Master DJs, could YOU pull this chick?


Master Don Juan
Jun 23, 2003
Reaction score
My friend is an aspiring writer. I suggested he write a short story about guys trying to score a chick at a club. Okay the result is a little shocking but it oozees reality. I'm posting it here for your perusal. Three reasons for posting:

1) Don't feel bad about being rejected in a club, she may just be a biatch like this one.
2) Wondering how you DJs would handle this chick.
3) It's a damn good bit of reading for any club PUA. Beware the biatches!

A little warning.... it's a VERY long post.

Nice Girls & Nightclubs

The music paints a primitive beat as I walk the wet shining pavement. A black cab swings past with a glossy swish under its tires, neon lights reflect on its lustre skin like a parody of an underwater world. For a brief second I see my reflection in a side window, my features grotesque and misshapen, a blur of colour and eyes and hair, then its gone. My other self sliding gracefully over the cabs chrome bumper before being deposited in a puddle by the kerb. I pause briefly to look at this new friend, a new me that’s suddenly been born in a gutter pool of rainwater, and I study its delicately elongated features. Lipstick, eye-shadow and legs. Long hair shining with a thousand tiny crystals of moisture. A mouth that has never smiled. A single drop of rain falls to the puddle and sends my friends features into a frenzy of ugly mood swings. The mouth that never smiles becomes twisted and aggressive, the eyes roam searchingly without ever breaking my stare. The face looks as if it’s trying to unravel itself. I think the new friend is pretty, and wonder if I could have her twisted appearance. Somewhere in the city a car horn calls out its single tone plea, and I walk on.

The nightclub’s low double door entrance is guarded on either side by black-jacketed sentinels. Beyond the doors is only darkness, but the beat of the music is louder. The invisible waves of sound seek only escape, away from the dark, away from what lies within. They seek solace in the wet street where they dissipate among the crawling taxis and buses, they hide among the pedestrians, fearful lest some guardian attempt to take them back to the shadowed doorway. An old part of me knows how they feel.

The sentinels of the doorway do their job with the enthusiasm of the damned, for that is what they are. I imagine they will stand on this street forever, black jackets gleaming dully in the nights brash neon glow. Their eyes flicking from person to person, summing up, categorising, mentally photographing some, immediately dismissing and forgetting others. Their faces remind me of my reflection in the gutter, always changing, twisting, morphing from expression to expression. They greet some with the eye of recognition, a smile, a handshake, a few words of greeting. Others are met with a stolid face of granite, a silent warning only to be heard in the eyes hard stare. Their job is that of choice and prerogative, but their faces cannot mask the tiredness they feel, nor the dread of what they know inevitably will come. Their fake emotions that they stick so crudely on their faces are peeling at the edges, and their deserved despair leaks out like blood from under an ill fitting bandage. I walk past them without returning either of their half-smiles, I wonder if the contempt I feel is etched on my face. I hope it is.

I am swallowed by the darkness.

The wall of heat and sound meets me like an old friend. The air is so humid I can feel it caress the skin on my bare legs, almost immediately banishing the drops of rainwater that had clung to my shins and calves like parasites wanting to see a new world. The moisture on my face is as quickly removed, but to be replaced with another liquid. This time my own. I feel sweat on my back begin to form. The hot air runs its familiar fingers up my arms beneath the dressy jacket I wear, and I fight the urge to shiver. To shiver is to lose control. I never lose control.

The music becomes deafening, the beat heard on the street bearing no resemblance to the audio roar that now presents itself. I am caught in a corridor with a stampede of sound rushing past me, and I know that if I was to reach out quick enough, I could catch and perhaps imprison a defenceless errant sound wave. I resist the temptation. Instead I slide off my jacket and allow the thick warm air full access to my body; let it reach behind and over me, enveloping me in its welcoming arms. I want to throw back my head and outstretch my hands to its touch. It feels safe and powerful, I am caught in the breath of the nightclub as it exhales to the street. My lungs breathe deeply.

