hahahaa, well get this.
First I liked about 5 girls at different times but dated NONE of them, cause I was too scared to ask them out. In that same time about 5 girls asked me out, 4 ugly ones and one hottie, who I went out with for a while, but then she moved to another part of the country. I then like another girl and sent her flowers, hahaaha, apparently she also liked me but I never asked her out cause I was too scared. Then I liked another girl and sent her flowers. Followed by more flowers and chocolates, hahahaa, although she was like this guy is a freak, and was scared of me. hehe
Then................finally I found this site. And was like, OMG, I was an idiot, so then I found another girl I liked, she was a BABE but she had a boyfriend, so we sort of fu*cked around for a while and then she wouldnt leave her boyfriend so I got rid of her. Then I started to just be a player out at clubs, picking up LOADS of girls, I bought new clothes, but the main change was simply attitude, I realised I was the catch and that I was going to do things my way or not at all. However then I dated a few more girls things didnt work out, I sorta got bored of them.
I then found one girl who was AMAIZING, we dated for a LONG time, and had some MEGA ups and downs, however that ended a few months back. Since I have crashed my car, had Glandular fever pretty bad, and had heaps of personal family things go wrong, which sort of dragged me down. I am now getting back into my life and really enjoying it, got a few more babes chasing me around, but just staying single, trying to figure my own head out at the moment, and getting my life together, studying hard, going to the gym etc. Also going through a stage right now of "trying" to figure out what lifes all about, as everyone does at some stage of their life.
Well thats my "RELLY COMPRESSED" story of the past few years.
Oh and in that time, I spent about a year of it overseas travelling right around the world, which helped HEAPS. Meeting heaps of people and learning new perspectives on life.
Take care