Maybe there is some hope...Millenials and Gen Z think women's rights have "gone too far"


Sep 10, 2014
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Sounds like even these soy boys and snowflakes might be trying to up their T levels a little bit...even they are coming to the stark realization that women's rights have gotten out of control to some extent.

Now the question is will they do anything about it.

Guess like with anything, these psycho women's rights proponents who want to make it a crime to look at women in public will find when they push too far away from the center, like a boomerang it will come back the same distance in the other direction...



Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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Gen Xers are also on that list. Its mainly boomers who are all greying out that think differently but even they are at 40% which is a sizable chunk for a gen that had a lived through experience of how society was like before feminism and migrated into it.

Gen Xers, Millenials and Gen Zs do not have a lived through experience when women had no rights. However there is too much discrimination and disadvantage to being male unless you are a in demand. People are waking up to see that its not good for society if too many guys are left out and have no stake in the broader society. This issue did not happen before and people are blaming feminism.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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Millennials and Gen Z might say "women's rights are going too far" but their voting actions don't match up with what they say. Millennials and Gen Z vote for political candidates in the USA who support woke causes such as women's rights. Women's rights has evolved into the oppression of men, especially the oppression of White men.

As a White man of the Millennial generation, I have never experienced one minute of privilege. I have more faced more institutional oppression and discrimination than any female in my age cohort.


Master Don Juan
Aug 12, 2022
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As a GenXer, I fail to see what rights women did not have while I was growing up. There is this huge victim mentality in these younger generations. Boomers and generations before were war hardened and had to endure far greater social struggles. Today we have the gender war and sexual identification nonsense. Men and women seemed to work together in harmony in the past but slowly that has turned to sh!t. I’ve never heard someone actively hold a woman down solely based on her gender. In the past, everything was merit based. The hardest working and qualified people got the jobs, ran things and bared the responsibility. Now people get positions so we can meet a quota and virtue signal to others. Women have always been free to do as they please and hold more value in society. “Women and children first”. If the men survive that‘s good. But if not, she’ll just find another one. Imagine the number of men and boys that have died in war in the past century, all races and colors. Now we fight over pronouns and number of female CEOs.

I have no problem giving opportunity to everyone but at the same time, don’t knock men down so women can step up. I find it amusing how these new generation career women are complaining now that it’s hard work and they are tired. B!tch, this is what you fought for. Men have been doing this from day one and often till their death with no complaints. It’s also ridiculous to compare the current year to something like the 1800s. “Women couldn’t vote, women couldn’t own land…blah blah blah“. There also wasn’t electricity nor running water either. It’s 2023, you can vote and you can buy whatever you please. Go get it and stop crying about the past and work on the present.

Imagine if men stopped everything when the phrase “toxic masculinity“ hit main stream. But no, we have to ignore it and keep society moving. I spoke to two women on International woman’s day and even they are getting tired of the pandering. The subjects and talks were “patronizing” in their words and these talks were all organized and ran by women. They lost their minds over abortion rights, how about if we gave men the right to chose financial responsibility if he doesn’t want to have the child? Fat chance. Women have way more power and rights to destroy a man‘s life yet they still want more.


Master Don Juan
Apr 9, 2021
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Millennials and Gen Z might say "women's rights are going too far" but their voting actions don't match up with what they say. Millennials and Gen Z vote for political candidates in the USA who support woke causes such as women's rights. Women's rights has evolved into the oppression of men, especially the oppression of White men.

As a White man of the Millennial generation, I have never experienced one minute of privilege. I have more faced more institutional oppression and discrimination than any female in my age cohort.
Dude, voting hasn't mattered since the last millennium. The anti-woke revolt is good to see, but the organic reaction to it has been inorganically delayed by various means, and now the damage is done. This should have happened 20 years ago and not at a time when you have ufo downings, major chemical spills, bank runs, etc on a daily basis.
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Master Don Juan
Aug 12, 2022
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Millennials and Gen Z might say "women's rights are going too far" but their voting actions don't match up with what they say. Millennials and Gen Z vote for political candidates in the USA who support woke causes such as women's rights. Women's rights has evolved into the oppression of men, especially the oppression of White men.