Down a wide staircase I lower myself deeper into the club. Halfway down the musical thunder increases volume another notch, and i'm aware i'm very close. The darkness has become punctuated with the greens and reds of neon mood swings, and a steady strobing is faintly visible reflected off walls long ago painted black. The sad walls are now chipped and peeling, littered here and there with fly posters encouraging me to attend band nights that were held last month, and stained with a hundred years of washed off vomit and piss. Mounted high above is a painting of a dog playing cards, the frame like the walls, neglected and shabby. I look into the dog’s eyes and see the misery that it must feel, and the shame of what it must have seen. I try to feel pity for it, but instead I find revulsion for myself for even trying.

Ahead of me the stairs take a turn to the right, and I already know what lies round that corner. The lights are brighter there, but the shadows are also darker. Red and black, green and black, white and black. A story is being told on these walls, one that has been told every night since time began. I imagine that this is the gates to Hell, and around the corner Old Nick will be waiting for me, a welcome smile on his bulging horned face. If I ever felt enthusiasm I would do so now. I quicken my step and hurry down the stairs to join my fellow lost souls.

I am assaulted by a thousand sensations as I turn the corner, my senses momentarily blocked by the sheer volume that they’re trying to process. My brain reels at the solid wall of sound that crashes against my ears, sending thoughts flying from the conscious and flattening the sub-conscious against the back of my skull. The air, warm in the stairs, has become an inferno, ladled with the stink of a thousand sweats and the heavy musk of perfumed alcohol, cigarettes and cheap aftershave. I can feel my long hair move slightly in the almost solid atmosphere, riding the waves of sound and heat. It feels like it’s trying to escape this man made kaleidoscope of smell and sound. My eyelids want to flutter at every crashing thought blocking beat of the music, and i’m sure I can feel the sound waves hitting my stomach beneath my dress. I am overwhelmed for a second, as I always am. But only for a second.

The stairs continue down for another six steps to the floor of the nightclub, but I pause for moment, surveying from my vantage point above the heads of others. The strobe lighting causes me to see in snapshots, still photographs in shades of white that are filled with the unmoving statues of what once were people. They are caught for eternity in random poses, some dancing, arms and legs out flung in desperation, some drinking, glasses pressed to lips with eyes roaming, Some are talking, their words frozen in their shouting mouths as they try to make themselves heard above the ever present music, and some are sitting doing nothing, the only ones who remain animated as the white light freezes time. They are all caught forever in neon negative, dancing, smoking, drinking, talking, all staring blankly into nothingness, waiting for the unyielding light to blink, and return movement to the club once more.

I look out over the sea of twisted arms, heads and body’s and feel an inane burst of excitement within. Nothing is visible to my naked eye, and nothing is hidden. I’m looking into a steaming cauldron of snake-like limbs that move in jerky static motions in time with the strobes. Their arms feel like their reaching out for me, beckoning me onwards down the stairs, wanting to devour me and make me one of their own. To swallow me into the fetid stink of light and blackness and noise. Familiar contempt grows in my stomach, but i’m no longer sure if its contempt for the souls swirling around me, or contempt for myself. I want to jump into them. I want to be swallowed. I want to be lost within their stretched limbs. I want to be a statue of white light. I want to be devoured by the nightclub.

The cloakroom is to one side at the bottom of the stairs, and I wait, jacket over my arm, in the line. A gaggle of giggling girls are in front of me, waiting for their turn. I cant hear their laughter, but the strobes freeze their faces with ugly toothy grins plastered across their features, hair wet from the rain is already being fawned over, and I can imagine that they’re already planning the make up rescue job that will be coming up in the toilets. I feel disgusted that I have to be in the same line as animals like these. One of them wavers unsteadily on heels that are far too high, and for a moment I sub-consciously pray she’ll fall over. Hopefully crashing down to the right where she will catch her face on the bottom step of the stairs for maximum damage. My fists clench as her balance totters to the point of no return, my heart almost stopping in gleeful expectation of what is to come, then her friends grab her arm and pull her back to the vertical. They giggle some more, and I unclench my hands in disappointment. Together they hand over jackets and like a mobile self-contained hen night, they stagger arm in arm towards the bar. I decide I hate girls walking arm in arm.

