There are so many cases of a guy coming here after a woman has basically walked all over him only to swing to another branch before he/we even know it. Then sometime later she inevitably contacts said broken hearted dude for some reason (validations, relief from guilt, ego boosting, etc.) And in each of these instances we give advice, generally in agreement. One bit of this advice is to break off all contact. And this brings me to my question. If a guy has been walked over (much of it our own faults BTW) just what should break off all contact mean? I've listed some of the obvious options below and I'm curious which of these we should really be advising to AFC's and DJ's who've went through this experience.
1.) Absolute Zero Contact: This means no contact whatsoever. The guy never contacts her again. On top of that he goes out of his way to prevent her contacting him. That means rejecting her letters (unopened), screening her email automatically (so he never sees it) and blocking all of her known numbers from ringing thru.
2.) Zero Contact: In this case, the guy never contacts her either. He does however allow her mail, email and calls to make it through and he in-turn reads/listens to them. However he will never respond.
3.) Respond Only: In this case the guy never initiates contact. He does however respond to her in a purely indifferent manner.
Now a couple of examples of why it may not be so clear cut...
Let's say we were to generally agree "Absolute Zero Contact" is best. Now hold on a minute. There is a possible risk or downside here (albiet small). She could be saying/writing things which are potentially threatening or without our knowledge could bring harm of some type of unexpected circumstances.
Or lets say the general consensus is either "Absolute Zero Contact" or "Zero Contact". This in effect is telling said broken hearted dude you will never speak to or see this woman again. Eventually she will finally get it move on and in most every case she will not necessarily be very happy to see you if you should bump into each other unexpectedly
Perhaps a true DJ is so busy, confident and sure of himself that he should allow contact and his responses will be naturally indifferent.
And then again in the real sh!tty cases, there might be that gnawing little voice inside still seeking validation or closure and thus "Absolute Zero Contact" is not only the best course of action, it may actually require the strongest DJ skills of all to completely walk away and close every door to such a emotional investment.
So I'm curious, just what advice should we really be giving ourselves, buddies, fellow AFC and DJ friends, etc when it comes to these ex's when the relationship ending was unilaterally the woman's choice,
1.) Absolute Zero Contact: This means no contact whatsoever. The guy never contacts her again. On top of that he goes out of his way to prevent her contacting him. That means rejecting her letters (unopened), screening her email automatically (so he never sees it) and blocking all of her known numbers from ringing thru.
2.) Zero Contact: In this case, the guy never contacts her either. He does however allow her mail, email and calls to make it through and he in-turn reads/listens to them. However he will never respond.
3.) Respond Only: In this case the guy never initiates contact. He does however respond to her in a purely indifferent manner.
Now a couple of examples of why it may not be so clear cut...
Let's say we were to generally agree "Absolute Zero Contact" is best. Now hold on a minute. There is a possible risk or downside here (albiet small). She could be saying/writing things which are potentially threatening or without our knowledge could bring harm of some type of unexpected circumstances.
Or lets say the general consensus is either "Absolute Zero Contact" or "Zero Contact". This in effect is telling said broken hearted dude you will never speak to or see this woman again. Eventually she will finally get it move on and in most every case she will not necessarily be very happy to see you if you should bump into each other unexpectedly
Perhaps a true DJ is so busy, confident and sure of himself that he should allow contact and his responses will be naturally indifferent.
And then again in the real sh!tty cases, there might be that gnawing little voice inside still seeking validation or closure and thus "Absolute Zero Contact" is not only the best course of action, it may actually require the strongest DJ skills of all to completely walk away and close every door to such a emotional investment.
So I'm curious, just what advice should we really be giving ourselves, buddies, fellow AFC and DJ friends, etc when it comes to these ex's when the relationship ending was unilaterally the woman's choice,