As a White man of the Millennial generation, I have never experienced one minute of privilege. I have more faced more institutional oppression and discrimination than any female in my age cohort.
I’d love to see this privilege too after working my a$$ off the past 35 years. I was told by society that nobody cares and I’ll have to work for everything and that‘s what I’ve been doing since the age of 17. I don’t ever recall showing up and getting something for nothing. My first job literally was cleaning ditches. Never saw a single woman fighting for my shovel. Now I’m an evil white man for working hard all this time.


Sep 10, 2014
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I’d love to see this privilege too after working my a$$ off the past 35 years. I was told by society that nobody cares and I’ll have to work for everything and that‘s what I’ve been doing since the age of 17. I don’t ever recall showing up and getting something for nothing. My first job literally was cleaning ditches. Never saw a single woman fighting for my shovel. Now I’m an evil white man for working hard all this time.
People misunderstand what that means. The privilege isn't getting things handed to you, it's not having things taken away from you.

Like landlords that won't rent to you based on the color of your skin, or housing assessor's that assess the value of a house 60K less because you are a black homeowner, or being passed over for a promotion because you aren't a white male.

It doesn't mean choose to work some dead end job and have everything handed to you as if you chose a high paying profession.

You simply made poor choices in your life when you had plenty of other choices to make.

The Duke

Master Don Juan
Feb 4, 2008
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As long as creme always rises to the top and we have freedom, good, strong men will always be in need. Think about that for a while. You can prop the weak ones up, but eventually they fall and become irrelevant.

Tough times have a way of thinning the herd.


Master Don Juan
Nov 6, 2022
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The younger guys are certainly on to it by now, but what the women say does not match what they do. They will flip their stance in real life when it serves them or is convenient for them to do so. The only women I see that have actually stood by these stances are more traditional conservative women.

Regardless, it is good that people are actually coming to their senses in some regard. The media portrays narratives which attempt to envelop the entirety of western opinion to one correct stance, yet looking at America alone we have the country split into a fierce opposition amongst the two dominant political ideologies. Most 'normal' well adjusted people on both sides and both sexes think many of the 'issues' that are pushed through the media machine are fairly bogus and wacky, but most are afraid to speak out against these things or oppose the status quo.

“No shepherd and one herd. Everybody wants the same, everybody is the same: whoever feels different goes voluntarily into a madhouse.”


Master Don Juan
Aug 12, 2022
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People misunderstand what that means. The privilege isn't getting things handed to you, it's not having things taken away from you.

Like landlords that won't rent to you based on the color of your skin, or housing assessor's that assess the value of a house 60K less because you are a black homeowner, or being passed over for a promotion because you aren't a white male.

It doesn't mean choose to work some dead end job and have everything handed to you as if you chose a high paying profession.

You simply made poor choices in your life when you had plenty of other choices to make.
That can go for any race for that matter. The leaders of BLM stole millions of dollars in donations to build lavish houses for themselves. How did that help the lives of black families in Oakland? I work with several different Asian cultures at work and they are racist AF. They have their own cultural hierarchy that is on the down low. Sorry if you are black and have had this happen to you but I’ve never been in a position of power where I could hold someone else back regardless of color, race or creed. I think this is a false assumption that only whites have an exclusive market on screwing people over.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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People misunderstand what that means. The privilege isn't getting things handed to you, it's not having things taken away from you.

Like landlords that won't rent to you based on the color of your skin, or housing assessor's that assess the value of a house 60K less because you are a black homeowner, or being passed over for a promotion because you aren't a white male.

It doesn't mean choose to work some dead end job and have everything handed to you as if you chose a high paying profession.

You simply made poor choices in your life when you had plenty of other choices to make.
Well said.


Master Don Juan
Dec 16, 2015
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If my 20 year old son is any indication there is cause for hope out there. He is deeply concerned about these things. I keep telling him to stop burning emotional bandwidth on things he cannot materially control, and work toward getting himself into a place of influence if he feels strongly about something. He is in a very traditional relationship himself and his gf will likely become his wife, and not because he can't play the field, quite the opposite. He just doesn't see the value of man w h o r i n g, although many of his buddies do.

He sees other young men who, at the end of the day, want what he has (a stable solid relationship where he leads, where she was a virgin when they got together, and where she will accept his leadership, and where they have deep mutual love and partnership mentality.)