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Master Don Juan
Jun 23, 2003
Reaction score
The cloakroom is no more than a hatch; a small featureless room with coats for walls and the only window to stare out of is the hole into the club. A single forty-watt bulb glows quietly within, and bravely does battle with the neon strobes that try to invade its domain. It’s a pathetic struggle. The staff in its entirety consists of a bored looking male with long hair in a ponytail. His eyes are blank and he looks like he’s been smoking cannabis, or sleeping, or both. As he takes my jacket I see his eyes pass over my breasts, but it’s a routine reaction, instinct rather than interest fuelling the glance. Neither recognition nor enthusiasm lights his face, he may as well be dead. Perhaps he already is.

I take my coat ticket from him, hand him a pound, and turn away without speaking. Neither of us has anything to say. I wonder what he sees, or if he sees anything at all, sitting in his room with the scent of hundreds of peoples clothes around him. His world consists of tickets and a little box of petty cash. I think I saw a reflection of myself in his shining glassy dead eyes, I could see the flashing lights of the club there. I don’t think he even saw me at all.

I never carry a handbag, instead preferring a simple black leather purse I carry always in my right hand, and it’s into this I stuff the coat ticket. I push it down among lipstick, mascara and a stick of concealer, all the make up I ever use or have with me. On the purses flap there is a small make up mirror and as I close it, I catch my reflection, a strobe created photo of my face lit in pure white. Dark eyes stare back at me, mocking and serious at the same time. I see evil in those eyes. I remove a five pound note and close the purse.

The bar is crowded and crushing. A throng of people all trying to catch a bartenders eye at the same time. The staff work like machines, arms and legs moving in practised unison. One hand pours a pint of lager, another hand works a till, the feet are already moving back towards the customer while the head is ****ed to the side taking the order from the next patron. The music blurs speech and the customers have to shout their requests into the bar staffs ears at a range of less than an inch. I speculate to myself how much spittle is launched into their faces during the course of a working night, or if they even notice. All their faces are drenched wet with sweat already. Some are fanatical in their speed, arms and hands moving faster than the eye can follow, drinks appearing like magic in their hands, while the punters money disappears as magically from theirs. Their faces are set in concentration, unemotional and uncaring, a bomb could go off in the club and they wouldn’t break their stride nor drop a glass. Or fail to receive payment. Others are more carefree in their service, enjoying themselves and the music, holding shouted conversations with regulars as they fix drinks with an easy air. And then there are those that are either new, or hopeless, or possibly both. Their brows set in worried confusion as their memory panickly try’s to remember what it was they were doing before they turned around. It takes them four pints of lager for them to remember the order was two rum and cokes, and they jump as if bitten every time one of the speed fanatics sweeps past them. They deserve nothing but disgust.

I wait patiently at the edge of the milling crowd for a few minutes, biding my time. Sure enough, a young man with spiky hair on his head and hope in his eyes sees me standing and opens a gap in the body’s for me. If I was one of the giggling hen night girls I suppose I would smile sweetly at him, perhaps even say thank you, but i’m not, and I don’t. Instead I look blankly straight through him, and step into the gap. Unperturbed, the young man seems to think its his mission in life to get me to the front of the bar, and he stands beside me making gaps for me to squeeze through. I feel his hand on my back, guiding me, and when I look up at him he smiles pleasantly. I silently wish that he would die a painful death right now, and get his hand off me. I can imagine sweat on his hand touching my skin, I feel like i’m being polluted by him, soiled and defaced. I suppress the urge to shudder.

