I'm amateur, but i'm reported to be good. I checked out the site a little and it seems great. Personally, i just prefer to experiment. Here's a couple of tips:
Start with something simple: a hand massage.
The beauty of it is that you usually give it to anyone anywhere, although i've never done it as a pickup line.
Just grab her hand and pull it as though you want to detach it from the wrist, except that your grip is too slippery, so it keeps slipping off until it's grasping only the fingers, and they slip away as well.
Be gentle and careful, but firm. If you don't know what you're doing or on unfamiliar ground, or if she's shy/in pain: start with gentle and careful (slow and barely touching) and build up pressure (under her skin, moving her muscles and joints into place).
All that pulling is good for loosening up and general relaxation. You can also shake body arms/legs/body mass around to relax. Start with pulling and shaking, and maybe finish up with it by 'cleaning' the area you've massaged.
Remember that the human body is very complex and there only so much we know about it, and just about all of somehow point to what we don't know.
With a bit of care and exercise, one can do alot of things you expect, or even think possible. I'm sure you've heard lot's of stories about stupendous feats of human ability, yogi's, people surviving this or that.
Anything is possible.
So let's say you want to massage her thumb. First of all you can watch how it works by telling her to bend her digit, and then looking for the muscles she's flexing, so that you can massage them. Then you can tel her to bend her thumb the other way - to pull it up or back as it were. Notice how she uses different muscles than before (hopefully).
Now obviously different directions means different muscles. If you want her to relax completely, in all directions, you'll have to apply pressure to... all directions. Even i you want her to relax in (mostly) just two directions, like with the pinky, the knees and toes, you still want to apply pressure in all directions. How is this best done? I'll get to that in a sec.
There is a difference between pinky and thumb, and between the knee and the shoulder joint. The knee (for the most part) doubles like a door hinge; it's a one-dimensional joint. The shoulder and thumb can rotate; they're psychedelic joints.
So if you're massaging only one muscle fibre, you're massaging one direction her body can move in. That's ok with the knee and elbow, so long as you move up and down the limb (and fibre). But you want to get the whole shoulder, base of thumb, thigh or whatever, moving from muscle to muscle. You can rotate her thumb or hand by the wrist and make a perfect the circle in the air with her fingertips, to see how relaxed and her muscles have become.
So how to apply pressure in all direction? Let's say you're looking at her back. Don't massage her spine. Alongside the spine you'll find muscles. You can massage them if you want. Pick a nice, clean, fleshy spot somewhere and imagine a circle. Push along the inner side of the line as though your scraping off honey without using your fingernails. The muscles should be like honey, but if they're not, they're obviously knotted. Then annoy her by telling her to watch how she composes herself, to sit straight, relax at work and take a break from rsi or other more appropriate stuff like that.
Moving in a circle, or in a sphere as though grinding with a mortar and pestle, if done carefully, will reveal which directions the muscles run and wether there's tension at that spot. You can then push the muscles together, which in the case of the back will make her feel like she's arching her back. (Pulling them feels like she's bending over).
After all, contraction means your muscles pull themselves together. The strange thing is that even though you want stressed muscles to relax, you want to push the together. This will make them relax into their orderly places and relax. So in the case of the back, you want to move from the bottom of her back to the base of her neck, pushing up the muscles alongside her spine. You can do this in one motion, on the way back sliding down your hands gently, or you can move up in a series of circular pushes, like laying a string of prayer beads. Just remember to apply most of the pressure to move the muscles in the direction, because that relaxes the way we tend to use our back the most.
Sorry i couldn't make it more DJ-oriented, but i hope it helps.
Practice on yourself. When you're waiting watching the news, going to sleep whatever, rub your toes, knees, neck, whatever. Experiment to find you hidden knots and your unused capacities!
Well, good luck anyway.