This video covers all aspects of credit and also integrates the current credit crunch going on. When you dig deeper, you can see who credit is the new form of slavery in modern America. By targetting college students, they have tipped their hands to the fact they want to get you the minute you come of age to be caught.
Based on the spending habits of young college students, its very possible that first card will represent a student's permanent ball and chain. Some may learn from their mistakes and learn to use C.C.'s tactfully and strategically. They are not ALL bad. Using them takes knowledge, which then equals power to choose and control.
However, consider their "tactics", their marketing campaigns, and the way they positions themselves as companies. It is certainly not to YOUR benefit. If they ever convey that image, it's only to make you feel warm and fuzzy. And when consider our money is nothing more than the Perception of Belief in its future value to acquire what we want, and that it's artificially created, with interest and taxes built in, you can see where the process of extracting oneself from the MATRIX is a long and arduous one, but is the Sole Purpose of Man.
This video covers all aspects of credit and also integrates the current credit crunch going on. When you dig deeper, you can see who credit is the new form of slavery in modern America. By targetting college students, they have tipped their hands to the fact they want to get you the minute you come of age to be caught.
Based on the spending habits of young college students, its very possible that first card will represent a student's permanent ball and chain. Some may learn from their mistakes and learn to use C.C.'s tactfully and strategically. They are not ALL bad. Using them takes knowledge, which then equals power to choose and control.
However, consider their "tactics", their marketing campaigns, and the way they positions themselves as companies. It is certainly not to YOUR benefit. If they ever convey that image, it's only to make you feel warm and fuzzy. And when consider our money is nothing more than the Perception of Belief in its future value to acquire what we want, and that it's artificially created, with interest and taxes built in, you can see where the process of extracting oneself from the MATRIX is a long and arduous one, but is the Sole Purpose of Man.