Finally we make our way to the front of the queue, and it only takes seconds for a bartender to c0ck his ear in my face. I recognise him as one of the new or hopeless kind and ignore him. He shouts something at me and moves his loathsome ear closer to my face, I have to turn away before I gag with disgust. The bartender shrugs and moves to another customer, a shadow of hurt and embarrassment on his face. I’m relieved. I catch the attention of one of the speed fanatics and point at the vodka bottle upside down on the back bar dispenser. He nods and I catch a smile in his eyes. I raise two fingers and mouth the words doubles at him, before tapping the coke symbol on the soda machine. He gives me a thumbs up and disappears into a blur of activity. The spiky haired guy looks at me with a slightly bemused expression; he thinks I was rude in the way I gave my order. He doesn’t realise if everyone gave their requests using basic sign language the bar staff would be a lot quicker in what they do, and also be a lot nicer about it. Personally I couldn’t care how they felt, but if it makes my drinks appear quicker, then i’m happier.

Within seconds two double vodka and cokes appear in front of me, and the fiver disappears from my hand at the same time. I don’t wait for change, instead I swallow the contents of one glass in a single draft before simply dropping it to the floor at my feet. I hear tinkling glass and with a last look of disgust at the spiky haired guy who’s now trying to get served, I walk away from the bar. I hope he falls on the broken glass. Him or the hen night girls.

I make my way to the edge of the dance floor, sipping my drink and watching the dancing walls of statues through the strobes. I perch myself on the edge of a seat at a crowded table of youths, facing away from them and into the dancers. The four lads are already drunk enough to have a growing collection of empty glasses on a table awash with spilt lager. One of them seems to have poured a pint down the front of his shirt, and is sitting staring morosely at the overflowing ashtray. All four are wearing designer shirts, worn outside their white designer jeans, and all four seem to be wearing the same make of designer shoes. They smell of expensive aftershave made cheap, stale beer, and fresh vomit. I make sure not to make eye contact when I sit down. I feel their eyes on my back.

The dancers rock to and fro in a grotesque parody of having a gran malle seizure to music. I watch them from the rim of my glass and let the beat sink into me, giving it my full attention for the first time since I entered the club. The cauldron swirls in front of me, an immovable wall of limbs that don’t seem to be connected to anything, least of all the music. I watch a fat girl in a ridiculously short pink skirt bobbing about a few metres away on my left, and narrow my eyes in loathing of her chubby dimpled calves and thighs. I want to vomit in her face to make sure she knows how disgusting she looks. I wish everyone would point at her and laugh, make her realise that she shouldn’t be in public looking like that. That she should be locked away with all the other obese perspiring messes in the world so they can all do fat things together and wouldn’t have to be looked at or tolerated by normal people. My stomach wants to retch. I imagine I can smell her.

The fat girl senses me watching her and looks at me inquiringly. I look pointedly at her legs in disgust, and as she looks me up and down in return, I make a show of stretching one of my long slim tanned legs. Her eyes register recognition, and I see sadness on her face. Sadness and hurt. I hope she will cry on the dance floor and I raise my eyebrows in expectation. I decide if she cry’s, she’ll probably fall over or collapse in misery, and when she does, ill walk past her inches from her face. I’ll make sure she sees exactly what legs should be, and make her as unhappy as physically possible in the knowledge that no matter how much she dieted or exercised, she could never have legs like mine. My hopes are dashed when she merely whispers in a girlfriend’s ear, and the two of them disappear to another part of the dance floor. I feel cheated. I still want to be sick on her.



Master Don Juan
Jun 23, 2003
Reaction score
I feel a tap on my shoulder and purposely don’t turn round, knowing exactly who it will be. The hint isn’t taken and the tap is repeated, harder this time, with clumsy fingers dulled with alcohol. I half turn my head and am greeted by the youth with the wet stain on his shirt, his face inches from mine. His fetid breath sweeps over my face and I hold my own breath in automatic reaction. His eyes are glazed and are having trouble focusing on me, and when they do manage to focus, it seems the side of my dress where the curve of my breasts are visible is his target. Behind him his three friends grin expectantly, one of them doing a monumental attempt to look interesting, but coming off as slightly maniacal. The one with the wet shirt slurs close to my ear that did I know I was gorgeous, and if he had a bird like me he wouldn’t let me out by myself. I’m almost shocked to words.

