gauntlet and tell her she has a week to get the fvck out of my place.

(cut to) Week later . . .

I'm getting ready for work as she's packing up her stuff and for some reason my gut is screaming for me to check her suitcase in my living room. B1tch had an heirloom from my paternal grandmother stuffed in the sidepocket. I didn't get mad. I called work and said I'd be a couple of hours late. Walked to the bedroom and grabbed her a$$ and told her I couldn't leave for work without having her one more time. She's totally into it and we start goin' at it like animals. I was fvcking her pvssy for a bit then went to the backdoor, Banging it like a drowning man needing air, At the most classic moment I jammed it back into her front door and dropped the mother load leaving my d1ck in there for a few minutes to fester. She started to freak but I held on as long as possible. She goes to the bathroom to clean up and I start dumping everything out and collecting all of the stuff that she think she's getting out with. I throw her crap outta the window and walk her out the door and tell her I'm calling the cops if she doesn't grab her trash nad hit the highway. Few minutes later some skank friend of hers is helping her gather her stuff and they leave.

We both work at the same place and she's been calling in sick for 4 days. Seems I gave her the Mount Everest of yeast infections and her dumba$$ didn't go to the Doctor for a few days while my potion of feces and nuttbutter was cooking in her honeypot.

Rendered her pvssy only good to piss out of . . . And I couldn't stop laughing!
:crackup: :D :cheer:
Last edited:


Don Juan
Jan 1, 2006
Reaction score
Originally posted by KarmaSutra
In my youth (Early 20's) I had a GF whom I allowed to move in with me. It was understood that it would be tempoaray, only a month or so. Three months latrer I'm getting really agitated with her excuses and throw my gauntlet and tell her she has a week to get the fvck out of my place.

(cut to) Week later . . .

I'm getting ready for work as she's packing up her stuff and for some reason my gut is screaming for me to check her suitcase in my living room. B1tch had an heirloom from my paternal grandmother stuffed in the sidepocket. I didn't get mad. I called work and said I'd be a couple of hours late. Walked to the bedroom and grabbed her a$$ and told her I couldn't leave for work without having her one more time. She's totally into it and we start goin' at it like animals. I was fvcking her pvssy for a bit then went to the backdoor, Banging it like a drowning man needing air, At the most classic moment I jammed it back into her front door and dropped the mother load leaving my d1ck in there for a few minutes to fester. She started to freak but I held on as long as possible. She goes to the bathroom to clean up and I start dumping everything out and collecting all of the stuff that she think she's getting out with. I throw her crap outta the window and walk her out the door and tell her I'm calling the cops if she doesn't grab her trash nad hit the highway. Few minutes later some skank friend of hers is helping her gather her stuff and they leave.

We both work at the same place and she's been calling in sick for 4 days. Seems I gave her the Mount Everest of yeast infections and her dumba$$ didn't go to the Doctor for a few days while my potion of feces and nuttbutter was cooking in her honeypot.

Rendered her pvssy only good to piss out of . . . And I couldn't stop laughing!
:crackup: :D :cheer:

holy **** dude! you're my hero :cheer:


Senior Don Juan
Apr 20, 2005
Reaction score


Funny shlt.....


Don Juan
Oct 4, 2005
Reaction score
Australia, Frankston
that's pretty cool KarmaSutra i don't think i can top that but here are some of mine.

- some chick i was banging at her parents place told me i could come over one weekend because her parents were away and therefore would not find out.

so i hid i connie wrapper under 1 of the cushions in the lounge room.

- an ex and her mum started talking to me 1 day in the mall...
her mum: "oh, hey Redgriffin how are you what have you been up to?"
her: smiles at me.
me: "yeah, working." then do i a full 180 turn and walk off without looking back.

- a fat chick i used to go to school with saw me at work and would not leave me alone untill i had written down her number.

which i tore up and threw in the bin straight after.

later in the night she told me her and her friends were going home with some dude for drinks. but she thought he was a bit sus so she wanted my number so she could call me and say that she was safe.

i gave her works number.
funny she never called.


Don Juan
Nov 7, 2004
Reaction score
I already posted something on this but, the story would fit better here.... rofl. Ok some girl who lives with her boyfriend and is ****ing me... starts being a royal *****... teasing me stoping me once i get my d!ick inside her and askin to go home... So i'm like aight... (after I stick my finger up her ass no lube of course) I go to this party and she is there trying to piss me off by flirtin with my friend... actually saying "you get mad when I talk to other guys" ... so I took my friend outside gave him a condom and left.... he tell me the next day he ****ed her on the floor of a co-workers house... finishes up puts his cloths on and leaves... you would have to know how stuckup this chick is to get a real laugh at the image of her face having to pickup a used condom off the floor in front of her friends rofl. Cant stop laughing about this one.... priceless


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
interesting thread.

2 things that I distincty remember that I did that looking back on it, were pretty harsh.

First, my Ex GF.. we hadn't dated yet at the time, just talking.

Well it was a friday night, and I had promised her I would take her out to that night the entire week. But I get a call from this girl i had been trying to get into for a good month and she finally has some time to kick it.

So of cousre, I flake out on my Ex and she is blowing up my phone or what not.

So I handle my business, and by the time I'm done, it's like.. 4 in the morning.

So I am on my way home, and I just so happened to past by her house.. So I decided to stop by.. at 4 in the morning.

Not only did she not get mad, I got mad at her for taking all damn night for answering the door. Then I made her make me breakfast.. **** was great. She never complained, even though she knew where I had been.

I felt a little bad ab out it later because even though she knew I was seeing other women, I shouldn't have just flunted it in her face like that.

Another time, a little more comical but harsh nevertheless, this married chick I was dealing with, who I had little to no feelings for whatsoever... was coming over my house damn near every day. I was putting it on her heavy.

So my 2 best friends, who are also over my house every other day, and I are at a football game, and the ask me am I tapping her.. I say of course.. I'm me. So they ask me who it is, and all that stuff.

They tell me, she looks like a freak, plus she is married and all, and she is over your house every damn day.

So, I ask them, do they want to find out for themselves.

I guess they thought I was bull****ting, because they bet me $50 dollars I couldn't get her to bang all 3 of us.. 50 dollars each and we gave the money to a mutual friend.

Now, earlier that week, she had been telling me how she was falling in love with me and who even though she was married, I was all hers (she made me think 5 times about getting married in the future, becuase I could **** her literarly anytime I felt like it) and all this crap.

Now, she was a freak, so I knew she would be up for it, it was just presenting it to her witho ut making her feel like a slut.

I had this grand plan on how I was going to bring it up.. but that was at like, 6pm..

By the time the game was over, it was like 10pm and I was throwed.

So I saw her at her job, a bar we visit often, and I told her to come by my house when she got off work.

So she gets there, and I basically tell her, with a little coaching of corse, that if she loved me, she would have to prove it by letting us **** her brains out.

Then she had the nerve to ask me "You aren't going to think of me as a slut if I do it are you"


Of course not babe.. of course not