He is also seeking a religious backdrop for his relationship and life, and he values character. I have told him he must not be too naive because many influential people have terrible character, so be wary and pay careful attention to a man's words versus his actions, especially if the man is in a powerful position. Power can corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely (to quote the famous truism), so one must be mindful.

Women's lib is a cornerstone to erode the family, and the family is the key building block of any stable society ever in all of human history. So he is aware of this and so are others in his age group.


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2022
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Women's lib is a cornerstone to erode the family, and the family is the key building block of any stable society ever in all of human history. So he is aware of this and so are others in his age group.
People need to stop drinking the conservative kool-aid and take red pill and a dose of reality. Which part of Christianity vs Judaism, Islam vs Christianity, Judaism vs everyone, Honor Killings, Rape, Prostitution, Slavery, Racism, World Wars, Plague, Torture etc sounds like 'stability' to you?

The marriage system is quite simply associated with literally the worst of human behaviours, physical and intellectual degeneracy, control of women results in very weird and diverged cultures such as male and female genital mutilation etc.

What happens is that the 'correct' human social order emerges from free association between men AND women. When women are controlled as in Patriarhy otherwise known as Marriage or Family system, what happens is that natural order is replaced by an institutional order whereby human groups further and further diverge and in the end we get lots of very different and degenerate cultures that cannot interact with each other without violence and hatred such as Islam vs Chistianity vs Hinduism vs Pagans etc.

The natural order of humanity, as for chimps and other primates, can only come about when both men and women have freedom. What has happened since women got freedom in recent times globally, the different cultures and religions that existed between the West, China, Asia, Middle East, all those differences like Religion ie different mutually exclusive systems are being replaced by a globally homogenous culture. That global culture is the same, because it comes from the free interaction of men and women, and women across the world whether from an Islamic, Communist or Christian country want the same thing from men, so this leads to a homogenous global culture.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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Having an intact family is one of the biggest predictors of success. You can dismiss it all you want, but the fact is it's the healthiest way to live.

The problem with feminism is it doesn't make any sense. You can see multiple examples where women want to have all the advantages of women's rights, along with all the advantages of chivalry. Robbing men of their natural Protector/Provider role also has devalued men, both in a real sense and because it emasculates them.

You simply made poor choices in your life when you had plenty of other choices to make.
You could say that about anyone, however.


Don Juan
Feb 16, 2023
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agree w/zekko on his stance. but what rights do women have that we dont again? lol


Master Don Juan
Dec 16, 2015
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My point @kavi is that the family structure is best for raising children, which in turn creates healthy human beings who can function in society. That cuts across all cultures and religions and is a reliable predictor of success as others have stated. Why is that? Because with a stable family a man is free to concentrate on his purpose in life. His greater purpose, not his seek out a mate drive.


Master Don Juan
Apr 9, 2021
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My point @kavi is that the family structure is best for raising children, which in turn creates healthy human beings who can function in society. That cuts across all cultures and religions and is a reliable predictor of success as others have stated. Why is that? Because with a stable family a man is free to concentrate on his purpose in life. His greater purpose, not his seek out a mate drive.
If a man's greater purpose isn't raising kids, he's better off not having a family.


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2022
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If a man's greater purpose isn't raising kids, he's better off not having a family.
A mans purpose is to build society that helps to raise kids. As far as i knw most traditional men didnt spend much time actually raising kids themselves or playing house.

The greeks would leave their families at home and go on expeditions.

The roman free men built a whole city and then managed to get women to come and live. Interesting story actually the romans built the city and then asked the neighbouring sabines tribes if they could marry their women. The sabines told them no. At some point the romans invited the sabine men to a festival and got them all drunk, after which the romans simply kidnapped their women and kept them until the sabines had no choice but to accept.

Well those men in those days did manage to do adventurous and difficult things but todays men it seems cannot get time off between some lame job and the school run to really do much else.


Master Don Juan
Mar 30, 2019
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Sounds like even these soy boys and snowflakes might be trying to up their T levels a little bit...even they are coming to the stark realization that women's rights have gotten out of control to some extent.

Now the question is will they do anything about it.

Guess like with anything, these psycho women's rights proponents who want to make it a crime to look at women in public will find when they push too far away from the center, like a boomerang it will come back the same distance in the other direction...

Yeah, its pretty bad out there and the women cannot seem to understand it themselves. The video above which I randomly found on YouTube above is kind of sad and funny in the same time...