I stare at him blankly, not even contempt registering on my face as I try to understand what is happening. To think that he believes he can talk to me, to even address me with his eyes never mind his tongue is lodged in my brain. I wonder if he even realises what he is, compared to what I am. As the mind quickly clears, my face remains blank. I imagine what it would be like to sink my long nails into his stupid drooling expression. To draw blood from his cheeks and his nose, maybe even to puncture one of his eyeballs as I raked my claws down his face. I can almost feel the sensation of a finger sinking into one of his sockets, a slight popping sensation, then the jelly liquidness beneath. Id like to hear him scream. To understand fully what he has done. How he has dared to insult me.

The four youths stare at me expectantly. Eight eyes roving over my body and face and hair, four imaginations making romantic, sexy and disgusting scenarios at my expense. I finally let disgust and contempt creep onto my face, and swallowing the last of my drink, I hand the empty glass to the wet shirt and walk away into the dance floor. I can imagine him being congratulated on a worthy effort, and not to worry about a stuck up b!tch. I regret I didn’t smash the glass into his loathsome little face.

The dance floor has been waiting for me. Calling me. Ever since I entered its many arms and legs have been reaching out for me, its music beckoning me, its strobe demanding my attention. I give myself up at its mercy. I am finally devoured by the club, swallowed within its sweating heaving walls. My only struggle is matching my limbs to the beat, and feeling the music swell within me. Time becomes an irrelevance, a measurement of nothingness that has no plausible meaning. I learned long ago that you could look at a watch, dance for a few hours, look at the watch, and realise only a few minutes had passed. In contrast, you may only dance for a few minutes, but somewhere lose three hours, time is no longer important. All that matters is the beat, even the music itself slowly loses meaning, but as long as the beat remains, the dance will continue.

I dance.

I lose myself in the myriad of limbs and flashing lights. I watch male after male try to dance with me, but ignore them all. I am not there for them, i’m not there for me. I’m there for the nightclub. And it shall have me. It will devour me and swallow me, and I will dance in its stomach forever, feeling its hot breath on my skin and its beat in my ears. I will become one of the lost souls in this man made hell, and I will go gladly. I am home.

I dance.

Sweat trickles off my arms and thighs, and I feel my mind slowly leaving the dance floor. I see the youths at the table, snorting drunkenly and staring expectedly at the passing women, the fat girl is huddled in a corner crying quietly to her girlfriend. The kid with the spiky hair is still at the bar trying desperately to catch someone’s attention, and the hen night girls are still giggling, arguing and laughing among themselves, trying to decide who will be the one to call a taxi when they want to go home. The bored guy is still in the cloakroom, his dead eyes staring out the hatch, unseeing, uncaring, and uninterested. He’s going to slash his wrists soon.

I dance.

My mind wanders on, up the stairs of black walls and peeling posters. On the wall the dog playing cards is still staring at those that enter, but i’m sure I see a slight smile on his face now. The smile that I could never show. Out of the double doors, and out into the wet glossy city street, where the two sentinels watch over all those that pass. Their masks still peeling, their eyes still tired. And finally my mind is free, to run with those precious few sound waves that have managed to emerge from the dark and escape into the bright neon night, to run among the gleaming taxis and brightly lit buses. To escape into the city, and forget the sights and sounds and smells of what lies behind those doors. To sneak quivering past the sentinels, those black jackets that guard the exit, not the entrance.

My mind escapes, but my body dances on, unrelenting in the heat and noise. The nightclub has me. And I have it. Forever.

I dance.

by Thayli

Thayli will be reading any comments on this short story.
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Mr. Mystery

Master Don Juan
Sep 11, 2002
Reaction score
Right there!

Good story, your a good writer, very emotionally driven.

I gotta say that you remind me of myself a few years ago. I hated everyone, then I decided that I wasn't happy and started to except people for their good and bad traits. Nobody is perfect and neither are you or I.

I know how comfortable it is to be able to hide behind the hate and judgement you place on others. I hope that if you desire to meet people and enjoy life socially that you have the will power to take steps to do so.

Anyways, I'm not trying to attack you, I thought your story was good and certainly captures what some women think when they go to the night club, but I also want others here to know that some women there do want to have a good time and not just be "owned by the club".

Thanks for sharing that bugsquish.

Mr. Mystery


Master Don Juan
May 28, 2002
Reaction score
I would whisper in her ear that she should not be dancing on the dancefloor. She is obviously too hottt for that.

I would firmly take her hand and lead her through the crowd by pushing my way through to the highest open cage / spot in the club. I would then whisper in her ear again that she should take off her top and her skirt and she should dance in the cage with just her bra and her panties on.

Her objections would be met with me commenting that this is what she is destined to do and it's time to quit being scared of her own attractiveness.

As she dances and as I neatly fold her clothes under my arm, I would gather the AFC's around and tell them to drool over her because she wants it bad.

I'd go get a drink and come back about an hour later and take her home and fvck her brains out.

Probably wouldn't work but this is the general idea on how to handle club attention wh0res who don't like the lesbo and every guy in the club dirty dancing scene. And yes she is a beotch but I'm guessing she's worth it.


Master Don Juan
Mar 10, 2002
Reaction score
Vancouver, BC
I'm not gonna read all that sh*t... but I would neg-hit the chick and then throw in some subtle kino, then number close.

Mr. Delicious

Senior Don Juan
Jun 24, 2003
Reaction score
Its your optispark.... wait a sec wrong message board. Anyway, where are the cliff notes.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2003
Reaction score
"frustrated sighs fill the air as Pimpsicle tries to sort out what he has just read."

WTF man!! I'don't think anyone will spend the time to read the post, I think we'd all forget what the question was before we finished reading.



Master Don Juan
Jan 30, 2003
Reaction score
At home

Matt ala Casanova

Master Don Juan
Feb 18, 2002
Reaction score
simple answer....

of course!

good story btw!



Master Don Juan
Feb 3, 2001
Reaction score
Nottingham, England.
Assuming that this story is any sort of reality - i.e a girl that truely believed any of this, the question is - do she deserve to have any sort of human contact?

Probably not - this sort of girl deserves to be alone, she may think that she is the sh1t, but the truth is she is emotionally devoid and cold.

As a piece of writing though - excellent, good metaphors and a great, if overly critical analysis of today's 'clubbing' environment.


Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2003
Reaction score
Beyond your peripheral vision
great story, but not interesting enough to NOT skim. overkill of metaphor, made it take a nosedive into corniness. not enough character development to make audience get a rats ass about main character. that combination leads to first sentence, great story, but not interesting enough to NOT skim.


Master Don Juan
Nov 6, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by iqqi
great story, but not interesting enough to NOT skim. overkill of metaphor, made it take a nosedive into corniness. not enough character development to make audience get a rats ass about main character. that combination leads to first sentence, great story, but not interesting enough to NOT skim.
Sounds like we have a highschool english teacher on our hands :D

Derek Flint

Master Don Juan
Nov 24, 2002
Reaction score
Marin County, CA - just North of San Francisco
Originally posted by Mr. Delicious
Its your optispark.... wait a sec wrong message board. Anyway, where are the cliff notes.
Yeah, don't try to pressure wash an LT-1 engine.


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2002
Reaction score
chicago,il , usa

I quickly skimmed this .. is he at a gay bar?? What kind of guy gets him a place in line..or another guy that says he is gorgeous???

and where was there mention of a single chick besides the fat one that was looking at him like he was a roast ham??


Master Don Juan
Jan 11, 2002
Reaction score
Master DJ's could U pull this chick??

Well if she writes that much, imagine how much she talks, fukc I wouldnt even bother trying.


Master Don Juan
Jan 11, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by Drex
Sounds like we have a highschool english teacher on our hands :D


Master Don Juan
Jan 11, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by Drex
Sounds like we have a highschool english teacher on our hands :D
